It seems like uses cloudflare ...
It seems like uses cloudflare ...
You know what would be nice? If LastPass integrated known hacks into their service, automatically flagging sites as being at risk and in need of a password change.
Realizing I have like hundreds of sites this will take a while :/
what exactly does changing passwords do if they leaked all sorts of info like credit cards and shit?
or was it just passwords?
what exactly does changing passwords do if they leaked all sorts of info like credit cards and shit?
or was it just passwords?
comments from the Google engineer who found it
The examples we're finding are so bad, I cancelled some weekend plans to go into the office on Sunday to help build some tools to cleanup. I've informed cloudflare what I'm working on. I'm finding private messages from major dating sites, full messages from a well-known chat service, online password manager data, frames from adult video sites, hotel bookings. We're talking full https requests, client IP addresses, full responses, cookies, passwords, keys, data, everything.
Save us Jim Lee.So much anime in this page ... lets balance it a bit
edit : just because I said of course I went to the top of the 50pp page
Passwords, personal messages, personal info and shit. Dunno about credit cards info.
The game left Early Access today, and after playing about 75 minutes, it's well worth checking out. For such a simple control scheme, there's a surprising amount of depth here. Dual wielding weapons or wielding just one for a two-handed damage buff, environmental effects like propagating fire and freezing water, very varied enemies and a combat system that encourages positioning and timing, equippable armor and cloaks and rings, puzzles and gods and traps.
My most recent death occurred because I threw a torch at an enemy in a room full of bushes, which killed the enemy to burn to death but the fire to spread across the underbrush, filling the room with smoke and blinding me for several seconds (literally a blind status effect that blacked out that room), causing me to panic-run into more flames, and burn to death.
The art style is simple, but has its own unique style due to being 3D/not flat.
According to that site Bundle Stars and Cheapassgamer both use cloudflare as well.
So does this mean I should cancel my debit cards linked to those sites?
Uh, no. I honestly wouldn't even bother updating passwords -- the scope of this breach is broad, but there is no evidence it was ever exploited, let alone widely. This wasn't a hack, it was a configuration bug.
- Random quotes and dialogues from characters is laughable, i wish there is option to disable them.
what exactly does changing passwords do if they leaked all sorts of info like credit cards and shit?
or was it just passwords?
Google Engineer: "The examples we're finding are so bad, I cancelled some weekend plans to go into the office on Sunday to help build some tools to cleanup. I've informed cloudflare what I'm working on. I'm finding private messages from major dating sites, full messages from a well-known chat service, online password manager data, frames from adult video sites, hotel bookings. We're talking full https requests, client IP addresses, full responses, cookies, passwords, keys, data, everything."
Thankfully I place all commercial accounts in one LastPass directory. Gaming sites using Cloudflare from my accounts:
Not affected:
RIP the Internet:
I have checked the Humble Store with uMatrix. Is CloudFront the same as CloudFlare?
Cloudfront is Amazon.I have checked the Humble Store with uMatrix. Is CloudFront the same as CloudFlare?
Cloudfront is Amazon. script allow xhr allow script allow script allow frame allow script allow xhr allow
Nothing that anyone wants being on Steam is a mistake, the only mistake would be if it was prevented from being on Steam. Or illegal.Animu on Steam continues not to be a mistake, huh boys?
Unfortunately I have to agree after playing the closed demo for a while. Didn't know what I expected after looking forward to the game in general, it's probably the most dull Ubi experience in a while.I didn't expected much, but holy shit, Wildlands Beta is hot garbage, it runs like shit, looks like shit and plays like shit. Ubisoft managed to fucked up everything with this one, i can't believe they seriously charging 60$ for this game.
- Typical dull Ubisoft's openworld, lifeless, with hundreds kilometers of empty copypasted villages and outposts you need to capture. And of course it's filled with pointless collectibles and generic sidemissions.
- Vehicles controls are beyond terrible, helicopter controls is probably one of the worst in videogames history. A lot of collision bugs, cars and bikes are constantly bumping every single rock and easily can stuck during driving off-road, but easily driving through some trees. Controls like this is death sentence to openworld game.
- Random quotes and dialogues from characters is laughable, i wish there is option to disable them.
- Besides mark & execute commands, i can't see any "tactical gameplay" in this game. It feels more like dumbed down Just Cause with co-op, and highest difficulty doesn't change much, it just became more frustrating to capture those endless outposts.
- Missions structure is typical Ubisoft grindfest - go to the outpost, get intel or some dude with info, go around local villages to get more intel, capture next outpost, and repeat this "gameplay" circle to death.
- Leveling system is a joke, you need to grind resources even to unlock most of skills. Also, hip fire spread decrease by skills, in tactical game? Are you fucking serious?
- Engine is broken mess, game can't hold stable 60 FPS and constantly dropping below 30 FPS, but it looks like ass, always. Lighting is completely broken, wet ground and rocks looks like some jelly blinking mess. LOD streaming is broken too, even on ultra level of details objects continue to notably popping up from air while driving or flying.
This game for me is prime example of what Ubisoft is doing wrong with their products lately. They turned Ghost Recon in some coop online openworld pseudo-RPG grindfest. Even Future Soldier looks like great Ghost Recon game in comparing to Wildlands.
I didn't expected much, but holy shit, Wildlands Beta is hot garbage, it runs like shit, looks like shit and plays like shit. Ubisoft managed to fucked up everything with this one, i can't believe they seriously charging 60$ for this game.
- Random quotes and dialogues from characters is laughable, i wish there is option to disable them.
We have at least one poster on GAF who seems to have played every Experience, Inc. game for at least 100 hours. I don't know if they read the Steam thread though.Speaking of anime, is anyone familiar with Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy or Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy? Are they good Wizardry-like dungeon crawlers?
Also, is there any decent free movie editors that can join shadowplay clips without loss of quality? One of the biggest bummers of Shadowplay is that it stops a recording around the 12 min mark and starts a new one. I join them on movie maker or use the youtube clip editor, but both of those options fuck up the quality quite a bit.
so uh, random question but ppl know about computers here
basically rain fell on our computers at work and we don't know if we should turn them on, wait, change them or what
they're like brand new
So much anime in this page ... lets balance it a bit
edit : just because I said of course I went to the top of the 50pp page
Alex Milne, Kevin Maguire, Frank Quitley, James Stokoe, Mike Mignola
Played a little of the currently free Naruto game.
Boy, that is indeed a spectacle to behold. Looks absolutely amazing in motion.
Was doing terrible at the beginning but I'm getting there.
Still haven't finished the prologue because the game kept crashing after 10-15 minutes... quick googling tells me it's Windows 10s TabletInputService. It is ALWAYS that damn service whenever something goes wrong and why the hell do I even need this without a touch device connected Microsoft????
Did you just google comic book art and picked the only art that was easy pleasing for your own eyes?
Why don't you disable it?quick googling tells me it's Windows 10s TabletInputService. It is ALWAYS that damn service whenever something goes wrong and why the hell do I even need this without a touch device connected Microsoft????
I did just now. I thought I already did it the last time something like that happened, but apparently not.Why don't you disable it?
There is too much comic! We need more game art!!
I can already feel that I get sucked again in that rng pit of hearthstone.
so is there anything to Lit besides getting the "good" ending if you do the levels fast enough?
because otherwise im done, I cba with that shit again just for a different ending screen.