Was gonna wait but I can't say no to that price.
why would you want Fahrenheit, remaster or no?
I have it on gog, it's more than enough
Well, Aspyr didn't bother to insert italian language in Indigo Remastered, even if in the preavious version you only need to modify an .ini or something like that to unlock italian audio and subs.
Also, they didn't add achievements or cards support. Not that is is a primary task, but even DoubleFine managed to put them on Grim Fandango.
This remastered really looks like a patch.
Life Is Strange out today?
But mah comfy couch!
kinda want to buy Fahrenheit but the only thing i remember from that game is all of that squandered promise.
Yes dammit
Run a damn hdmi to my living room TV and play all day every day
also didn't say anything about controllers so that's fine too
Don't forget LEGO Marvel's Avengers
don't worry it gets much more eventful later on. Don't forget to talk to NPCs, never ever forget that!Spent 8 hours on Trails.
I really hope the plot gets a move, because basically on the prologue (yes, 8 hours just for the prologue) happened only one thing that made the story proceed.
Also the fact this was a PSP title is shown by the way every single mission is structured, very fast to complete, even bracer's sidequests.
Those are Witcher-like side-quests, in which you need to go back and forth between the same screens too many times just to grab a mushroom, kill a monster or find some ingredients.
I like the characters and the combat system, but I REALLY hope that, from chapter 1 and so, the plot take a go, with you visiting more cities, exploring more dungeons etc.
Because if this is 60 hours all in four main locations, man, I'll take month to beat it, it would be boring.
Glad as hell it turned out true. People called me crazy when I said it was possible ages back.
Fuck dinosaurs and Super Heroes, where's The Battle of the Five Armies DLC Travellers Tales?
Fuck dinosaurs and Super Heroes, where's The Battle of the Five Armies DLC Travellers Tales?
Fuck dinosaurs and Super Heroes, where's The Battle of the Five Armies DLC Travellers Tales?
You're dead to me.
Aren't dinosaurs dead to you?
oh, I somehow forgot that, sorry
and yeah, prices seem to be on the rise constantly.
anyway, last bundlestars bundle is 3.23/$2.99, just to give you a picture how out of hand it's getting.
LEGO The Hobbit 2 in 2016?
Hey, it didwork for Indiana Jonesnot
You're dead to me.
The achievements for Life is Strange seem pretty simple and straight-forward. Looks like we will be getting 12 achievements an episode. Definitely gonna 100% this.
Yeah, I talk to NPC everytime I encounter one, luckily they have more things to say compared to Ys NPCs.
Also, can you meet monsters that give you a decent amount of exp? Because now, even when I beat boss, they give only a few exp points.
This morning I also wasted all my selyph (or whatever are called), I thought I can buy them from the dude that unlockc orbs, instead I sold them all :|
We're gonna start reminiscing the days when we had just 1:1 price conversions for our games, uh?
don't worry it gets much more eventful later on. Don't forget to talk to NPCs, never ever forget that!
Don't give WB ideas
Actually I can't even find where it was said that the third film would get DLC treatment anymore.
Hey I like Jurassic Park just as much as the next guy (Crichton over Spielberg although The Lost World was pretty close to the second book) but TT usually crank out a LEGO game a year and now we've got 2 on the horizon I get the feeling that The Hobbit is going to get left behind. Or as Knurek says a separate game but much later.
Why you gotta remind me.Aren't dinosaurs dead to you?
a new Sherlock Holmes game
Sherlock Holmes game...
dang! I thought it looked kinda familiar but thought I'm imagining things (><)
Thanks for your writeup.
Kinda shocked to see everyone buying Fahrenheit Remastered.
I thought it was universally agreed upon that the final act ruined the game.
Kinda shocked to see everyone buying Fahrenheit Remastered.
I thought it was universally agreed upon that the final act ruined the game.
So I think this conv thing is up to publisher and not imposed by Steam.
Yes? That's why the conversion pricing for games has never been consistent.
I need to spend a positive word on Aspyr: at least they did a proper change. 9.99$ and 8.89, is right.
So I think this conv thing is up to publisher and not imposed by Steam.
Glad as hell it turned out true. People called me crazy when I said it was possible ages back.
In Dying Light? Possibly, I'll get back go you on that after I get home from school.
But I somehow doubt it as Jim Sterling was also complaining about it and he got further into the game than I have so far. He said dont get too attach to your favorite weapon.
Also anyone who have Ryse on PC. How well does it run on a GTX 760? Or I guess just run normally. Good port?
All this talk about Life is Strange when i remember both the plot and basic gameplay design of Remember Me being pretty meh. only thing that really stuck out for me was its excellent art design and fantastic visuals. Even the story was middling and not well told, with characters just disappearing and most of the villains being cartoonishly depicted.
So Dontnod is making a telltale-style game now? I guess i'm sorta interested in seeing what comes of it.