oh, wait
edit: oh its fine if someone from the US buys the 4pack nevermind
It's fine regardless. Copies spawned from a 4pack are not locked.
oh, wait
edit: oh its fine if someone from the US buys the 4pack nevermind
Did you copy-paste everything? Or have you deleted the Steam files first(with steam_api.dll) and placed the R18 files in the folder? :/
Or try this:
I hope these links will help and solve the problem ;P.
I could be wrong, but I don't think it matters with the remaining 3 games.
It's fine regardless. Copies spawned from a 4pack are not locked.
Same. I don't know why, b-but catgirls made me do it!Bought NekoPara on Steam and on DLSite, so I'll have to try this later.
...and then my temporary filling came out. It was supposed to last me two weeks until I could take out another loan for the next surgery.
I hope these links will help and solve the problem ;P.
...and then my temporary filling came out. It was supposed to last me two weeks until I could take out another loan for the next surgery.
my wallet is sadly already empty but if there are good <1,50 bucks games on the last day as encores i might push my limits and get them for gifting.If it's an encore with my most regretful 'skips', I'm concerned, especially since my budget is already gone.Anyone else expecting to spend the most on the last day of the sale?
that offer ain't showing for me?
i was also interested in pixel piracy and watched videos on youtube. recommend you do the same to get a feel of the game.I'll ask again since it was missed. How's pixel piracy?
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the release of Enhanced Steam. Kinda crazy for me to think about.
yep. took a look at its storepage and damn it looks really cool.Just saw the videos on the steam page for Ultimate General: Gettysburg.
Game looks tiiiiight. Voted.
watched the second video - which is over 20mins ! - and there is something soothing about it.
Now I know how those venture capitalists feel like. SPECULATE TO ACCUMUUMULATE, Son.
What is this madness?
With the new Atoms it is now possible to run older PC games on windows 8 tablets. With the continuous competiion of MS/Intel with Android in the cheap tablet market we are getting tablets that can run old X86 games (circa 2005) on very cheap hardware. This is great for people who have a lot of old PC games or have a backlog of old Steam/GOG games.
Some examples of what a $99 tablet can do (HP Stream 7):
Half-Life 2
As you can see it runs CPU demanding games pretty well (for it's price-point), and should handle old PC games like a charm. Depending on how much or little you want t to spend it could be a interesting venture into true portable X86 gaming. It's advisable to get something better than the tablet in the videos though,
Any other tips?
- Most tablets have bluetooth/wifi so you can connect any wireless controller you have.
- Most tablets have HDMI out and a USB port to connect to a TV and other devices
- More Ram is a good idea.
- Try keeping games on external storage or another medium as internal HDD is still quite small.
- Play at lowest possible settings.
- If all else fails use Steam Streaming
A big thanks to bomblord1 and brain_stew for the insight.
I have a 50% off coupon (from Lootcrate) for Lichdom: Battlemage.
I believe it can be used to bring it down from the sale price of $10 to $5?
I am still not completely sold though. Maybe I should try to trade/sell it for ~$2 and let that make up my mind to not get it.
I have a 50% off coupon (from Lootcrate) for Lichdom: Battlemage.
I believe it can be used to bring it down from the sale price of $10 to $5?
I am still not completely sold though. Maybe I should try to trade/sell it for ~$2 and let that make up my mind to not get it.
It's repetitive but fun (though I didn't play a lot) Graphics are really good, AAA quality.
Have you tried to use it on checkout? The loot crate coupon has the "can't be applied with other discounts" description on it, so I assume it won't stacked with the sale discount. Might track down one if it does though.
I have a 50% off coupon (from Lootcrate) for Lichdom: Battlemage.
I believe it can be used to bring it down from the sale price of $10 to $5?
I am still not completely sold though. Maybe I should try to trade/sell it for ~$2 and let that make up my mind to not get it.
Nope, devs changed coupons (including existing) so they don't apply to sale price, because it stacking with deep discount would've been too much.
Huh, so we got a shirtless Boogie on the BBC today, wasn't expecting that.
Just saw the videos on the steam page for Ultimate General: Gettysburg.
Game looks tiiiiight. Voted.
Huh, so we got a shirtless Boogie on the BBC today, wasn't expecting that.
Eh? Link?![]()
That sounds really dirty if you use the other BBC acronym.![]()
Was around the half hourish mark. Talking about the Ice Bucket stuff.
As someone who has been a PC exclusive gamer for nearly two decades and has been building my own PCs for almost that entire time, the nightmare i have been going through installing my new motherboard and processor and getting my computer running again is almost enough to make me want a console. This shit is seriously going to make me lose my mind.
Who or what is a Boogie?
The BBC player is restricted to UK so I can't watch it.
now the wait begins..
nice seeing you here for a change and thanks again!
Metal Slug 3 anda FF7 are good ports right? I know FF7 has the SQEX drm but I guess I can deal if it's just a login.
Every time someone says XII instead of XIII, I cry a little inside.
That being said, I'm playing through XIII on PC and I'm not running into any issues whatsoever. Almost 20 hours in, just made it to Gran Pulse. 1080p looks good (except for the cut scenes) and I'm not noticing any slowdowns like others have reported. Running a Radeon HD 7850 which is a few years old now.
Yeah. Sadly XIII turned out to be more final than the fantasyEvery time someone says XIII without anything extra to identify it as something other than the cel shaded shooter, I cry a little inside.
It only got my vote because I already had the other two games, but with all these comments, I might pick it up for real should it win.
100ppp bro
Aliens: Colonial Marines + Aliens vs. Predator pulled. That was pretty unexpected.
No ACM season pass for me I guess :v
DLC isn't really worth factoring into the equation. The only piece of note is Golem's Plight and it's just a single side-quest -- everything else is just fluff like extra gems or skins.
100ppp bro
Aliens: Colonial Marines + Aliens vs. Predator pulled. That was pretty unexpected.
No ACM season pass for me I guess :v
wow. first time seeing a windows tablet for 100 bucks.For new page:
play Crysis on a $99 tablet