Does the Arkham Origin's season pass include all the DLC or is there something missing from it?
Can't afford to give away a game so I'm not eligible, but thank you anyhow.Here it goes. Done by Arthea.
Can't afford to give away a game so I'm not eligible, but thank you anyhow.
Gonna get that Recettear at some point. Still hoping it drops to $5.00 again in the next few months.
Gifting is region locked.
Steam Keys are not region locked.
Buying from Nuuvem is region locked.
The MG key you get from Nuuvem if you use a proxy/VPN (like Spotflux) is not region locked.
Yah it's confusing.
Boo. That's not how you play the game.Haha, I bounced Bad Rats back to you, you can use it in your next "Russian Raffle."
Haha, I bounced Bad Rats back to you, you can use it in your next "Russian Raffle."
It worked just fine, man. Thanks a bunch. I've always heard good things about this game but never got around to picking it up.
Haha, I bounced Bad Rats back to you, you can use it in your next "Russian Raffle."
same. at least we choose the right oneDammit, that's the one I went for!
Boo. That's not how you play the game.
You play, you pay the price =p
Also, I guess the universe doesn't want me to have AC4.
Figured I'd take advantage of the EU PSN deal, but turns out I'm 5 cents short.
Message received, universe.
Next time I'm going to blacklist anyone who doesn't accept the game lol
Take your Bad Rats like a man
Anyone know if Blade Symphony is any decent?
Eyeing that and Risk of Rain currently so if anyone has any opinions on either game I would be really appreciative.
Just played Blade Symphony for 25 minutes. Can watch my video of it here:
I like it! More than I was expecting too, in-fact. I finished the default tutorial, and played two matches online, one in Duel Mode, one in Free-For-All Mode. The game is in early access, but it actually is fairly fleshed out as it is now. The promise of future content is promising though.
The game has four classes, one with a slower 'Drunken' style of sword-fighting, one with a focus on speed (who I played), one with a focus on combos and linking attacks, and one who focused on being good at dodging, parrying, etc. Each class also has three different battle stances, that you switch between on the fly with the mouse wheel or number keys on the keyboard. Battle Stances change how you hold your sword, how you attack with it, and how you move.
Combat is open to play-style heavily (and I compliment their balance and allowance for different play styles for what I played), but you can roll around to dodge, parry attacks, strike from different angles, charge attacks, pull together moves for combos, or even go classic samurai style and run at each other and swing your sword at the other last minute... Or jump around or whatever. The controls are simple, but have a lot of depth to them. You can see a 'sword angle' that tell you how you are going to swing your sword, based on your current movement (of keyboard and mouse), battle stance, and the like.
Online netcode seemed good, and it has plenty of people playing right now. The two modes I played were Duel and Free-For-All. In Duel, you spectate other players (either with player camera or free camera) between several different matches happening at once (there were three different matches happening in the server I was in I could freely switch between to watch). You que yourself up and get into a 'line' to fight who is the current 'king' of an arena. If you dethrone the king, you then will fight each person in line until you lose. One on one, pretty interesting.
Free-For-All puts you in a large hub-like area, with somewhere between 8-32 other people. You all can just attack each other freely, or go into standby mode to just watch others fight, or challenge someone to a duel for a one-on-one match where the other players become silhouettes and you two can only see and attack the other. This mode interests me, its also fun how the area is pretty big and has some good fun just exploring and multiple possible battle arenas.
I would say if you're intrigued, go for it for $3.
No they're not
Are you sure? There's only one universal sub/app for it in the database. Doesn't seem to be any region locking other then not being able to cross region gift through steam itself.
Gifting is region locked.
Steam Keys are not region locked.
Buying from Nuuvem is region locked.
The MG key you get from Nuuvem if you use a proxy/VPN (like Spotflux) is not region locked.
Yah it's confusing.
Hmm I just bought straight from nuuvem without any proxy. Went through fine.
you are not using the proxy to activate anything on steam
they key is not region locked. the vpn is to buy from nuuvem
From my experience, yes.
I'm idling only one game at a time now.
Squenix Account bullshit.
I know I'm super LTTP, but I've been playing psychonauts today after I saw it on sale and bought it. It's pretty awesome. If anyone else out there hasn't played this yet check it out.
Doesn't ff7 on steam have really bad DRM?
Wait. Is there DRM on top of the Steam DRM?
anyone doing a Verdun 4-pack?
Wait. Is there DRM on top of the Steam DRM?
Since only 1 out of the 4 people who got Bad Rats actually played fair and accepted it, I went ahead and gifted bkw a game on the house. Hope he enjoys it.
Next time I hope more people are better sports about it.
Sorry if it's already been addressed, but is the Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition worth the extra 2.50 if I'm only interested in the single player experience?
what if gabe is here
just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus?
That's... disappointing.Since only 1 out of the 4 people who got Bad Rats actually played fair and accepted it, I went ahead and gifted bkw a game on the house. Hope he enjoys it.
Next time I hope more people are better sports about it.
That's... disappointing.
I mean, you're gambling for a free game of your choice, so if you lose, be a man and take your loss. I would have.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 49 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).
Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:
A.R.E.S Extinction Agenda --MB-F506EDCB5D76C40C- Taken by BorntoPlay
Alien Shooter --MB-276A9194A85A07D1- Taken by WinterDemons
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded --MB-B94BE545DD65CC50- Taken by Eila
Avadon: The Black Fortress --MB-EF1676F2706247C9- Taken by Annubis
Avadon: The Black Fortress #2 --MB-2787D0F0432CC17D- Taken by tylergregg
Ben There, Dan That! & Time Gentlemen, Please! --MB-0D28CD11B03D1DDD- Taken by Hesemonni
Breath of Death VII and Chulhu Saves the World (Separate keys! Any issue, please PM) --MB-091B7186204B4AE3- Taken by Toki767
Capsized --MB-FDA4A2F7A05DA283- Taken by Qrusher14242
Dead Space --MB-B606CDF209A9E11A- Taken by runnin_blue
Dear Esther --MB-9AB19AAC2CEEA612- Taken by thecharrr
Eets --MB-602F24959C459AEB- Taken by rainking187
English Country Tune --MB-91F9CB100072FD3F- Taken by alr1ght
Eschalon Book II --MB-8A41C927F9E0B906- Taken by Gez
Eufloria --MB-A5F9A9188E608F17- Taken by user237
Fairy Bloom Freesia --MB-ACA5645A0D8CBF3D- Taken by ramoisdead
Fractal --MB-528067C384D708AF- Taken by C00kie M0nster
Geneforge Saga --MB-A2362CC617A9DAF9- Taken by MadBrad
Geneforge Saga #2 --MB-AA6207D356E5ED02- Taken by PandaPandaPanda
Gratuitous Space Battles --MB-969833912DF5F79F- Taken by Intheflorsh
Hacker Evolution: Untold --MB-F838E7F4394E1C14- Taken by Lonewolf_92
Hammerfight --MB-F5E864C8E0D4C78F- Taken by crazyrabbits
Intrusion 2 --MB-E4CAA900BE9D1EED- Taken by darkchewie
Mark of the Ninja --MB-145E959616010019- Taken by Shrike Alvaron
Max and the Magic Marker --MB-E4B0C870423C134E- Taken by Camel Master
McPixel --MB-89D1D88E71CB3EF2- Taken by CrunchyFrog
Nightsky --MB-4A92734D978C2BBA- Taken by Pakkidis
Oil Rush --MB-B928C00D8497FA7C- Taken by C4rter
Post Mortem --MB-DCEB209309DF7D8F- Taken by MulderWasTaken
Red Orchestra --MB-81DF79FD09C22FAA- Taken by TheSeks
Red Orchestra 2 --MB-8CA9EC3CEEBFCCAC- Taken by poopninjamvc3mk
Runespell: Overture --MB-34C3ECAD5026BE05- Taken by bobnowhere
Saira --MB-0A9CB079171A69A5- Taken by woo and indeed hoo
Satazius --MB-491176828F2BF68A- Taken by MarcoZombieCannon
Second Avernum Trilogy --MB-180D65561735E4F0- Taken by rybrad
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter --MB-422873289E270DC9- Taken by Kastrioti
The Adventures of Shuggy --MB-799070D814946771- Taken by nightstorm
The Maw --MB-0B1F8FC3F7C74927- Taken by Henry Swanson
The Showdown Effect --MB-50518E4417357F74- Taken by gurm3n
The Whispered World --MB-E6CAEC6A6CBE77DC- Taken by The-Bean
Thomas Was Alone --MB-B0DCA2A94E2F1CD7- Taken by Gravelord_Nito
Tidalis --MB-B29B06285A4B7217- Taken by Lain
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers --MB-2B96461C71EB4A55- Taken by random
Tobe's Vertical Adventure --MB-C100C069F5FDCA47- Taken by bkw
Toy Soldiers --MB-48B83ACF44ABD715- Taken by JDHarbs
Waking Mars --MB-359E13C46BB1AA93- Taken by Zeliard
Waveform --MB-CEE4A8464A92097F- Taken by fernandes
Zombie Shooter 1 --MB-E90C6ACBC970E18C- Taken by Tolerance
Zombie Shooter 2 --MB-340B2C0A4F3A00BB- Taken by gwynplaine
True men play Bad Rats for over four hours.
The Secret World, an MMORPGWhat are the current flash deals? I've got Blade Symphony, Verdun and Payday 2, but I'm missing the other one (probably due to regional bullshit).
What are the current flash deals? I've got Blade Symphony, Verdun and Payday 2, but I'm missing the other one (probably due to regional bullshit).
1. Make bullshit gmail for bullshit accounts.That's the worst kind of drm for me. I hate making useless accounts that I have to keep track of. I still haven't played tropico 4 because it requires an account.
Can't help myself. Going to be picking up the eXceed Complete Pack for $4.99. I need my bullet hell fix.
Alright, here's my own stockpile of modbot-abundant bundle leavings that I'm hoping someone will find something useful in. If you happen to grab a key that's previously redeemed it's likely I've just mixed up the one I've used with the one I havn't and will hopefully be able to fix things with a PM. Apologies in advance if this post implodes due to a formatting mistake!