Babies are the ultimate price mistake.
Condom joke?
Babies are the ultimate price mistake.
I dont really think a scandal would happen with niché VN games or VN-like games. I mean GTA got flak because of that because it is huge and every mom and dad even knows what it is.
Like would they be able to do a similar thing for games that are banned in Germany and Australia? Sell the game censored, but then have a 10 second fix to turn the German version into the uncensored version and have that advertised right out in the open. Seems like that would be asking for trouble.
I should tweet Devolver to get this game on Steam
I hit a cut scene in Gat after about 90 minutes that was worth the $5 by itself.
So you're like next to your baby's head coming out and still post on Gaf?
At least post some pics
I take it everybody who got the HD REmaster got it from Nuuvem? There's no region lock on it, and it's just over half price from there. Cost me £8 and change.
Wait.. FiveElementNinja look a bit like Chariot..
It's a shame Dino Crisis never got the HD makeover.
It could be awesome, seeing how awesome the RE HD is.
Did Valve just update the activity feed so that all posts have boxes around them or am I just unobservant?
Did Valve just update the activity feed so that all posts have boxes around them or am I just unobservant?
Steam stats now have average speeds for each ISP if you click on a country in the map:
They went from old color scheme (grey) to blue. (And maybe some more shading around the borders?)
Did Valve just update the activity feed so that all posts have boxes around them or am I just unobservant?
Yes, it looks like it. It looks really nice.
Bonus points to Gat out of Hell for automatically using my SRIV character as the president, I was worried when there was no creation option I'd get the awful generic "boss" they use.
Nope, he suggested FlyVPN for early unpacking.You were always suggesting FlyVPN. What happened?
Is anyone else having issues redeeming their Gat out of Hell code on Steam that they got from the gamestop sale?
It's telling me I need to activate the base game first...
You guys talking about HuniePop reminded me about that russian VN that had sex scenes. What happened with that? Were the sex scenes patched out or something?
Is anyone else having issues redeeming their Gat out of Hell code on Steam that they got from the gamestop sale?
It's telling me I need to activate the base game first...
Is anyone else having issues redeeming their Gat out of Hell code on Steam that they got from the gamestop sale?
It's telling me I need to activate the base game first...
Is anyone else having issues redeeming their Gat out of Hell code on Steam that they got from the gamestop sale?
It's telling me I need to activate the base game first...
How is this allowed on Steam?
If the art assets come from the game then it's either copyright infringement OR requires you to have a copy of the base game (in which case it won't be function for the vast majority of people on Steam and there's no indication on the store page). I guess if the art assets are original then it might be OK, but it's still totally bizarre to be available on Steam.
How is this allowed on Steam?
If the art assets come from the game then it's either copyright infringement OR requires you to have a copy of the base game (in which case it won't be function for the vast majority of people on Steam and there's no indication on the store page). I guess if the art assets are original then it might be OK, but it's still totally bizarre to be available on Steam.
How is this allowed on Steam?
If the art assets come from the game then it's either copyright infringement OR requires you to have a copy of the base game (in which case it won't be function for the vast majority of people on Steam and there's no indication on the store page). I guess if the art assets are original then it might be OK, but it's still totally bizarre to be available on Steam.
Any used names, symbols or other copyrighted material is the property of the respective owners.
We do not take any responsibility if this mod harms your software or hardware.
We assume that you (end user/player) own a licensed copy of the Caesar III(c), otherwise you should buy the game before using this mod. Failing to do so will be breaching the license agreement.
HEYYY HuniePop has 2 of those girls from some other game (the red hair one and the tan girl who if my memory serves correct is spanish). I remember seeing a video way back where those 2 were arguing in a mall, the voice acting was so bad it was hilarious imo. but tot the games credit they talked like actual people, well at least thats how the people i know talk more or less. The game isn't listed under the developer thowhat game was it >_>
Yep. Looks good imo.Did Valve just update the activity feed so that all posts have boxes around them or am I just unobservant?
Being able to use the WiiU tablet-thing for streaming PC/Steam gaming ala Shield or Vita-remoteplay would be pretty dope as well.For those who missed this thread, you can now use a Wii U Pro Controller on PC via Bluetooth as an XInput device (Xbox 360 controller), just as people have been using the DS4 for a while.
I don't own a Pro one yet, but I've already tried a normal Wii Remote, and yep, it works (you can map the buttons). Just keep in mind that you'll need a BT adapter that is compatible with the Toshiba stack for better results.
As I already own a Wii U, this comes in handy and saves me from buying another controller. Also, I've heard that the Wii U Pro Controller is excellent.