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STEAM | January 2015 - Steam GOTY results: Delayed

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Well, that's one damn good price for GTA5, was a nono at $40+, but I can't resist at <$30.
I'll be able to help a few people to buy GTA5 for $27 each.
For now I'll only help those I already have in my friends list, so shoot me a message on Steam.
Hope it's ok i put this message here, not really looking to get bombed with PMs from the B/S/T thread and don't wanna spam my friends list. (sorry, but don't bother to PM me if we're not already friends on Steam, no exceptions for now)

Edit: Those are region free Steam gift copies, from little china.

Dunder my man!
I'll be home in 10ish hours time so I'll get in touch with you on Steam by then <3


i said this myself. if you're not ready to tackle difficult themes just don't tackle it. just don't talk about what you don't know how to talk about

People rarely realize what they're 'equipped' to talk about, and not everyone puts the same import into any specific topic.

i strongly disagree that games are more interactive than film or music or whatever.

Films are passive by nature - you sit and watch them. Games are interactive by nature - you play them. If you're 'strongly disagreeing' that games are more interactive than film... I mean, sorry, we're speaking different languages and I don't even know how to continue the topic at this point, so I'll bow out.

I feel like you're asking far too much of people. People make stuff all the time. Some are terrible at it. Some are great. And the world turns.


How much is it in China?

I'm not exactly sure, but I think it's in the ballpark of around $30 US. You can enter the region code in the URL of the store page (on the browser) to see the price.

I'm not paying $70 CAD, even with a terrible dollar. I'll probably look around and maybe grab GTAV tomorrow.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
i said this myself. if you're not ready to tackle difficult themes just don't tackle it. just don't talk about what you don't know how to talk about

there's no need for games to talk about gender issues or racism or whatever

but if you're gonna do so, i'm gonna judge the shit out of you

i strongly disagree that games are more interactive than film or music or whatever. games are oftentimes a lot more authored than movies and much easier to grasp and interpret, in both gameplay and story.

i also disagree that story is secondary for videogames as a medium

the interaction between gameplay and story is what's interesting about videogames, and in the few games that are actually interactive and allow you to write your own story (through dialogue, creativity in use of game mechanics or creative tools you're offered in game, and even modding), that's the #1 thing

the fact most videogames ignore that potential is sad, but most movies have copypasta framing and editing, so yeah, 90% of everything is always shit

Too tired and headache ridden to make a decent reply, but Zeek is right on.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
There are some things like GTA or Talos Principle that are cheaper. Not sure about this Saints Row Ultimate pack, since thats about 10$ here too.

Hence "by default". It's not considered a cheaper region by Valve because it's the opposite situation to Brazil, Eastern Europe, etc. (i.e. publishers have to opt into lower pricing as opposed to opting out of it).

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
what's a zeek

You, you silly goose.
Games, just like every other medium is a cultural mirror. To not talk about X, is to talk about X.

Interactivity can be passive, as most games are because that's the technological limitations ie something like Civ 5 can have multiple iterations(not the word I'm looking for but eh) and choices but most games are not built that way. I'm having this critical moment playing through (finally!) The Last of Us.


Well, that's one damn good price for GTA5, was a nono at $40+, but I can't resist at <$30.
I'll be able to help a few people to buy GTA5 for $27 each.
For now I'll only help those I already have in my friends list, so shoot me a message on Steam.
Hope it's ok i put this message here, not really looking to get bombed with PMs from the B/S/T thread and don't wanna spam my friends list. (sorry, but don't bother to PM me if we're not already friends on Steam, no exceptions for now)

Edit: Those are region free Steam gift copies, from little china.
I love you Dunder


I tried running Dead Rising 3 for the first time and it just made my computer reboot.

It's a good thing I got it for free.

I have the latest AMD drivers.

I got it from the same freebie and just started playing last week thanks to a new CPU upgrade that finally made it possible. I'm about 80% done but while I haven't had any reboots I get more and more crashes the farther I progress and now it happens after about 20-30 minutes of playing which has slowed me down considerably. I only lose about 5 minutes of progress, but I lose the will to keep going for another couple of days.


