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STEAM | February 2015 - Steam GOTY results still delayed

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Wow so i found out i can run all of my games at 4K if i turn off AA (excluding all the latest AAA framerate-eaters, because fuck that). And for some reason i notice zero difference when AA is on or off at 4K. Is it because the edges have such a high pixel density that jaggies aren't noticeable? Okay I have no idea. I'm speaking from my ass. Either way i'm happy.

Native. The edges are super smooth even without AA, i'm assuming it's because of the high res edges making it look smooth. No idea.

I used to downsample on my crappy 1680x1050 monitor, and you're right, it smoothed itself without AA. But now that i've finally upgraded to a 4K monitor (which i didn't pay for!) i thought i may as well utilize it, and it worked out better than i thought.

Some people have found that applying a slight amount of FXAA is actually all you need to do at 4K. Since you are rendering at such a high resolution, it essentially makes the downside of FXAA, the blurring of the image, meaningless as well.


I've always played games on PC, for as long as I could remember. I couldn't really get my hands on new consoles, only had a NES, and so PC was pretty much the main thing I could play since it doubled as a homework machine. My friend's dad owned a computer store, so he'd introduce me to games as they came in: Descent, Doom, C&C, Warcraft/Starcraft, etc.

As for steam, orange box bundle on discount.


I want to change things up. How did all of you get into PC gaming and/or steamGaf?

Paragraphs, bro.

I'll not bore you all with the details, but it ultimately came down to Steam sales. I was always a console gamer who occasionally played PC games. The few Steam games that I had were retail purchases with Steam DRM (Valve games of course, as well as the Warhammer 40k games), but I wasn't really playing much on the PC at the time.

Then eventually I happened across Mass Effect on sale for $5. It wasn't new at the time, but it was still recent enough for that price to be shocking. How could I turn it down at that price? From there followed an increasing trend of picking up more and more games on Steam sales, eliminating the need to buy the same games on console. I still play the occasional console game, but mainly only games that don't come to PC.


I want to change things up. How did all of you get into PC gaming and/or steamGaf?

For me it all started with my dad. He played a lot of stuff on PC. I vividly remember watching him play Command & Conquer, Blade Runner, and Myst. I myself messed with everything he played when he wasn't around and really liked C&C the most. Remember my mom bringing me lunch while I played skirmish mode. He also bought us a few games for me and my sister on the PC. Though I recall my sister getting more since she was older. Actually ended up enjoying her games more. I only recall having Jurassic Park for DOS which was too hard. So I would end up playing Clueless, Barbie Dress maker (where you could actually print the dresses was pretty cool), and another Barbie game where you were a deep sea diver. Well regardles of all that, pc was where I did all my gaming until I got a PSX for my 6th birthday. At that point my gaming focus shifted and aside from watching my dad still play some games on PC I didn't bother to much aside from a few titles here and there. So it was years until I seriously messed with PC gaming again. What got me to dip my toes again was a crazy sale on TF2. I think it was like 2.50 or something. So I bought it and played a bit. Didn't care too much about it though, but I found the steam platform interesting. So for the longest it was just a lot of dabbling in the platform with the family computer. Once I moved out I actually figured I could give up on PC gaming altogether considering all the consoles I had and everything else. Actually bought a netbook and said "this will do all I need it to". I used that thing for about a year until my friend convinced me to try PC gaming again. He sent me his old desktop and I bought a graphics card for it. The computer wasn't all that great though and I really didn't know what I just jammed in there. All I know is Witcher 1 ran choppy but FF14 (vanilla) ran alright. It wasn't up to snuff though so I didn't use it aside for some free games. So I really ended up just switching between the desktop and netbook depending on my needs for the day. I found out I was deploying and figured I would get myself a present after that was all said and done. I remember it was a choice between the WiiU and a Alienware X51. Obviously different prices but I only wanted to get one thing. It was actually lurking steamGAF during my off time and the Alienware X51 thread that helped me decide. Since I figured I would get something easy to jump in with and would go from there. On the way back home the winter sale was going on. I was buying shit left and right for my upcoming PC. Didn't lurk enough to give a damn about Dailies and what not. Coming back home hooking up that pc and finally talking with steamGAF (I recall before that I had a few drive by posts) was a lot of fun. My coming back party as you could say wouldn't have been the same without you guys. So thanks steam gaf.
I wish my dad would at least TRY a video game (okay to be fair, he has, and he does like a few games, but he never plays unless you force him to try something. He doesn't mind but he'd rather do something else)... Anyways, for me it started in highschool. Beforehand i was a pure console gamer. PS2 and PS3 was my life. I had a laptop which i rarely used for games, but that was until i discovered a few MMOs, which i began playing a LOT. Eventually i decided i wanted a new laptop, but not just any laptop... I wanted... An alienware... *massive cringe + heart attack from overcringing*. The laptop couldn't run any of the recent games at that time at decent settings, and it even struggled with many older games. Now i don't know about you, but to me that's just not right. I got screwed over. But i didn't care because it had LEDs and LEDs are all you need in life.

