Might as well give it to someone without l4d
Thanks, will redeem it when I get home, hope it's not too late to get L4D
Might as well give it to someone without l4d
I'm surprised Arthea hasn't noticed.
That's Picross on Steam.
Thanks, will redeem it when I get home, hope it's not too late to get L4D
you don't get L4D for beta, only if you preodered a game.
ya, I somehow not noticed it, even if I check all games on greenlihgt, I have excuse though, it was added at the time I was very busy with my Xmas stuff!
you don't get L4D for beta, only if you preodered a game.
oh, I see how we got confused.??? I thought those with l4d get evolve beta automatically in their steam library? that was what I meant.
oh, I see how we got confused.
Ningen wanted L4D, which you get if you preodered the game (not if you participate in beta), while everybody who have bunch of games or participated in beta, got closed beta, I got it too. I thought we all got it actually
I don't, sue can anyone not have l4d1
I don't, sue me.
I don't have it either!
only l4d2
What's wrong with you?!
.Well, all L4D content is on 2, so you miss nothing at all.
Oddworld: New and Tasty releasing on Steam on February 25th for $20 / £15 / €20 plus 10% preorder discount.
Finally. Still really excited for this game.
Oddworld: New and Tasty releasing on Steam on February 25th for $20 / £15 / €20 plus 10% preorder discount.
Finally. Still really excited for this game.
EDIT: You should prob. make a thread for this BTW, so more people are aware of it.
For people enjoying Hexcells, make sure to check also other great puzzle games on Steam:
link-a-pix are nice in Puzzle Worlds, that's true.
Also why did you omit some of the best puzzle games on steam? like Puzzle Quest, M&M Clash of Heroes, 10 000 000, Critter Crunch, Peggle, Triple Town, etc. Like not even single one of those is on your list.
Just curious, especially because you badmouthed PQ before! I smell agenda!
Not to mention, your list is void of Letter Quest and Lexica too. Not good enough?
We should totally do a Steam Puzzle Game OT. I mean, last time a platform had such many good puzzle games was in the NDS era.
Oh boy this will be interesting to readNaughty Dog won't push Uncharted 4 to 60fps if it compromises player experience
i mean i guess it's better to have 30 lock than jumping up and down between 30 and 50 or somethingOh boy this will be interesting to readNaughty Dog won't push Uncharted 4 to 60fps if it compromises player experience
And to the wishlist it goes
This should be an entertaining read as well: Will dive in later.![]()
Ace more games to wishlist tonight
Ace even more games to wishlist tonight
Can you pre-subscribe to a thread that has been created yet![]()
This should be an entertaining read as well: Will dive in later.![]()
i mean i guess it's better to have 30 lock than jumping up and down between 30 and 50 or something
Ah. I was about to ask if results have been posted. Take you time.
Looks like I have to smuggle a copy of Hotline Miami 2 up my e-buttocks and into my Steam account.
Let's see if they can actually release a proper PC port out of the gate this time.
Oddworld: New and Tasty releasing on Steam on February 25th for $20 / £15 / 20 plus 10% preorder discount.
Finally. Still really excited for this game.
About time, been waiting far too long for the PC release.
Oddworld: New and Tasty releasing on Steam on February 25th for $20 / £15 / €20 plus 10% preorder discount.
Finally. Still really excited for this game.
To be fair, they did sort things out, mostly and later upgraded Stranger to the HD version which is more than some devs care to do. The initial release was in a pretty dire state though. (and despite buying the Oddbox upon its PC release I still haven't fully replayed any of the games it contains...)Let's see if they can actually release a proper PC port out of the gate this time.
The physics make it look fun, hah.
I bought L4D2 in summer after finding out it has all content of L4D1. Why pay extra?how can anyone not have l4d1
I had loads of fun with U1-3 at 30fps.Oh boy this will be interesting to readNaughty Dog won't push Uncharted 4 to 60fps if it compromises player experience
The physics make it look fun, hah.
Now this is a gamevwhere I would like to see DOA's jiggly physics.
Fuck. Norwegian retailer Elkjøp has Dying Light PC for 23$20.
That's pushing me.
Fuck. Norwegian retailer Elkjøp has Dying Light PC for 23$20€.
That's pushing me.
Let's see if they can actually release a proper PC port out of the gate this time.
Just threw it onto my wishlist.
nopeAre the TITS achievements new? I don't remember them from launch
Are the TITS achievements new? I don't remember them from launch
Started Alice: Madness Returns
For the third time, maybe this time I'll finish the game.
First time I played, I run into a elevator glitch. Since the game autosaved just after the glitch occured and it only has one save, I was borked.
Second time I played, I did it on my spare Pentium (when my main CPU fried) - game was simply unplayable with the amount of stutter texture streaming and decompression introduced on a 2 thread CPU.
