way I see it, it's like a single player Day Z
meaning it's tighter and feels more complete if you don't care about the random players aspect of the former
1 - get State of Decay
2 - wait till DayZ alpha gets cheaper/more complete
3 - ???
4 - profit
Not all that much alike, honestly, outside of the initial theme work and being "survival" games. SoD has a lot of community management and expansion and is based around missions, etc. It's a fairly full game. Honestly though, I've still yet to see anyone play DayZ in a survival manner anyway, it pretty much just seems like a extremely barebones, internet jackass sandbox nowadays. We all know internet jackass sandboxes peaked out at Ultima Online, anyway.
Veering off a bit, If you want a single player DayZ-esque title then it seems like Sir, You Are Being Hunted might be a good choice. That's what I kept reading about it, and that one WILL have co-op added to it at some point.