So i used it for a couple years (still console gaming a lot as well) playing a few games (mostly MMOs). Then highschool finished, and we were moving on to Gen 8 of consoles. This is when shit got real. My brother had the PS4 pre-ordered (he didn't really want it as much as i did though) and at the same time i wanted a new laptop or something more powerful than the one i had (not for serious gaming though - because the PS4 was going to be for that). I kept browsing the webs and all i was seeing (in summary) was "build a PC", and pictures of Gaben's face (i had no idea who this magnificent god was at the time).

The list of perks for PC gaming was huge, and it was becoming more popular than ever (and more powerful than ever too), and it was at a time when i was dying to be able to run Planetside 2, so then i was like "well if i'm going to build a PC, why not go all in and build a high end one". So i did. The store person called us on the day we were suppose to pick the PS4 up to tell us we had to pick it up and pay for it. We didn't bother, since my brother didn't really want it (he was the one paying for it in the end), and i didn't want it because of the PC i was about to build (and this was when there was massive waiting lists for PS4s, so people were dying for a pre order). The rest is obvious.

The end.

Some people have found that applying a slight amount of FXAA is actually all you need to do at 4K. Since you are rendering at such a high resolution, it essentially makes the downside of FXAA, the blurring of the image, meaningless as well.
This is actually such a relief, in that case. All this time i had been maxing out AA and trying to run something at 4K and as a result my framerate would fall to it's death. I'm someone that wants everything absolutely maxed otherwise i'm not satisfied, so the idea of dropping AA frustrated me. But i did it anyway, and it's the best decision i've made lol. The difference is almost non-existant. But yes, a little FXAA seems to be all it needs :D. Happy days!
It was so long ago, I can't really remember if some of the earlier games were on C64 or PC. The earliest game I remember playing was M.U.L.E, probably on PC. I also remember back then the complete source code of a game were printed out in the back pages of games magazines. My dad would borrow the mags from work and type in the source code for us and presto, new game!


Unconfirmed Member
Lawns are going to something we reminisce about due to global warming. Get off my stoop!

Maybe for the poor. The trend among the middle class and wealthy is to pay the negligable costs to maintain their desired lifestyle.

Edit: And it seems the conversation has taken a different turn. Ah well.
Before i start, i'm sorry if my english can "sound" a bit bad. If there's anything wrong, feel free to point it out.

Honestly, i was always interested on PC in a technical level. found how things worked fascinating, but was only able to really play on pc when i was older. i was mostly a console player since i was young. bought every nintendo console after NES, and Playstation 1 through 3.

