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STEAM | February 2015 - Steam GOTY results still delayed

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Are we talking about game completion? My favourite topic!
I'm about to hit 35%! and
30 perfect games if all goes well
I had 19% a year ago, that's some nice progress if I could say it myself ( ̄ー ̄)

That's a nice progress
My completion rate is 44% with 40 perfected games


And once again my IPS managed to piss me off with sped upgrade notification. In March i will get speed upgrade and that is nice news but then i saw that users who are using TV Receiver for DTV will get way better upgrade (and i don't use their Receiver for DTV because my TV has one). I already subscribed to package with Land Phone included for better Internet speed and i don't even use that Phone (it is not even connected to modem). Damn i hate my ISP but they are better then other ones in my city :(


Pleas tell me The Wolf Among Us is just as good as Episode 1. Because that was fantastic!

Almost. Note that there was a long delay before E2 came out and in hindsight it's obvious they had to rewrite the story, there's a slight disconnect and some things that seemed important got dropped. Still one of Telltale's best seasons.

Also what's with Borderlands E2, any news?


i'm at 35% with 11 perfect games

i only have 400~ games doe

i play most non-bundle games but hardly ever 100% anything

which reminds me i should actually get to 100%'ing new vegas

Dr Dogg

And once again my IPS managed to piss me off with sped upgrade notification. In March i will get speed upgrade and that is nice news but then i saw that users who are using TV Receiver for DTV will get way better upgrade (and i don't use their Receiver for DTV because my TV has one). I already subscribed to package with Land Phone included for better Internet speed and i don't even use that Phone (it is not even connected to modem). Damn i hate my ISP but they are better then other ones in my city :(

Could be worse...

And no that's not an invitation for others to post your own results.

Been like that since the 9th and nationwide maintenance is still on going until the later half of today. Good job I don't play my Steam library.


Could be worse...

And no that's not an invitation for others to post your own results.

Been like that since the 9th and nationwide maintenance is still on going until the later half of today. Good job I don't play my Steam library.

could it really? (¬‿¬)
also red text doesn't mention dragons yet again, what's wrong with you, people?

how does valve know if you completed a game

They only know for games having cheevos, that's faulty system, but there is no better. The same is true for all online gaming services, btw.

Congrats :)

I'm at 64% I think with 22 completed games. It could be higher, but I started some of the games I already completed on consoles. When if I'll get around to finish them again, I should probably ne around 75%.

64%? *faints*
I'm not catching to you, that's for sure (><)


Are we talking about game completion? My favourite topic!
I'm about to hit 35%! and
30 perfect games if all goes well
I had 19% a year ago, that's some nice progress if I could say it myself &#65288;&#65507;&#12540;&#65507;&#65289;

Congrats :)

I'm at 64% I think with 22 completed games. It could be higher, but I started some of the games I already completed on consoles. When if I'll get around to finish them again, I should probably be around 75%.


Could be worse...

And no that's not an invitation for others to post your own results.

Been like that since the 9th and nationwide maintenance is still on going until the later half of today. Good job I don't play my Steam library.

At least your upload speed is better than mine XD


That makes me wonder, anybody actually finishes all played games? Is it even possible?
unless you play very little and only selected few games that you surely will like
That makes me wonder, anybody actually finishes all played games? Is it even possible?
unless you play very little and only selected few games that you surely will like

Who would want to force himself to finish a game he's not enjoying? I don't think finishing all played games is a good thing :p

Dr Dogg

could it really? (¬&#8255;¬)
also red text doesn't mention dragons yet again, what's wrong with you, people?

Red, bold, underlined caps case text might be the calling of Dragon The Game but not when italicised.

At least your upload speed is better than mine XD

I'm working from home today (whilst impatiently waiting for the postie to deliver my copy of Majoria's Mask 3D) and yet again my phone trumps my fixed line broadband speed. I've got to upload today's workload via FTP later on this evening and it's going to take flipping hours.


They only know for games having cheevos, that's faulty system, but there is no better. The same is true for all online gaming services, btw.
yeah, i guess it's decent enough

it doesn't really matter since half of the stuff in anyone's library is "trash" stuff i have as part of bundles that i only add to get the card moneys

Life is Strange started with a girl in art school wanted to become a a photographer with her "retro" camera, it's giving off major hipster vibe.
oh it's like totally a hipster game

i think it's not that bad but people sound like maybe not how really people sound in real life?

i don't live in america and i'm not a teenager but i don't think that's how people talk?

imo life is strange sounds too much like it's men trying to write girls

Who would want to force himself to finish a game he's not enjoying? I don't think finishing all played games is a good thing :p
i mean if you're already buying games you don't like, why not waste your time as well as your money :>


Could be worse...

