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STEAM | February 2015 - Steam GOTY results still delayed

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He's more making fun of the fact when locked 30fps pc ports are made to run at 60fps, a lot of them end up being twice as fast.

Its called a joke lol

That and it's an on-rails, scripted corridor shooter. So it's funny because theoretically, if it'd been on actual rails, he'd be right. :p

This is the most Tim Sweeney thing I've ever seen from Tim Sweeney. Thanks for the catch.

The Order is kind of a return to a type of Playstation One-style console gaming that has been in decline ever since Grand Theft Auto 3 came out on the PS2. It's certainly not my cup of tea but hey, not going to judge.

press slowly starting to pick it up I see

I keep thinking this is just Valve making a mistake, but I know that's cognitive dissonance talking. This event is FUBAR.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

The optimistic take on this is that, given the event is temporary, Valve used it as an experiment to see where people draw the line with regard to in-game montisation and given the outrage it has engenered, similar setups won't be seen in the future.


I will never understand how GAF is so invested in The Order. Even in the face of previews and impressions depicting mediocrity, GAF is still massively hyped.

I don't get it.
I was excited for the Victorianapunk aesthetic, left disappointed by the QTE bullshit.


I will never understand how GAF is so invested in The Order. Even in the face of previews and impressions depicting mediocrity, GAF is still massively hyped.

I don't get it.

There are so many games I wish GAF would be hype for along with, if not instead of, 3D shooty bang #2543265346236234
How many high(or even mid) budget third person shooters are there these days? The big thing is empty open worlds with nothing to do but pick up collectibles and hunt animals.


So i talked with my ISP support and basically they told me that i need to sign new contract for 2 years if i want new package or i can stay on old package that they removed from their list and pay same amount of money for worst speed. And now i need to send them request for package transfer but without new contract and wait to see if they will approve that -.-

And i am their user for 8 years and every bill was paid on time. In those 8 years i signed i think 4 contracts and they want me to sing new one. That is what you get when you are loyal customer who is paying his bills on time.

The cable/internet business model drives me nuts. It makes absolutely no sense.

I will never understand how GAF is so invested in The Order. Even in the face of previews and impressions depicting mediocrity, GAF is still massively hyped.

I don't get it.

I think it looks like a great game
but I won't buy until its less than $20
But as I said before, Valve has done questionable things with their recent events and people didn't like those, though I don't remember this amount of backlash, but there was, and I recall Valve employee on twitter got upset and wanted to enter the discussion and defend it (Dota event).

Nemesis Assassin was a pay-to-play event. Someone in the match had to own a ~€30 arcana to activate it, plus other conditions

TF2 duck hunt was again pay-to-play, where if you paid €5 you got a personal stat tracker how much ducks you collected or killed whatever. I think Valve later changed the label to "pay to give money to the community" (it was a community-made update). People were pissed for that and other various reasons.

Operation Vanguard had a cooldown timers assigned to missions. After completing two you had to wait x amount of time do another again, unless you paid for it and the timer went down to zero.

And now here we are again.

This is a dangerous path Valve is going down, and people keep enabling them.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
The Order is a PS4 exclusive, of course people are going to overhype it.

Year Beast complains are kind of overblown - but it is pay to win. What you "win" are just untradable cosmetic sets though, so it's not like the people paying to win are profiting much. There is a one-time option to gift the sets, so I guess some people could be using that to sell the sets.


So I am nearly done with Dragon Age Origins and all DLC (plan on finishing up Witch Hunt tonight). I'm just under 70 hours, which is now my top played time (surpassing Far Cry 3. Skyrim and FO: New Vegas).

As in most of the games I play I am very LTTP, but I enjoyed the story lines and world created in this game. While I normally don't play DLC, I felt like the DLCs in this case built nicely upon what was created in the main game. Dragon Age Awakening was practically a sequel (a short one, but a lot of stand alone games are around the same length).
I liked how Awakening worked out for me as I sacrificed my Warden in the main game, so I got to start over building a new character who I ended up using in some of the other DLCs.
. I hate to compare it to Mass Effect, but I am going to anyway. One thing I noticed on my DA play through was I didn't love the characters the same way I loved the ME characters. I didn't make sure I did all the companion quests, etc and didn't even really feel compelled to romance any of the companions. So in a way for me, the story wasn't as character driven as Mass Effect, if that makes sense, but I still found myself enjoying the overall story arc, combat and world.


There are so many games I wish GAF would be hype for along with, if not instead of, 3D shooty bang #2543265346236234

It is frustrating, as this is supposed to be a forum filled with users who are dedicated to the hobby. Yet getting people interested in compelling gameplay experiences is like pulling teeth.
The vast majority are just interested in whatever game has the highest marketing budget unfortunately.
Morning gentlemen.

2 questions.