IIRC, i played Ragnarok Online when i was younger, maybe freeware game or two,, nd some educational games, besides emulators,and that was when me and my brother had to share a PC. Some years later, my father got pre built pc's for both of us. 1-2 years later, i got my father PC(he transitioned to Mac) that was a bit better then our pre builts. He even had a RAID in it. Wasn't that great but nice enough to play Half Life 2, which i got on the Orange Box. That was my first introduction to Steam, which, btw, had the code used(a common error at the time with Orange Boxes),which made me have to send proof of purchase to Valve.

A few months later, or a year, not sure, i started having a bigger interest on PC gaming, which led me to update the graphics card in it. i think it was a radeon 4xxx series. I updated it to a Geforce 8600 to play Dead Space and other games(most were pirated at the time :().Some time after that, i had my first Steam sale, where i bought some stuff, and REALLY started playing games on PC. Then, i went on to update my pc to a Radeon 5670, that made me able to play Mass Effect 2, and a bunch of other stuff.

Nowadays, i'm mostly a PC gamer, part of the backlog club, and own a Wii U too for some console gaming :)
I've been a PC gamer after the golden era of strategy games on PC, early 2000. I was 10.

Initially, I was a console gamer (playstation), but I was kinda bored with it when I started to get curious of my dad's PC and messing around with it. Age of Empires was the only game installed on his PC, and I was totally stunned with it. I asked for more, and he gave me Starcraft, Warcraft 2, Dune 2000, Caesar, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Football Manager, and many more in the following months. I've spent thousands of hours on those. Then I stumbled upon Fallout 2, a mindblowing game of that time, at least for me who were only 11. After finally finished the game I was still in hunger for more RPGs. The first thing came to my mind is the first game Fallout. After that I also found Diablo 2, Revenant, Deus Ex, Morrowind, and Neverwinter Nights, Gothic 2, etc. I wasn't really interested in RTwP RPGs such as Baldur's Gate 2, Torment, and Icewind Dale that time. I finally got into them in 2004-ish. I loved those days. Then come the dark times, 2005-2010, my mmo era. I'd rather not to talk about that lol.

I totally skipped two generation of console (PS2 and PS3) due to PC gaming, and I regret nothing. I finally bought a PS3 in 2012.
I spent the early 80's on a Commodore Vic 20 and a Coleco Adam. Also had an Atari 800 XL during the time as well but I didn't have a tape or disk drive.

My first pc I got in 1986 for my 16th birthday. It was a Tandy 1000 EX. The Tandy 1000 EX was considered an IBM PC Clone. It was quite a powerhouse compared to most consumer PC Clones at the time. PC Gaming was rather odd back in those days. While IBM PC clones we growing in numbers and in power, the base system (a 4 mhz 8086, 4 color CGA, and 1 channel beeper) just wasn't up to the task. Most game boxes pictured Amiga graphics and Amiga games had so much better graphics that it was just cruel. There was some bright spots and things got better. The Tandy 1000 ex had a special 320x200 16 color CGA mode that was modeled after the IBM PC JR's graphics and a special 3 channel beeper. If a game supported that special hardware, I was in for some good gaming. Quite a few of the graphic adventures from Sierra did.

The first PC game i bought was Kings Quest. I played my first PC game in 1984 in school. Also some games didn't require fancy graphics to be enjoyable. The Infocom text adventures were great no matter what platform. Still, I did plow through many CGA games. Many of the great Electronics Arts titles from the late 80s, I played in CGA mode. Looking back, I probably should of gotten a metal for putting up with it. By late 1988, pretty much every PC game was supporting the special Tandy 16 color mode and most made some effort to support the 3 channel beeper. I played a lot of adventure and rpgs. Pretty much everything put out by Sierra and Electronics Arts during this period, I bought. All the Quest games, Bards Tale, Wasteland, Ultima IV & V, and many others. I also dabbled in some war games. I generally avoid action games because they were the worse offenders on not supporting Tandy hardware. You haven't suffered till you played Gauntlet in 4 color horror with a one tone beeper beeping like a telegraph operator on crack.

