pretty great, and while Valve Steam is the best/worst at this, it's systemic with most companies and industries. Your Steam balance is basically a
scrip, which has been around for 150 years
of course, but the method of Valves 'money making' is whats fascinating about the article. a company selling things isn't interesting. creating sub-systems of consumerism is interesting.
Like Valve, the same could be said of Google and Apple with their Play Store and iTunes stores. Users
regularly take money, dump it into their ecosystem, and use it in ways that continuously make Google/Apple money. I would wager based on my own personal experience, that Google Play and iTunes gift cards are outselling Steam gift cards 10,000:1 (possibly 1,000,000:1?) this holiday season. Basically the same idea: your money is going into their pockets directly, and they're writing it off slowly as you purchase apps / games / music / movies and other things that are infinitely more popular than Steam games. When you buy that content, Google/Apple takes 30% and the developer gets the rest. Google/Apple's only hard cost is the cost of the bandwidth required to deliver the item to you digitally.
The difference here is that Steam has innovated ways to generate additional profit from this revenue stream. I would wager (given my limited knowledge of the specifics) that Google and Apple didn't come up with something similar simply because they don't
need to. Those services are already immensely popular and profitable, and adding a layer of complexity like the Steam Marketplace does would probably be an overall detriment to their ecosystem that panders to the everyperson.
Additionally, if you just read the first half of the article, it could literally be talking about any reasonably large store that sells gift cards.
I've made over $7 selling cards and other nonsense on steam in the last 24 hours. I wanted to thank the idle master himself, mr jshackles, and the fine folks hungry for random steam cards and tf2 items for partly funding my steam sales pickups.
No problem, glad Idle Master was able to make your Christmas a little brighter.