Steam is getting proper season passes support, all DLCs must be listed with expected release dates, refund for cancelled season pass content


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Steam will make publishers to provide more clarify and transparency regarding season pass
  • Must list down how many DLC
  • All DLC to have basic content description
  • Expected release date for each content (quarter or season also acceptable)
  • must include at least one released DLC when it is made available for purchase
  • customers will be offered a refund for the value of unreleased DLC for unreleased season pass DLC

Steam is getting proper season passes support, all DLCs must be listed with expected release dates. If DLC is cancelled, refund for the value of unreleased DLC will be offered.

Season Pass Guidelines​

When a Season Pass is made available for purchase on Steam, it must include the following information:
  • A complete list of all DLC included in the Pass. (i.e. listing each of the four DLCs included in a Pass).
  • A basic description of the content that’s included in each DLC. For example, the first content release might be “The Glitterlands Expansion – New area to explore, two new weapons, and new enemies.” It’s not required for the DLC to have a final name at the launch of the Season Pass. The information about the content in the DLC doesn’t need to be detailed (simply “new weapons” or “two new weapons” is acceptable, they don’t have to list the exact weapons).
  • Expected release date for each DLC. Quarter and Year (i.e. January to March 2025) or Season/Year is acceptable. Of course, a date that’s more precise is also fine (i.e. June, 2025 or June 1st, 2025).

A Season Pass must include at least one released DLC when it is made available for purchase*
*with the exception of Season Passes included in a Pre-Purchase of a deluxe edition.

Delaying or cancelling a DLC in a Season Pass​

We understand that game development doesn't always go as planned. If you think you aren't going to be able to release a DLC into the Season Pass by the quarter you promised, we allow you to self-reschedule the release date one time only during the Season Pass. You can pick a new date up to 3 months later than you originally selected. If for some reason you need to delay more than that, please reach out to us directly.

If you cancel a DLC in a Season Pass, customers will be offered a refund for the value of unreleased DLC.
NOTE: Under the Steam Distribution Agreement you have provided a warranty to Valve that your DLC will conform in all respects to the descriptions provided to customers, including promised release dates.

Even if there has not yet been a customer complaint, Valve may take action if you delay a DLC more than a quarter (3 months) beyond the release window you originally promised.

Actions include removing the Season Pass from sale on Steam, refunding all customers who purchased the Season Pass for the value of unreleased DLC, or allowing customers the option of refunding the entire Season Pass. For the purposes of refunds, the value of unreleased DLC will be decided in discussion with Valve.

Valve may also take action if your Season Pass content is not released after one year has passed. Actions may include refunds to customers and removing the Season Pass from sale on Steam.

Including a Season Pass in a Pre-Purchase​

You may include a Season Pass as part of a game's pre-purchase. If you'd like to include a Season Pass as part of a pre-purchase of an edition of a game, you'll still need to set up a Season Pass DLC as usual. However, as part of setting up a pre-purchase, you'll need to contact Steam to set the Season Pass DLC into pre-purchase mode.

When a Season Pass DLC is in pre-purchase mode, you are not required to release at least one DLC in the Season Pass at the time it goes on sale (as you are usually required to do when you launch a Season Pass). However, when the game launches, you will need to release the Season Pass out of pre-purchase--this will entail releasing at least one of the DLCs included in the Season Pass.

Including a Season Pass in a Deluxe/Premium Edition of Your Game​

You can include a Season Pass in a Deluxe or other premium edition of your game.

To do this, you'll need to create the Season Pass DLC using the same steps outlined in this documentation page. Once it has been created, you can add the Season Pass DLC app to the Deluxe package.

You must ALSO add all of the individual DLCs contained in the Season Pass as they are released.

This is very important, because if you don't add the individual DLCs to the package (in addition to the Season Pass) customers won't gain access to the DLCs they purchased in this Deluxe edition when they are released.
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shaking gabe newell GIF
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.

Interesting too that season passes will have to include at least once piece of released DLC at launch, or the game can't launch on Steam.
Steam will make publisher to provide more clarify and transparency regarding season pass
  • Must list down how many DLC
  • All DLC to have basic content description
  • Expected release date for each content (quarter or season also acceptable)
  • must include at least one released DLC when it is made available for purchase
  • customers will be offered a refund for the value of unreleased DLC for unreleased season pass DLC

Steam's level is over 9000 while Sony and Microsoft are at level 42. Steam is just running circles around them.


Unbelievable. Call the ADL.