The Tandy 1000 ex was the first computer I upgraded. I upgraded the ram for 256k to a full 640k. I mostly did that to play Test Drive II and to try out the Windows 1.0. I also added a 3.5 floppy and a 1200 baud modem. The floppy drive gave me the ability to play games without swapping disks. It also gave me the ability to duplicate items in Wasteland. I almost bought a third party video card that would give me EGA graphics but that was too expensive. I did upgraded the cpu to a 12 mhz 8088 but by then it was past due for a new system.


Otherside (Underworld Ascendant devs) will play Looking Glass games on Twitch.
They're starting with Thief tomorrow 3-6 EST

Also: Terri Brosius is in the game!
I want to change things up. How did all of you get into PC gaming and/or steamGaf?

I really wanted to play Minecraft and at the time my current computer couldn't even successfully launch minecraft(yeah, it was old) and after a year or so my sister got so annoyed at me constantly borrowing her laptop that my mum finally caved and bought me a brand new pre-built $400 computer, I didn't mind that it wasn't the best because it could actually play Minecraft and that's all that I wanted from it, and oh boy, did I play a bunch of Minecraft, I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours playing Minecraft.

Eventually I joined Steam to buy some games that I wanted to play that I really enjoyed on consoles(Fallout 3 and Batman: Arkham Asylum) and from then it just sort of spiraled into me becoming a hardcore PC gamer.

SteamGAF is something I got into because people kept linking Neogaf on reddit and I would read through an entire topic and then try to find some more useful information, and I'd see SteamGAF, and I ended up finding a really cool community, probably the best one on Neogaf, it's the entire reason I decided to sign up to Neogaf in the first place!


My joke seems to have gotten lost somewhere. Maybe it was too long winded.


I got your joke. :p


I don't think she looks like Ellen Page.

nope, can't do!

not gonna play any time soon, I'll wait

let see how long I will follow this believe. (except maybe not for the bundle as is kinda hard to wait one for newer game)
Well I'm 36 yro and I remember that my first game was Alien vs Predator, I bought it when it launched even when I didn't have any PC, some months later I was able to bought my first Compaq Presario 7543 but the PC could handle the game so I had to buy some RAM in order to play it... my second game was Hitman :D


Our first computer was a Packard Bell, which came with some games, mostly kids stuff, but also MegaRace. The first game I got though was Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure, otherwise known as Little Big Adventure. I loved that game. Then in high school my friends introduced me to games like Scorched Earth, Star Control, Warcraft/Warcraft II, Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. I was hooked. I also used to MUD a lot.

I didn't really get into PC gaming though until college when I played Unreal Tournament, Quake III, and many years of Team Fortress Classic.

Damn my first computer was also a Packard Bell that came with MegaRace. I had completely forgotten the name of the game until now and you hit me with a ton of nostalgia, damn that game was hard too.


I want to change things up. How did all of you get into PC gaming and/or steamGaf?

I was about 8 years old when I got my first 286 PC. At that time it was JetFighter and Prince of Persia. Friend of mine had a floppy disc of Battle Chess and lent it to me to install at that time. Didn't even know that was considered, or even knew the term, piracy at the time.

Then my first Famicom came into existence and threw my PC and Atari 2600 out the window. I believe I had a Commodore64 somewhere in between there but my mind is fuzzy at that point.

SNES followed and I got my first taste of the region locking. Nothing a region-free multi cart can't fix.

After that, I picked up my first Pentium Celeron II PC and noticed all the weird and wonderful PC boxes being sold at my mum's supermarket right next to the British PC magazines that had those little floppies with shareware. A lot of Indiana Jones and Zool was played.

By that time I upgraded with an even better Celeron with a *gasp* CD-ROM drive. I was ecstatic. I can watch video on my PC. I can start picking the inventory change magazine bin of my mum's supermarket and rip out the free sharewares on the last months unsold PC magazines. There I was introduced to Doom and Wolfenstein. Myst and Medieval ( I think is its name) followed. My biggest played game at the time was Commander Keen 1-3.

