I bought the Gold dlc from gamersgate ^^
I saw people mentioning it before but your post reminded me that I can use blue coins to buy it there. YEAAAAAH!!!
edit: should I get Mindgames as well?
I bought the Gold dlc from gamersgate ^^
Anyone know how the Deus Ex Director's Cut upgrade work? 5 bucks is pretty tempting and I already have the vanilla Deus Ex HR.
It's a separate entry and separate game. It doesn't touch your vanilla install at all.
Meh, another bad sale.
I have the original on ps3 too. The director's cut has reworked bosses, new game+, includes the missing link in the game itself, etc.I've got the original game on PS3. Best reasons to double dip for this?
Really don't care about the latter two things. Need to check what missing link is I guess.missing link inegrated with campaign which is a good or bad thing depending on how you enjoy the pacing.
the developer commentary is really nice.
a making of doc which was ok.
Anyone know how the Deus Ex Director's Cut upgrade work? 5 bucks is pretty tempting and I already have the vanilla Deus Ex HR.
no, but buy the base game on steam and get the DLC on gamersgate. That's what I'm about to do.
Edit: Actually just cheaper to buy the gold edition (with everything) by a few cents on GG.
Anyone know how the Deus Ex Director's Cut upgrade work? 5 bucks is pretty tempting and I already have the vanilla Deus Ex HR.
I know, I just badly want to play it and I slacked off during the Thanksgiving sale and missed it when it was like 3 bucks![]()
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is 75% off too. Yay or nay?
According to my wishlist, its 7.49. That's pretty good. DUST: AET and Rogue Legacy are 7.49 as well.
Another disappointing day
The only game I've bought so far is Alice.
Shame that DE:HR DC discount doesn't stack if you arleady have the first release and dlc.
PSA: Red Faction Guerilla's GFWL makes the game unable to even start in 90% of cases and with the death of THQ, chances of it being patched out are slim to none.
The DE:HR Director's Cut is more expensive right now for owners of DE:HR - it's 80% off otherwise.
C'mon Valve, where's the Star Wars franchise pack for $30? And why isn't KotOR on sale, and the sequel only 50% off?
Looks like I'll never own these games on Steam.
So I bought AoE3: Complete Collection, Gone Home and Deus Ex: HR Director's Edition.
Only 33% of on The Wolf Among Us? Kind of a joke.
Please, I'd love to hear how that's a joke.
Please, I'd love to hear how that's a joke.Only 33% of on The Wolf Among Us? Kind of a joke.
Is Enemy Within actually discounted here as part of the daily or has the discount on it been there throughout the whole sale/will continue throughout the rest of the sale?
Might differ between regions then. In Yurop it was 3,99 for the upgrade, currently 4,99.More like $4.99 for everyone.
Every single one of the games you mentioned will be a daily/flash sale. This must be your first Steam sale, so: WAIT FOR THE DAILY SALE YOU BASTARD and enjoy!
Is Enemy Within actually discounted here as part of the daily or has the discount on it been there throughout the whole sale/will continue throughout the rest of the sale?
Apparently this only counts during certain non-sale periods. I am only getting the $4.99 price like everyone who didn't purchase the other games. Before I was stuck at the 33% sale price along with everyone else too. WTH is the point of listing out a supposed discount when it is never actually applied during a sale? Remove it entirely or apply it equally.Owners of the original Deus Ex: Human Revolution on Steam will receive a special discount on their purchase of The Director's Cut! Additionally, users who also own The Missing Link DLC will receive an even bigger discount on the purchase!
So I bought AoE3: Complete Collection, Gone Home and Deus Ex: HR Director's Edition.
Been playing it with a pad and I'm surprisingly holding my own. Just stick to the casual servers and you should be good. Don't expect a K/D above 1.0 though.I'm bad with KB+M. Can I still enjoy CS:GO? Is the skill matching good?
I played it on 360 awhile back and enjoyed it.
Every single one of the games you mentioned will be a daily/flash sale. This must be your first Steam sale, so: WAIT FOR THE DAILY SALE YOU BASTARD and enjoy!
edit: and for the new page, which Sword of the Stars: The Pit DLCs are worth getting? Just Gold Edition?
Is there a list or a google-doc for the Amazon.com prices?
Same thoughts. Was hoping I could grab the DC for $1.25.
Was just putting it out there anyway, not trying to excuse it at all.