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STEAM | February 2017 - Giveaways are back

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
In the original version, the soldiers are beating her up when you first see her. Apparently the Japanese script may have implied she had been raped as well, but I don't know if that's true.

What costume did you wear when you rescued her? The dialogue starts off different for each one, and the soldier's uniform triggers a Star Wars reference, unless they took that out.

Merchant costume.

Originally, it could be interpreted that she was raped. SE changed it in the later versions. But they took away context and it made her look like a damsel in d. No idea if they changed it back.

EDIT - I mean assaulted before what you see, not the part where they are working her over.

well dunno about that, but on the damsel in distress thing, I was actually going to mention a little dialogue she has with Edgar on the way to the mountain, something like:

Edgar: "Dont go falling in love with Locke just because he saved you"
Celes: "Im not some love starved twit"
Edgar: "err alrighty then >_>"

which was at least better than the "lol you are women so you should go to the kitchen and make us some sandwitches and let the men go do the fighting" from FF4
In the original version, the soldiers are beating her up when you first see her. Apparently the Japanese script may have implied she had been raped as well, but I don't know if that's true.

What costume did you wear when you rescued her? The dialogue starts off differently for each one, and the soldier's uniform triggers a Star Wars reference, unless they took that out.

What game are we talking about???
I know it's a Steam forum, but I finally got me a 100% demon compendium in SMT IV Apocalypse and I'm feeling accomplished, so I can now safely go for the second ending. Once that's out of the way I can go back to finishing Evoland II.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It can control the pacing, though. Humor often relies on timing and misdirection; even a segment with no unique narrative information whatsoever can serve that purpose.

Oh, sure, I didn't mean to imply that elongation doesn't have its purpose. It's just poorly applied in this case, I feel.


Hey Jawmuncher I didn't feel like continuing Steins Gate on my vita tonight so I fired up Dino Crisis yet again. I've never gotten more than about 30 mins in despite starting it 3-4 times, even when I had it I on the ps1. I'll try to finish it this time.

It has bad VO just like RE!


I know this isn't the right thread to ask this, but the official thread is from 3 years ago and I'd rather not perform necromancy on something that old.

Does anybody have an invite code for Infinity Wars? I've just installed it and about to make a new account.


Is it that common for early access games to rise in price ?

They can. Some raise the price on full release, because the early adopters were getting less game and/or being rewarded to test it by paying less (Minecraft pretty much was the front-runner for this;) Others lower the price on full release because the game's been on Steam for a couple of years now and they figure the people who wanted it at the early access price would have bought it by now (although this is far less common these days;) Most of them keep it at the same price because moving the price one way or the other can upset people.


I know it's a Steam forum, but I finally got me a 100% demon compendium in SMT IV Apocalypse and I'm feeling accomplished, so I can now safely go for the second ending. Once that's out of the way I can go back to finishing Evoland II.
I am never gonna finish such a compendium
Macca dont grow on trees for one thing!
I am never gonna finish such a compendium
Macca dont grow on trees for one thing!

Use that special quest reward bazooka you get that shoots 2-6 bullets, and use the bullets that inflict Bind (for extra kicks at the can at binding the demons.) Then Fundraise a bound demon: you get three automatic fundraising rounds (they can't say no when they're bound.) If you do this in late game areas like Twisted Tokyo, you can get over 7000 macca at a go.


So apparently conan exiles has 300k owners
Use that special quest reward bazooka you get that shoots 2-6 bullets, and use the bullets that inflict Bind (for extra kicks at the can at binding the demons.) Then Fundraise a bound demon: you get three automatic fundraising rounds (they can't say no when they're bound.) If you do this in late game areas like Twisted Tokyo, you can get over 7000 macca at a go.
I did not know that about bound thanks for the info


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
hmm I need to build a party after Terra
went super sayan and fucked off
, and apparently theres a bunch of combinations for extra cut scenes, but also if you only take 3, you can get Shadow again for a bit, but if you only take 3 you wont get all the little interactions.

Grrr thats the problem with checking guides. If I was playing this originally, blind, I would just take the 4 best / that I liked best. So Sabin, Celes, Edgar and then some random... Locke probably for story reasons.

Does using Shadow at this point matter to get him permanently later on? Actually, do you even get him permanently, or is he always just on and off?


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Does using Shadow at this point matter to get him permanently later on? Actually, do you even get him permanently, or is he always just on and off?

Nope, no lasting consequences.

No, he's not always on and off.


Does using Shadow at this point matter to get him permanently later on?
I don't think so -- there are other chances to recruit him at other parts of the game to do his inn stuff, so if you need 4 others to get all the cut scenes, probably just go for that and pass on Shadow this time.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Fuck Shadow then. You know what? Fuck Terra also.

Celes > Terra


About Atelier Sophie, should I just accept all the available requests all the time? Is there any reason I shouldn't?

Basically yes, one thing to note though - you can only have 6 or 7 requests at a time, and you won't get new ones until you complete some of them. They don't seem to provide anything story- or event-wise, but serve as an addtitional source of money, and completing requests also fills that "memory" gauge you need for some of the recipes (the ones that advance the story). I've been accepting everything at all times, and all of them so far didn't require much time to complete.


Capcom USA
So, don't wanna be a big bother to you, but do you know anything about he DR2 Steam trading cards? Or should I just let it go?