I was no longer satisfied with the mini demos that came from mags, I turned my eyes towards the dusty shelves of the PC games corner. By that time, I got a lot of pocket money from relatives from previous boxing days and I can probably beg my mum for the rest.

I picked out Command and Conquer and Krondor. Those were awesome games.

High school ended and my parents decided to ship me off to my home country of the Philippines and told me that I must at the least know about my country of birth. I was terrified. Why should I take college in some third world country where I had a problem grasping the local language? How do I get to have my games.

By the time I went to college and funds became a problem that required me to spend more on my well being in college than on games. I was devastated. I was a filipino that couldn't be any less filipino. I couldn't have many friends and I couldn't have any new games too.

I walked into a local mall to pass the time and suddenly a treasure was presented upon me. There were kiosks as far as the eye and wallet could see with stalls upon stalls of pirated PC/PS software. I have found my grail. Pretty cheap too.

So I ransacked the place and gamed my way all through college with pirated games without a care in the world until I graduated and went off to work.

I'm cutting short my college adventure of pirated games, discovering anime, getting a girlfriend, dabbling in S&M and my brief stint as an amateur porn camera man.

I was working. I had an income. I got an awesome Motorola RAZR phone. The internet was here!

Long story short, also because I am tired typing, I noticed Steam by then and decided to throw my dark pirating past behind and primarily bought my games legit.

Damn you Jawmuncher! This may be my longest post yet!


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I got into gaming by that rather common "I want to be like my father" behaviour of a lad. Simply watching him work on his computer day after day, not having a clue what any of it was about or how it functioned (he was in business), but I could still randomly hit buttons on a typewriter I found to imitate him. Around the time I started learning how to read I started to notice during certain parts of the day, those funny coloured lists of his were listing Man Uted, Arsenal, Ipswich, and more. I recognised those, that was football. I loved football! Now I had something to talk about, and even make suggestions for, with him in that office right before supper and he treated me like a partner in our quest to master the FA Cup.

He later got me my own ZX Spectrum and from there going in the bargain bins, learning how to input lines of code from the back of magazines or newsletters, getting bundle tapes (cassette tapes that contained more than one game) I could play on my own with an ever increasing library of different titles and experiences. Easy to get dizzy with all the choices, which must be why Steam has always felt so natural to me. Master Systems, Playstations, Nintendos, etc all came later and I do prefer the physical media, but home computers has always been there from the start and will be there at the end I'm sure.

Getting into SteamGAF itself? Well, that's because of you Jawmuncher. Where as prior to 2013 I simply lurked the SteamGAF threads to see if any deals caught my interest, I had wanted to wish you well when you were being deployed since I knew the experience myself. After that I just felt like responding after a Steam Sale, answering questions, and more since I had already posted once, why not again? It's just been fun talking to everyone here, solving problems and questions together, and stalking everyone's game recommendations, photos, and of course collecting new friends. The occasional poutine recipe doesn't hurt either.



I want to change things up. How did all of you get into PC gaming and/or steamGaf?

if you talking about PC gaming. I play some game in my dad computer. starcraft and some random game. get hooked when my dad got himself C&C general and Red Alert.

then I got myself PS1-PS2 and become my main way to play game. still play PC game from time to time

why I am on SteamGaf now?

well since I am uni student. I cannot bring my console to dorm so I only have my laptop to play. so I decide to try steam. not bad I must say.


Are these games any good? For some reason, it has always reminded me of x-blades.

Nothing like X-blades - it's a 2d side scroller but in 3d. It has a cat girl, but in a family friendly way. It has some fun mechanics but I lost interest in it kind of quickly for some reason. I should go finish it some time. It's not a long game, but I think it's long enough not to be considered an episode.


And another Groupees preorder: Who's Gaming Now? Spoiler Alert Bundle Preorder 1$
The previous WGN bundle was mostly rebundles.
Nzymes Dota thread is another quality Valve topic mostly filled with "I miss arbitary time Valve when they didn't do these mildly inconvient things to me also single player and polish and just money".