So far reached Hatter's Domain, so still early in the game. It looks absolutely gorgeous, although there's still some stutter while streaming. Weird since I have a 4 thread CPU and am playing from a SSD... :\ Anyone knows how to make the game behave? I didn't change anything other than remove the 30fps lock and ticked the PhysX to medium...
Are the TITS achievements new? I don't remember them from launch
another puzzle fan? add me on steam.
The physics make it look fun, hah.
Now this is a gamevwhere I would like to see DOA's jiggly physics.
Just threw it onto my wishlist.
DARK SOULS 2 PATCH 1.10 NOTES said:Adjusted rewards in online play:
- Added new character, The Scholar of the First Sin.
- Additional item description text.
- Choosing to enter the Covenant of Champions will now allow enemies to continue to respawn after being defeated.
- Choosing to enter the Covenant of Champions will now cause enemies to inflict more damage to the player.
- Players will gain access to a new item: The Agape Ring. When players equip the new Agape Ring, souls collected from kills during online play will be absorbed by the ring rather than the player. This allows players to control their online matchmaking experience by limiting their total souls collected.
- Increased effect of Rusted Coin.
- Awestones now dropped more often.
- The bonfire warp selection screen will now highlight the top three areas where players will have the best change to connect with other players online.
- White phantoms will remain in other players' worlds for longer periods of time.
- White phantoms will no longer return to their world if time runs out during a boss battle.
- Players on their first play through can now match with players on their 2nd or further play through.
- Made it easier for players to match online in general.
- Made it so that invading players cannot use items which invite more enemies.
- NPC conversation text is now displayed more prominently than online notices.
- Players may now choose to cancel out the effect of the Human Effigy at bonfires.
- When a player cannot take part in online play due to the effect of the Human Effigy, made it so that the player can still write signs. (They still cannot summon during this period.)
- The Imitation spell now affects normal enemies.
- The Hush spell is now more effective on normal enemies.
- Load times shortened (PS3 only).
- Calibrations no longer saved each time before the title screen.
- Fixed issue causing map name listed on save data and actual map name after loading to not match.
- Made it possible to skip the ending sequence the 2nd time through and beyond.
- Removed the blur effect used when looking through the binoculars.
- Rouge Water, etc.: Fixed issue causing the user not to recover spell usages for spells only able to be used once.
- Made Old Iron King's Crown's effect function consistently throughout the game.
- Adjusted price for Crown of the Ivory King, Ivory King Armor, Ivory King Gauntlets, Ivory King Leggings.
- Fixed Issue whereby the sign in the Iron Keep was not displayed as intended once the player spoke to Lucatiel of Mirrah in Harvest Valley.
- Corrected issue whereby users could not use Bonfire Ascetics at Undead Crypt Entrance Bonfire.
- Adjusted timing for Licia of Lindeldt to become the player's enemy.
- Adjusted conditions for lighting Majula map from "Defeat Nashandra" to "Defeat Throne Defender and Throne Watcher."
- To prevent invasion after defeating area bosses, made the Human Effigy effect function in this situation automatically.
- Made it possible to get the reward items after defeating area bosses even if your inventory is full at the time. (Items will drop in front of the player.)
- Made it possible to get the reward items after using Crushed Eye Orb and defeating Licia of Lindeldt even if your inventory is full at the time. (Items will drop in front of the player.)
- In Black Gulch, made it possible to receive Forgotten Key after defeating a Giant when the player has 99 Souls of a Giant.
- In Grand Cathedral, made it possible to still receive the item you are supposed to get when talking to Alsanna, Silent Oracle even if your inventory is full.
- At the Ending, if the player has fulfilled the conditions to receive Illusory Ring of a Conqueror and Illusory Ring of the Exalted but their inventory is full, made it possible to receive the rings properly. (Players will receive the rings as soon as space is opened in their inventory.)
Normal Online Play
Covenant "Blue Sentinels"
- Host vanquishes invading dark phantom or arbiter spirit: Human Effigy
- Host vanquishes a dark phantom summoned through red sign: Human Effigy
- Host vanquishes invading grey spirit (Bell Keeper): (1 of the following) Titanite Chunk, Titanite Slab, Twinkling Titanite, Petrified Dragon Bone.
- Vanquish host you invade at the covenant "Rat King" area: Added Smooth & Silky Stone in addition to Pharros' Lockstone
Covenant "Rat King"
- Vanquish dark phantom when summoned as help by a Way of Blue host: Devotion to covenant up +1.
Covenant "Bell Keeper"
- Vanquish client summoned to Rat King area: Added Smooth & Silky Stone in addition to Pharros' Lockstone.
Covenant "Pilgrims of Dark"
- Vanquish host when invading as grey phantom: (1 of the following) Titanite Chunk, Titanite Slab, Twinkling Titanite, Petrified Dragon Bone.
Covenant "Brotherhood of Blood"
- Host vanquishes abyss spirit in Dark Chasm of Old: added Human Effigy to Bonfire Ascetic.
- When invading, vanquish Blue Sentinel summoned as help: Devotion to covenant up +2.