And no that's not an invitation for others to post your own results.

Been like that since the 9th and nationwide maintenance is still on going until the later half of today. Good job I don't play my Steam library.

I saw red text, was expecting Dragons. Damn you Dogg :(

And that sucks man. I had a hard enough time with my old 10/5*

*We paid for 10/5, we got 2-4/1-3, hence why I had a hard time with it.

And I'll spare you the pain of knowing my current speed, ofcourse. :p

Hope yours is fixed soon enough :)
That makes me wonder, anybody actually finishes all played games? Is it even possible?
unless you play very little and only selected few games that you surely will like

Well, there's finish, and then there's get 100% of achievements. If you're not adept at gaming and you play a hard game, or you play a game that has notoriously hard achievements, or has a lot of achievements (and Tales of Maj'Eyal hits all three of those notes, for example) then a completionist would/should not choose that game. Likewise if the game has multiplayer achievements and the multiplayer scene is basically dead (Oh hi, Tomb Raider.) I've played several games where I've completed the story mode and only made 20% of achievements, Sometimes I'll go back and pick the low-hanging fruit before I move on to the next game.
i mean if you're already buying games you don't like, why not waste your time as well as your money :>

I don't think anybody buys games he doesn't like
except JaseC

Sometimes you buy a game thinking it looks or seems cool and it turns out to to be bad, or the game is good, but it simply is not for you... in those cases I wouldn't torture myself playing a game I don't enjoy, I have enough games as it is to waste time on games I don't enjoy.


Well, there's finish, and then there's get 100% of achievements. If you're not adept at gaming and you play a hard game, or you play a game that has notoriously hard achievements, or has a lot of achievements (and Tales of Maj'Eyal hits all three of those notes, for example) then a completionist would/should not choose that game. Likewise if the game has multiplayer achievements and the multiplayer scene is basically dead (Oh hi, Tomb Raider.) I've played several games where I've completed the story mode and only made 20% of achievements, Sometimes I'll go back and pick the low-hanging fruit before I move on to the next game.

you have a point here, I haven't touched Tales of Maj'Eyal yet, exactly because it has scary amount of achievements, I don't see myself spending that long with any game (><)
And multi achievements for singleplay games are evil, true.

It might be possible, but one would need to decide to either play something horrible or skip a game entirely.

I mean, has anyone played the Tomb Raider 2013 multiplayer and completed the game? I don't think that any sane person did

I think some steamgafer did, stallion perhaps? not sure


That makes me wonder, anybody actually finishes all played games? Is it even possible?
unless you play very little and only selected few games that you surely will like

It might be possible, but one would need to decide to either play something horrible or skip a game entirely.

I mean, has anyone played the Tomb Raider 2013 multiplayer and completed the game? I don't think that any sane person did


Some day I will create a new steam account and only have To the Moon in it. In that way I will always have a completion rate 100% :)

Btw, Company of Heroes 2 - Oberkommando West which was in a previous Humble Bundle. Has that turned into a full version of Company of Heroes 2?


I don't think anybody buys games he doesn't like
except JaseC

Sometimes you buy a game thinking it looks or seems cool and it turns out to to be bad, or the game is good, but it simply is not for you... in those cases I wouldn't torture myself playing a game I don't enjoy, I have enough games as it is to waste time on games I don't enjoy.
i mean, i think i'm comparatively low on games at 400ish and i can't possibly say i like most of those

we all have our regrets :p


If you want to pickup the game "GunWorld", don't do it if you hate stupidly hard games you may never finish. I won it from WGN, and it's really frustrating... the checkpoints suck... and if you die without one, you have to start the whole frustrating stage all over again.


That makes me wonder, anybody actually finishes all played games? Is it even possible?
unless you play very little and only selected few games that you surely will like
Trying to, the games I like less take longer to finish, sometimes months.

Dr Dogg

People of the world: REJOICE!

Finally, trees will be free to grow.

From the article said:
Peter Molyneux has admitted regret and culpability; he was clearly in distress throughout the interview &#8211; an interview he told us would will be his last. An hour before publication, however, we discovered that he had spoken to the gaming news site Rock, Paper, Shotgun the day before, and had given their interviewer the same impression &#8211; that he would no longer be speaking to the press. He has also spoken to at least one other site, seemingly on the same afternoon as our discussion. Another trail of broken assurances.

I'm not mad at the guy, he's had a hand in some of my fav games, but he's his own worst enemy. His enthusiasm, whilst infectious, combined with a cavalier attitude to over promise on concepts only fleshed out in the interim were always going to land him in hot water. As much as I like hearing him speak he should really heed his own advice and not speak to the press and stick to being creative (at least until his idea has had chance to form). Then once the idea is fleshed out into something of a working prototype that is at least tangible then start to talk about it.