Seriously though, I am glad they did this. I hate Season Passes enough as it is, but to charge for them and have no idea what you are getting is BS. I am wondering how many will say TBD for release date.


ידע זה כוח
DLC are already considered parts of the game being cut off, so having it available already at launch will make it even more evident.

Other than that I'm all for this.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
It will hopefully push publisher to divulge season pass details properly instead of this



Neo Member
Hell yeah. Game devs are sometimes crying how much it costs to release a game on Steam, and how much cut Valve takes. As a gamer and customer, who has experience with multiple platforms and storefronts, I can say I get my moneys worth from Steam as a platform.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Looks like Steam are too busy making changes that matter instead of a Pepe genocide. ADL in shambles!!


These are all good things but:

must include at least one released DLC when it is made available for purchase

What stops them from releasing a weapon skin or something to meet this requirement?

My concern is they might remove certain things from the main game and claim them as the first DLC
Or this
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Mr Hyde

Great stuff. I wish Sony and Nintendo had the friendly consumer policies that Valve has when it comes to digital purchases. It's just a night and day difference.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Seems like publishers got wind of this a while ago. Ubisoft just flat out stated they were not going to support a season pass for AssCreed Shadows and they are releasing on steam with the updated release date in February 2025 I believe.
If they scrapped their season pass plans and are going to skip ANY expanded content or charge for an updated version "AssCreed Shadows - Dusk Falls" I see this as a loss for me as a player, and for them as a developer.
Also I don't like Value mandating what I can and cannot buy from a publisher. If anything this seems like a measure that protects Valves bottom line since they are requiring full refunds for unmet DLC content which is charged back to the publisher, but that's just my opinion.

I really like some season passes, it builds up new excitement for the released content and engages/brings folks back into the game. I think Capcom does a great job of this with its SF season passes. I also like being surprised by the character announcements but I understand why others may not like this approach.
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I think Capcom does a great job of this with its SF season passes. I also like being surprised by the character announcements but I understand why others may not like this approach.
Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce

Releasing a single mystery character every 3 months with info three weeks prior is the golden standard for you? I fucking hate this drip feed bullshit. Worst part of modern fighting games outside of fighting passes. They should just throw 6 known characters in there and release an updated version with new stages and mechanics every year and a half.
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Also I don't like Value mandating what I can and cannot buy from a publisher. If anything this seems like a measure that protects Valves bottom line since they are requiring full refunds for unmet DLC content which is charged back to the publisher, but that's just my opinion.
This is crazy to me, because the publishers are currently selling you air with the promise that there is something that will fill that air eventually, that you may or may not like. It's like pre-order to the extreme where you don't even know what you're getting. All Valve is doing is making sure that the publishers have something tangible and expectations are set before they can start charging you for it. To be against that, I just can't understand.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
To be against that, I just can't understand.
That was a general comment and not specific to the "publisher must make 100% sure they deliver X". Valve certainly has egg on their face in several situations where they have no direct control (the Helldivers 2 PS sign in thing for example) and I think they should insulate themselves in the best way they can. Valve placing restrictions on what items can be offered and how those are fulfilled is a slippery slope to me. I don't want anyone to get ripped off...but I also don't want to buy games in the future on steam only to have to go outside of steam to get content available on other platforms. Yes my example is extreme...but I don't think it is unreasonable to see a future where they over step.

Ultimately the consumer is responsible for WHAT they spend their money on.

You play a ton of monster hunter and mobile titles as well. You enjoy them and have a crap ton of insight from the years you have spent playing them and you share that freely here on Gaf. If you couldn't buy specific dlc or spend your money on premium currency (if that is your choice) that would suck, at least I think that would suck for you and for me (selfishly) because I like interacting with you in those threads/communities.
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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce

Releasing a single mystery character every 3 months with info three weeks prior is the golden standard for you? I fucking hate this drip feed bullshit. Worst part of modern fighting games outside of fighting passes. They should just throw 6 known characters in there and release an updated version with new stages and mechanics every year and a half.
Again, just my opinion. I've played fighting games as long as they have existed. We would always come up with "what if" scenarios about adding characters to our favorite fighting games and how cool it would be if Kano ripped out Sagat's heart etc etc. Smash also did a crazy great job with those reveals in my opinion. I can still remember when mega man was shown as a character was awesome...for me.

Some folks appreciate the instant gratification of having all the content at once, I can see the appeal in that. I also fell that developers have a bit more wiggle room/creativity when it comes to adding in new content when they don't have to plan all of it at one time.
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