You, you silly goose.

why am i zeek

Games, just like every other medium is a cultural mirror. To not talk about X, is to talk about X.

Interactivity can be passive, as most games are because that's the technological limitations ie something like Civ 5 can have multiple iterations(not the word I'm looking for but eh) and choices but most games are not built that way. I'm having this critical moment playing through (finally!) The Last of Us.
yeah, pretty much

pressing buttons doesn't really make you a participant unless mechanics and story intently make you a participant. there's only interactivity when the player is allowed to display mastery and/or creativity within the rules of the game world, everything else is just the same as pressing play on your dvd or not closing your eyes when watching a movie. if you play a game for 10 hours and you're just as bad as when you started you have learned nothing and achieved nothing and your experience with the game might as well not have existed. that's why videogames aren't interactive per se, since they require game systems complex enough to allow you to interact with them. you interact with videogames with your fingers as well as your mind, and both are really key, but the mind is always gonna be more important. just mindlessly pressing buttons isn't really interactivity because you're oblivious to the game state response of your actions and thus aren't learning anything

on the other hand your mind works in videogames just as it does in movies. it interprets the story and the mechanics based on your background and beliefs and past experiences. if the content can be interpreted of interpretation then it's interactive because you can't just be swapped with someone else and get the same result

and mechanics are just like story, they can either be shallow or deep and allow for interpretation or not. and those two can combine into new things for you to interpret


I would love one too, if possible. I can always look elsewhere though.

I can respect Dunder wanting to keep it to his friends list, but if he expands selling later on, I'm around!
Wait so the copies currently being sold on Steam are region free? Pricing just changed for my country and they're going for $40 now and the sub id is 58504 which is the same one that is being sold in USA. They can't retroactively region lock the game after purchase can they?

Where's Jasec when you need him :S


I would have loved a Chinese version of GTA V as well but unfortunately I don't have Dunder on my friendlist. I'm not gonna pay full price again after having bought both the PS3 and PS4 versions.


irresponsible vagina leak
I might do this soon to my fightstick :3


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Wait so the copies currently being sold on Steam are region free? Pricing just changed for my country and they're going for $40 now and the sub id is 58504 which is the same one that is being sold in USA. They can't retroactively region lock the game after purchase can they?

Where's Jasec when you need him :S

They're not region-free if you mean free of the trading restriction. It's just notably cheaper in China, which is considered rest-of-world. The only publisher that bothers with OARIC anymore is Ubisoft.
They're not region-free if you mean free of the trading restriction. It's just notably cheaper in China, which is considered rest-of-world. The only publisher that bothers with OARIC anymore is Ubisoft.

So my copy would be ROW as well right? Can they change that after I've bought and activated it? My country wouldn't even come under the trading restriction.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So my copy would be ROW as well right? Can they change that after I've bought and activated it? My country wouldn't even come under the trading restriction.

Yeah, there's only one sub and publishers don't have the ability to replace user licences.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me

why am i zeek

yeah, pretty much

pressing buttons doesn't really make you a participant unless mechanics and story intently make you a participant. there's only interactivity when the player is allowed to display mastery and/or creativity within the rules of the game world, everything else is just the same as pressing play on your dvd or not closing your eyes when watching a movie. if you play a game for 10 hours and you're just as bad as when you started you have learned nothing and achieved nothing and your experience with the game might as well not have existed. that's why videogames aren't interactive per se, since they require game systems complex enough to allow you to interact with them. you interact with videogames with your fingers as well as your mind, and both are really key, but the mind is always gonna be more important. just mindlessly pressing buttons isn't really interactivity because you're oblivious to the game state response of your actions and thus aren't learning anything

on the other hand your mind works in videogames just as it does in movies. it interprets the story and the mechanics based on your background and beliefs and past experiences. if the content can be interpreted of interpretation then it's interactive because you can't just be swapped with someone else and get the same result

and mechanics are just like story, they can either be shallow or deep and allow for interpretation or not. and those two can combine into new things for you to interpret

I pronounce your name as 'zeekylon' so 'zeek' will be a nickname.