That makes me wonder, anybody actually finishes all played games? Is it even possible?
unless you play very little and only selected few games that you surely will like

Only have 80 on Steam, and even then I doubt I'll complete all of them. Some are re-purchases from my console days.


Indiegala does Happy valentine Hour for Darksiders bundle (2 bundles for price of one), if someone want to jump on it I'll take second bundle of you let's say for... $4.5?

Only have 80 on Steam, and even then I doubt I'll complete all of them. Some are re-purchases from my console days.

I still remember times when I thought 80 games are too many
on steam


i mean, i think cases like those show a lot of the issues with how developers publicize their kickstarters

kickstarter is not an investment, it's patronage. a lot of people fail to see that, and not just players, but also developers. developers should stop treating it as a marketing thing you got to sell to players like it was a finished game. i imagine there would be a lot less disappointment if people weren't lead to believe they're pre-purchasing a game

people should be smarter about it and realize that pledges are a way of helping out developers you like, and that's about it. it's just not a sure thing. and developers should stop taking advantage of people's nostalgia and start being more upfront about the dangers of development in general. stop overpromising and stop treating kickstarter projects like done games.



I'm not mad at the guy, he's had a hand in some of my fav games, but he's his own worst enemy. His enthusiasm, whilst infectious, combined with a cavalier attitude to over promise on concepts only fleshed out in the interim were always going to land him in hot water. As much as I like hearing him speak he should really heed his own advice and not speak to the press and stick to being creative (at least until his idea has had chance to form). Then once the idea is fleshed out into something of a working prototype that is at least tangible then start to talk about it.

Yup. Molyneux's fall makes me pretty sad for the guy. He's just too enthusiastic for his own good, and too open with the press.

kickstarter is not an investment, it's patronage. a lot of people fail to see that, and not just players, but also developers. developers should stop treating it as a marketing thing you got to sell to players like it was a finished game. i imagine there would be a lot less disappointment if people weren't lead to believe they're pre-purchasing a game

There could be huge flashing red letters on the top of every kickstarter saying 'IT'S NOT A PRE-PURCHASE, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES' and people still wouldn't pay attention.


There could be huge flashing red letters on the top of every kickstarter saying 'IT'S NOT A PRE-PURCHASE, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES' and people still wouldn't pay attention.
it's not entirely on people's fault

if you're a huge fan of one of these old forgotten genres and you're promised a new one from one of the creators of the original and better yet to be able to participate in its development and see it get created from the beginning, and also see it make five or ten times as much money as it was asking for and see its scope grow in size tremendously, you're likely to be hyped as all fuck

developers are super guilty of tricking people into thinking of it as a pre-purchase

Dr Dogg

A possible future AssCreed leak not from Kotaku but accidentally Ubisoft themselves?


Yup. Molyneux's fall makes me pretty sad for the guy. He's just too enthusiastic for his own good, and too open with the press.

Here's where I could say something like 'Here's what's best for Peter' but to be honest I don't really fucking know at all. If they have the funding to cover production getting Godus up to a level where 22Cans can save a little face could be an option but honestly that's stating the obvious. I can't imagine morale is particularly high there either. But hey you never know, they might do a Double Fine and have a internal game jam of sorts and turn something out that's talked about for the right reasons.


Kind of makes sense seeing as it's set in the Golden Age of piracy. I want a straight up pirate game please Monsieur Guillemot.

ACIV Game Director is working on secret project so maybe you will get one soon :D Also if there is pirate game Ubisoft Singapore should be studio that makes it (they did all naval tech).


i really liked what double fine did for massive chalice by not having stretch goals at all. all the extra money just goes towards making the game better as the devs see it fit, and people can choose not to support the project beyond the original goal which should be enough for development

more devs should follow that line imo

Dr Dogg

Right MM 3D has turned up! So if I'm not posting here for a few days I'm not dead I've just fallen down a Zelda shaped hole.

ACIV Game Director is working on secret project so maybe you will get one soon :D Also if there is pirate game Ubisoft Singapore should be studio that makes it (they did all naval tech).

I'd be happy if Sofia and Singapore (the Rogue studios along with Montreal) got a chance on something like this. The level design in Rogue is some of the most fluid and naturally laid out since the Assassin's Tombs from II/Revelations, maybe even better and the naval combat is cracked up to 11. The Legendary Battles are soooo good.


Indiegala does Happy valentine Hour for Darksiders bundle (2 bundles for price of one), if someone want to jump on it I'll take second bundle of you let's say for... $4.5?

I still remember times when I thought 80 games are too many
on steam

That just made me think of this thread, and it's on the front page again. JaseC posted in there, probably rolling his eyes too.
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