I already have you added from a while back! Unless you mean me, in which case I had it set so only people who are signed in can see it for some reason.nah, not possible to add someone with private profile, so it's up to you
I'm sorry! I was looking at the GAF monitor while ACM verifies cache, because I refuse to believe this is the patched version. I'm moving 5 times more slowly than all these videos on youtube seem to.
Edit: I'm obviously not alone.
Also, it verfied fine, so basically, fuck you Gearbox.
how is borderlands 2 singleplayer? i think all my friends already played it
how is borderlands 2 singleplayer? i think all my friends already played it
Anyone can add me too if they want: http://steamcommunity.com/id/zeliard
Don't mind my time played in the past 2 weeks, I've been doing a lot of card idling. Terrible, I know, but my Steam wallet is thanking me for it! :>
Cleaning up my inventory, a couple of leftovers....
I think I remember Stump posting about that fight and how bad it was.
your achievement showcase is awesome! (><)
besthellboys is a cool guy who has gifted me Miasmata
Salsa I'm gonna gift you something
at some point in time
Thanks for the key bro.
Salsa I'm gonna gift you something
at some point in time
It's okay. I played with a friend a couple of times, way more enjoyable with a friend, but not bad on your own.
This game is fucking hard! I'm not usually good at these hardcore platformers though. I'm still in the first world. I'm glad the PG option exists because all the "oh yeahhhh"s at checkpoints got old real quick.Finally finished Electronic Super Joy.
Man what a great game. Best 79 cents I've ever spent
Crusader Kings 2, and also, the DLC... - Get the base game. It is a super deep experience and is on sale often. If you get into it you can pick up DLC later.
Revenge of the Titans - It is ok. Consider this bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly
Risk of Rain - It is excellent, but wait/look for a deal.
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams. Also, is the expansion worth getting alongside it for the additional 2 bucks? - I enjoy it a lot. Wait/look for a deal.
Guacamelee! Gold - Highly recommended, wait/look for a deal.
Primordia - Not as good as you'd think looking at it but can't go wrong for the price. Wait/look for a deal.
If you want the skins/heads that is up to you, but the "expansion" DLC is worth it IMO. If you own nothing then the 20 dollar pack is worth it. I think it contains everything but the newest DLC.
Wookie. Guacamelee and risk of rain are two of my top ten for 2013.
Giana sisters is supposed to be good.
That said, wait for the daily deals or flash sales.
here's my detailed opinion:
I will add anyone who adds me right now, would add more thourghly but I the road on a trip right now.
I'm trying to add you but I get an "Error adding friend. Please try again." First time it happened. Don't know why.