Love your profile pic tho.

Ugh. I thought those went out already. There were few fixes and changes required in order to get them approved from Valve, but it looks like one of us dropped the ball on it.

Thanks for the ping anyway. I'll follow up with the appropriate team. Same situation with DR2:OTR.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
this "doctor" with Rachel is a creep

also Edgar's "tool" attacks are the best.


Basically yes, one thing to note though - you can only have 6 or 7 requests at a time, and you won't get new ones until you complete some of them. They don't seem to provide anything story- or event-wise, but serve as an addtitional source of money, and completing requests also fills that "memory" gauge you need for some of the recipes (the ones that advance the story). I've been accepting everything at all times, and all of them so far didn't require much time to complete.

Good to know.


Why does Pac-Man 256 run like total butthole on my PC? I get FPS in the 20's with 1% GPU and ~10% CPU utilization. Plz send help.


As someone who actually really liked the time constraints and is kind of sad that they're gone, know that Sophie is the game that really got things right when it came to removing the time limits. They also tried to do it in Shallie but it wasn't nearly as successful as it is in Sophie. Play with confidence.

Man, that's still almost twice the amount I paid for the Humble Bundle that included Project CARS. Is any of the GOTY stuff worth it? I'd like to have extra cars but if it's not really necessary to enjoy the game I'm also okay to skip.

I miss the time constraints too. The first time I went out I tried to pick up everything I could see, went to both open areas, ran out of LP and got killed by Punis (one was green). So I just quit right then and there (I only had one uni and needed two anyways).

I can't handle gathering points refreshing while I'm still in the same area (monster respawning is acceptable). I ALWAYS pick up everything. Earlier games exploring was constrained by the amount of time you had available to travel and filling up your bag. Techincally you have to keep an eye on the clock on Sophie as well if you want to finish requests on time.

People saying it's relaxing... and here I am going crazy that I can't 100% an area before moving on.

I liked Rorona's and Escha's systems the best, you were given a task for the month, with some optional sidetasks to complete that would allow you to fill up the "board" 100%. I also really liked how you would get a government monthly salary based on your performance that month. I guess I really like the simulation aspects, no matter how light they are, and I'm sad they're gone.


Apologis for suggesting this but are u sure the game is running via ur dedicated gfx card

I'm not 100% on how to check this but it was my first thought as well, I checked Nvidia control panel and it was set to "Maximum Performance" so at the very least my GPU isn't being down-throttled or anything like that.

It's moot anyway, I restarted my PC and the problem seems to have fixed itself >_<
I need to get in the habit of doing that before scouring the internet for fixes. Thanks for the reply all the same.


I'm not 100% on how to check this but it was my first thought as well, I checked Nvidia control panel and it was set to "Maximum Performance" so at the very least my GPU isn't being down-throttled or anything like that.

It's moot anyway, I restarted my PC and the problem seems to have fixed itself >_<
I need to get in the habit of doing that before scouring the internet for fixes. Thanks for the reply all the same.
One thing i auggest doing, esp after updating nvidia drivers, is to run nvidia control panel>manage 3d settings and set default card to the nvidia card. This makes it so that every game will always use it as setting that option to auto select could cause a few games to use intel card instead


One thing i auggest doing, esp after updating nvidia drivers, is to run nvidia control panel>manage 3d settings and set default card to the nvidia card. This makes it so that every game will always use it as setting that option to auto select could cause a few games to use intel card instead

Is this an option that only shows up if I have a secondary GPU? Because I'm not seeing that option anywhere. I thought almost all modern Intel CPU's had an integrated GPU as well but maybe I'm either mistaken or my 4 year old i5-3450 didn't make the cut.

I did update my drivers the other day, it's interesting this problem only sprung up in Pac-Man and nothing else I've been playing recently like PoE or XCOM 2.
Is Lego Worlds actually good? I told my girlfriend and now she wants two copies so we can play together.

I'd do it for $10 if it is actually fun.

Edit: I guess what I'm really asking is, how robust is the actual ability to build in game?


Dem Anime games on PC with dat sweet AA and DSR.

I know a lot of people can't run these game at this type of picture quality just yet, but it's good to know that people can come back to these in 2 or so year with Entry level enthusiast hardware and breathe new life into these titles.

It's crazy how far the platform as come since I've stuck to it exclusively back in 2008 in terms of "console-centric" games coming over.


So you can't use the same PP to buy another copy of Lego Worlds on a new account on Nuuvem, how do I get a copy for my wife?


Lego worlds for cheap? And I can't buy it from Europe? Damn you nuuvem &#55357;&#56867;
Is there anyone who can help me?

Is it possible to buy with VPN now?


I don't see why not, provided it's one of the handful that are accepted (scroll down to the bottom of the page).

They actually block the site from here, I have to use a VPN to even see the site.

I also only see paypal as an option on it too.


Ugh. I thought those went out already. There were few fixes and changes required in order to get them approved from Valve, but it looks like one of us dropped the ball on it.

Thanks for the ping anyway. I'll follow up with the appropriate team. Same situation with DR2:OTR.
Haha, no worries. Almost thought that they had been cancelled, so this is good news! Giving you another 6 months to fix this, hopefully I won't have to bring it up again!
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