Fascinating read.


I'm a mostly single player guy now these days, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Same. I used to play a lot of multiplayer FPS. I mean, a LOT. Before that it was MMOs.

I absolutely hate MMOs now. Funny how things change. And i'm kinda burnt out from multiplayer FPS.

I love single player now. I seriously hate how today's games are becoming so multiplayer focused and that emphasizing"social experiences" is supposed to make me want the game (although i guess most view this as a great thing, otherwise we wouldn't be seeing this).

Thankfully we have developers like Bethesda, CDPR and Bioware supplying us with godly single player RPGs.

And speaking of single player, Wolfenstein was probably the best single player FPS i've ever played. I'm so glad they completely ignored multiplayer. I literally want to tell the developers that they fucking rock.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I love single player now. I seriously hate how today's games are becoming so multiplayer focused and that emphasizing"social experiences" is supposed to make me want the game (although i guess most view this as a great thing, otherwise we wouldn't be seeing this).

Black Flag's "social" collectables were a huge pain in the arse -- even armed with a list of about 15 or so known spawn locations I spent hours hunting down those last few whales. Also, the Kenway's Fleet mini-game has utterly horrible ship travel times unless you have a friend who can speed them up (fortunately I did).


Nzymes Dota thread is another quality Valve topic mostly filled with "I miss arbitary time Valve when they didn't do these mildly inconvient things to me also single player and polish and just money".

Fascinating read.

lol did doto really add a pay to win mode

that's hilarious and so delicious


I want to change things up. How did all of you get into PC gaming and/or steamGaf?

Like it's been mentioned before, edutainment games. I moved on to kid PnC games from Humongous Entertainment (Putt Putt & Pajama Sam yo), then somehow transitioned to real time strategy, which was a strange leap. Got really, REALLY into AOE1, moved to AOE2 and Red Alert 2 (CnC is still one of my favorite series) and then that's when my Star Wars fandom really hit it's stride. Got myself copies of Tie Fighter, Dark Forces, and Galactic Battlegrounds, played them to death. I also remember playing the demo for Dark Forces II that came with my copy of Dark Forces for HOURS, thirsting for that game like no other until Stalker.

PC gaming was my jam and always will be (with sony consoles on the side).

Also there was a stint from 04-08 where I played Runescape religiously (4hrs a day every single day, sometimes 6). It was the first and last MMO I ever seriously got into.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It looks like Tecmo is serious about PC gaming.


I need to make a list of region-specific games I don't yet have. What's that Blahblah Simulator 2015 game that's only available on the Polish store?

Edit: There are two! Maszyny Rolnicze 2015 and Mechanik Maszyn Rolniczych 2015.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Without a giraffe or a side-stepping camel, I just can't get excited over a horse racing game any more. Still nice to see some Tecmo support for PC.


Black Flag's "social" collectables were a huge pain in the arse -- even armed with a list of about 15 or so known spawn locations I spent hours hunting down those last few whales. Also, the Kenway's Fleet mini-game has utterly horrible ship travel times unless you have a friend who can speed them up (fortunately I did).
Ah, collectables, my greatest nightmare :p. I always try to completely avoid them, because if i find one my OCD kicks in and i start looking for the others lol. And damn you've played a lot of Black Flag! Then again i always see you playing AC haha.


I need to make a list of region-specific games I don't yet have. What's that Blahblah Simulator 2015 game that's only available on the Polish store?

Edit: There are two! Maszyny Rolnicze 2015 and Mechanik Maszyn Rolniczych 2015.

Wasn't there a bunch of old Japanese PC DOS games on the Japanese Steam Store. You got those?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Ah, collectables, my greatest nightmare :p. I always try to completely avoid them, because if i find one my OCD kicks in and i start looking for the others lol. And damn you've played a lot of Black Flag! Then again i always see you playing AC haha.