And what you said is right. So long as we have binary choices; life, or game over, good ending bad ending. And the limitations of everything else, I don't think the medium will advance much.

But there are a variety of ways of telling a story, because a hundred+ good novels, and a hundred+ good films, exist.

Content and context is what matters.


I pronounce your name as 'zeekylon' so 'zeek' will be a nickname.
i don't like zeek

i like zky

pls don't call me zeek

And what you said is right. So long as we have binary choices; life, or game over, good ending bad ending. And the limitations of everything else, I don't think the medium will advance much.

But there are a variety of ways of telling a story, because a hundred+ good novels, and a hundred+ good films, exist.

Content and context is what matters.
and there are good games doing good shit. it's not because videogames are TEH ULTIMATE MEDIUM or anything, they're just meticulously crafted like most good stuff in other mediums is

ppl should play always sometimes monsters :>

My god, Gat Out of Hell for $5. Everyone should jump on this.

linky pls?


Just going to drop this here:

Clearing Up Distribution Details!

Hey guys, I’ve received some comments on twitter from some fans who are a little confused about the what, where and when of the HuniePop release. So, let me try to clear things up:

Release Date

HuniePop is going to be made available on Steam, MangaGamer and huniepop.com (via the Humble Widget) on January 21st. Specifically January 21st at 12:00AM EST (so if you’re in the PST timezone, that’s Jan 20th at 9:00PM). All these places you can buy it are timed to release HP at this time, give or take a few mins probably.

What Version?

  • If you buy from Steam, you get the censored version for Steam.
  • If you buy from MangaGamer, you get the uncensored version DRM free PLUS a Steam key.
  • If you buy from the Humble widget on huniepop.com, you get the uncensored version DRM free PLUS a Steam key.


what's it locked to?

could i buy it from argieland?

It has activation lock and only works for NA. Deep Silver being jerks.

The key itself is not region-locked but as is usually the case only people with a US-based payment method can buy it.

Wait what? It's not locked?

Well, you'd need to use a VPN to activate it, but other than that, no.

Oh, then I am just going to pass on this deal



'stuff' can be criticized

i criticize it

it's simple

This conversation was never about whether you can criticize something or not, and I have never said nor implied you couldn't. I was merely pointing out that expecting writers to know what they can and can not handle is asking the impossible. And since anyone with a pencil can write, we always have and always will get dreck. Holding one medium to a different standard than all others seems quite unfair. Visual cues, which started this whole conversation, have long been established. Gaming didn't invent the ones you don't like, it merely pilfered them from film and television, where they are commonly used, responsibly or not. Asking a director not to use a visual cue is not much different from asking an author not to use a word.


This conversation was never about whether you can criticize something or not, and I have never said nor implied you couldn't.

we'll you're saying i expect too much like that's an excuse for games being bad at stuff

i don't expect too much, i know games can do better because i've seen games do better


Activating that 35$ GTAV shouldn't be a problem despite being in Germany right? GTAV has a seperate sub here because of the free game thing I believe but I couldn't find anything regarding regionlock.

E: Activated just fine


we'll you're saying i expect too much like that's an excuse for games being bad at stuff

i don't expect too much, i know games can do better because i've seen games do better

You're missing my point. Of course games can be better. So can films. So can comics. But since we can't force people not to make stuff, and people vary in talent from 'absolutely dreadful' to 'masterful', we'll always get the good and the bad. You seem to only want the good. We will always, always get a thousand times more bad than good, because most people aren't actually good creators (be it authors, directors, or game developers). Fortunately, the amount of bad romance novels released per year in no way affects how many great novels are released - they're completely independent from one another. Different creators entirely. It's like asking novelists to 'stick to a higher standard'... it's just an impossible, impossible ask. Authors are gonna author, and most of them are dreadful [as anyone who has read through a pile of manuscripts will attest].

That's what I mean when you're asking too much.... there's no way to stop the onslaught of bad unless we start forcing bad authors to not write stuff at gunpoint -- besides, we can't suddenly not have the bad, because the sea of bad stuff is what lets us treasure the diamonds when they do appear.

Anyway, this is ridiculously off topic at this point, so goodnight.
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