"Its a new day everyone! I dont want to get into too many details, but do feel like everyone appreciates a little transparency and explanation. These past few months, Ive been preoccupied with buying Dan out of IndieGameStand. He was the original programmer and founder of the company, but he spent the past year at acting school. We had a tense year, it was sometimes contentious, because we had different views on how to evolve IndieGameStand. Dan wanted to leave it alone and profit and I wanted to continue to build and expand the platform and the service. In the end everything finally worked out for the best and we left on good terms and as friends. Its been a huge relief to resolve this but theres also a bunch of new pressures.
First and foremost, I want to apologize for some of my lack of attention to IGS these past few weeks. I have been distracted by all the legal BS and on a more positive note, my new daughter that arrived on Black Friday. As we move out of the holidays though, Matt and I are both more focused and excited about the future of IndieGameStand and what 2015 will bring. We already have some excellent games coming up and are actively working to recruit the best indie games that we can. Its not only about the games though, we also have a bunch of new features in the works and nearing completion. I hope everyone will stick with us these first couple months of 2015, because we plan on rolling out new things pretty quickly. I dont want to overpromise, but I dont see any harm in teasing a few features already in the works:
New Game Page Design More Filter and Browse Options Free Game Downloads Tagging System for Games IGS Membership Perks and discounts More Developer tools and more!
We will definitely be looking for some community members to test out some of these features early, so if youre interested please sound off below and feel free to add more ideas to our feedback forum or let us know the development projects and features that are most important to you.
I guess I would like to close by saying that 2015 is not only about new website features, but also about a more dedicated, curated and collaborative role in the indie scene. We have completely cleared out our backlog of submissions (sorry if you got a denial and have a decent game, but we wanted to start fresh) and have spoken internally about raising the bar for game releases in general. We dont like being mean, but we feel like we have to be for our customers and community. We think its more important for a developer to get a swift response even if its a denial than have us sit on the fence about the game for a few weeks. We are also looking to bring back all of our Twitch streaming interviews with Developers. If youre an indie developer looking for some promotion and a direct relationship with a great community of indie gamers, please contact us. We would love to stream your game, ask you some questions and hopefully promote your game on our site.
I hope everyone had a happy holidays. Gear up for 2015 and tell your friends!"