That playtime figure is much higher than it should have been. :( And it happened another three times, too, but the second time I only lost a few hours; the third time I didn't lose any progress at all since I'd been super-duper vigilant in backing up my saves; and when it happened yet again I'd finished the main campaign and was moving on to Freedom Cry, so I didn't care. Between the first two cases, I'd say I lost 100 hours of progress (96 + 4).

Wasn't there a bunch of old Japanese PC DOS games on the Japanese Steam Store. You got those?

I've no idea. You'll have to be more specific.


listen to the mad man
I need to make a list of region-specific games I don't yet have. What's that Blahblah Simulator 2015 game that's only available on the Polish store?

Edit: There are two! Maszyny Rolnicze 2015 and Mechanik Maszyn Rolniczych 2015.

yaaaaaas this post makes me so happy
I was looking forward to Attila before reading that you can still train for a marathon between turns, really hope that is fixed in the series one day.


That playtime figure is much higher than it should have been. :( And it happened another three times, too, but the second time I only lost a few hours; the third time I didn't lose any progress at all since I'd been super-duper vigilant in backing up my saves; and when it happened yet again I'd finished the main campaign and was moving on to Freedom Cry, so I didn't care. Between the first two cases, I'd say I lost 100 hours of progress (96 + 4).
Oh damn... Why you though?! Or was this a common issue? Nevertheless that really really sucks :(. That would have killed me, especially with that much time put into it.


Neo Member
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 9 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (FrozenXcalibur, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Bionic Heart 2 Deluxe Edition -- MB-54A9D62C442D0447 - Taken by Blu(e). 11 entrants total.
Flower Shop: Winter in Fairbrook -- MB-9E1A93A5A1B71CF4 - Taken by Benedict. 6 entrants total.
Spirited Heart Deluxe Edition -- MB-44E5ECA22C7A22CB - Taken by dot. 5 entrants total.
Heileen 2 The Hands of Fate -- MB-5FD0FC8A412D565C - Taken by Abomination. 1 entrants total.
Always Remember me Deluxe Edition -- MB-407CE0D9D6FA248A - Taken by Cth. 12 entrants total.
Heileen 1 Sail Away -- MB-8635284CBE511F10 - Taken by bobnowhere. 1 entrants total.
Flower Shop: Summer in Fairbrook -- MB-0DC4A519288DF988 - Taken by Purkake4. 5 entrants total.
Bionic Heart -- MB-57F71A93F8F4BF84 - Taken by someguyinahat. 3 entrants total.
Heileen 3 New Horizons Deluxe -- MB-11E09F877504EE54 - Taken by nightstorm - Taken by Mavromatis. 3 entrants total.


Good luck.


How does Nuveem work?
I want Dungeon of the Endless, and doesn't seem to be region locked, but would I have to have a Brazil VPN or something to play it?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
yaaaaaas this post makes me so happy

Glad I could brighten up your day. ;)

Oh damn... Why you though?! Or was this a common issue? Nevertheless that really really sucks :(. That would have killed me, especially with that much time put into it.

It's not entirely uncommon, but my particular case is most certainly an extreme example.

I'm pretty sure Milamber means the artdink games that were put up on Steam a while ago.

Just by quickly looking through the DOS games, you've only got one of them.

Ah. Yeah, I bought Lunatic Dawn and also A-Train 8. The rest were too expensive for an impulse purchase.

How does Nuveem work?
I want Dungeon of the Endless, and doesn't seem to be region locked, but would I have to have a Brazil VPN or something to play it?

The only games you need to be wary of are those listed here (you'll need to sign in to see the list).
ルナティックドーン 前途への道標 for one. I remember seeing more but I can't find them now.

EDIT: Holy crap! Nevermind. I see you already got it.

Those look cool. Too bad they're not translated.

Steam needs more JRPGs...
Actually, has there been any indication when the second chapter of Trails in the Sky will be releasing?
I feel like I end up asking this every couple months. I need to know!
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