When are SteamGAF GOTY lists coming out?

Why Dead or Alive keeps extending the release date?

I've been out of the loop for a couple of weeks.


Morning gentlemen.

When are SteamGAF GOTY lists coming out?


Most of the comments about the Order on gaf have been negative to the point of hyperbole, notice that almost every single Order thread has been locked due to people going in and talking shit about the game endlessly. Apparently it even makes its way to to the steam thread where people interested in the game are insulted.
That Aliasing on XBOne.
Didn't even see it until zooming in. Doesn't look that bad to me.
But wow, TN really has one of the best face modellers.
There's more to ye good olde Konami than Metal Gear ya know.
I am not much in the know. Which ones you think are good?
Awesome! Nuveem is really on a roll lately and together with Humble's recent two bundles I collected some really, really great gifts.
Could I get an invite to the NeoGAF Steam group please. <3
Added you :)
I will never understand how GAF is so invested in The Order. Even in the face of previews and impressions depicting mediocrity, GAF is still massively hyped.
I don't get it.
I am only here on Gaf so I can't tell about said hype but from what I saw in videos and screens Order looks super good obviously but also gameplay-wise like a solid shooter. Dunno. Not every game has to be revolutionary for me. Most times it is good when they just do old things good. I am excited to play it someday in the future. Some of my absolute favorites have been either critically or gamer-ly panned games. Don't care a bit. I had loads of fun. That's what counts.
On the flip-side I never understand the ridiculous hate some games get on the internet or devs like Cage.
It is frustrating, as this is supposed to be a forum filled with users who are dedicated to the hobby. Yet getting people interested in compelling gameplay experiences is like pulling teeth.
The vast majority are just interested in whatever game has the highest marketing budget unfortunately.

that's exactly what the marketing sets out to do so mish accomplished on their end.

To be fair to some of the Order folks:

A) that game looks stunning
B) it's been almost a decade since the first Gears of War modernized Third Person Shooters. That means that people who were 3-4 years old then are now 12-13. For some folks, this is probably their first major exposure to a well-marketed, highly produced 3rd person shooter, especially if they grew up on Nintendo platforms and perhaps the PS4 is their first major console machine.
C) Of all the major machines out right now, the PS4 is inarguably the machine lacking in high quality exclusives. There are a bunch of rabid sony-bros hungry for anything to hang their hat on and it's probably hard to cope with people crapping on your parade.

But, hey, even if the Order ends up being ok if it helps push the PS4 then it aint all bad. Sony has been doing a damn good job bringing fantastic PC titles over to the machine and the likelihood that kids these days will be exposed to them is probably at an all-time high.


It is frustrating, as this is supposed to be a forum filled with users who are dedicated to the hobby. Yet getting people interested in compelling gameplay experiences is like pulling teeth.
The vast majority are just interested in whatever game has the highest marketing budget unfortunately.

If the PS4 ver. of Talos Principle is hyped to high heaven, this forum is gettin DDOSed during E3; I even took days off from work just for that :V
I kid, but really that's one game that deserves getting hyped for on PS4 simply because it offers a rare experience that I see lacking on the PS4 at least


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
B) it's been almost a decade since the first Gears of War modernized Third Person Shooters. That means that people who were 3-4 years old then are now 12-13. For some folks, this is probably their first major exposure to a well-marketed, highly produced 3rd person shooter, especially if they grew up on Nintendo platforms and perhaps the PS4 is their first major console machine.

I feel old.


Q13, the "anything with robots" option is cracking me up.

Beware, if that option win, we might see Binary Domain Online. Not like that's a bad thing.

RED run Tenchi: The Samurai Astronomer in TV, samurai flick about calendar. Pretty random, but cool nonetheless.

That reminds me where the fuck is that samurai game? I almost forgot about it.
It's not like third person shooters are that common. Max Payne 3 is nearly three years old and Resie 6 two and those were the last big games in the genre.
Has it been made clear yet where the PC version of DoA5 is a last gen or current gen port? We need the reworked breasts!
Why are we still talking about Sony exclusives in the Steam thread? I mean, I prefer it to anime gifs being spammed, but...
Because people who like those games are terrible pawns of mega corporations.


Whatever Valve is doing with Dota2...its definitely working lol.

1.153 million concurrent peak today >_>

It's a special event that's only available for 10 minutes at random times of the day.

1+ million users searching for a match at the same time.

it's like they are DDOSing themselves


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Has it been made clear yet where the PC version of DoA5 is a last gen or current gen port? We need the reworked breasts!

KT hasn't said anything on that front since the person who runs the European Twitter account mistakenly "confirmed" it's not a port.


Only ugly new graphics in Prehistorik? Not the old Pixel-graphics from Atari ST/Amiga?

Also, whatever happened to the Toki remake that was announced years ago?
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