Hmm I was hoping there was a cool acronym people are using.
I missed your post, and even if I'm not considering myself Shadow Hearts fan, I think that ShH2 was a nice game, while first one is OK, and lol at the third one. We talked about it several times, Koudelka too, btw. I don't see it as underrated, I kinda think that ideas behind games are better than games themselves, although 2nd one - Covenant, was a step in the right direction.
Koudelka was bad tho.
I got April covered Mr. Orange
Why did they make Drake a psychopathic Rob Lowe?
I got April covered Mr. Orange
whats with all the drake talk?
Rob Lowe is psychopathic Rob Lowe.Why did they make Drake a psychopathic Rob Lowe?
Should be Regina.
I like the uncharted games.
that said, TR2013 is better than 2/3 of the uncharted games and it's a shame it got overlooked because it wasn't tomb-y enough. Sure, it wasn't perfect but man did i love playing that game.
Can't wait for Rise
super LTTP with this, but Lego Marvel Super Heroes really is fantastic. Even just playing the levels, so I imagine that someone getting deep into the unlocks must get a fuckton out of this game
I got April covered Mr. Orange
Rob Lowe is psychopathic Rob Lowe.
It was better than Uncharted 3. I would put ROTTR far higher up. Like maybe just below UC2. Maybe the same depending on the day.
I really like how areas are much more open in TR2013 than in almost all of the uncharted series. Having a decent chunk of area to explore really makes the UC games feel like corridor shooters in comparison.
Sure, the characters in 2013 aren't nearly as appealing as the folks in the uncharted games but the actual gameplay was terrific outside of that stupid river section
I like the uncharted games.
that said, TR2013 is better than 2/3 of the uncharted games and it's a shame it got overlooked because it wasn't tomb-y enough. Sure, it wasn't perfect but man did i love playing that game.
Can't wait for Rise
I need to watch more MST3K, where else can I see aliens blowing up Hitler buildings?
probably late on this but has anyone here subbed to Origin Access yet? Seems like it's not a bad deal for $5 a month.
I did. Tried out DA:I last night.
I did. Tried out DA:I last night.
... did you like it? Once you get past the honeymoon stage you'll see how lame it truly is.
Tried DA:I for half an hour. Feels like an open-world version of DA2. Same skill trees, same derpy set-up (this time you're the bog-standard sole survivor who magically has the power to save the world) and I felt bored just running around in the first mission. The camera setup also reminded me of why I couldn't play Gothic II - gave me a headache after a few minutes.
No thanks.
ViHuGi thread about declining PC pre-built sales.Wait did I miss a Naughty Dog coming to PC thing?
And if I did, why is GAF still up?
And if it didn't, could someone explain all the jokes in the last page or so? T_T
Would be awesome to have the DLC for 5 dollars and just play through them in a month.
ViHuGi thread about declining PC pre-built sales.
You must be new to Bioware games.
Well duh. Of course pre-built PC sales would suck when all the good games are coming to the Sony Playstation 4, Available now at your local electronics store!ViHuGi thread about declining PC pre-built sales.
Sadly not, still waiting for a good price on Mass Effect 3 DLC. But I was hoping the DA:I in that Origin Access thing would the GOTY edition but couldn't find a news article that specified which version it was. Yeah I'm guessing it's the vanilla one.
Sadly not, still waiting for a good price on Mass Effect 3 DLC. But I was hoping the DA:I in that Origin Access thing would the GOTY edition but couldn't find a news article that specified which version it was. Yeah I'm guessing it's the vanilla one.
I got the ME3 DLC through... other means.
It's the deluxe edition - basically, you get a bunch of cosmetic stuff and extra gear (and apparently, you don't get it until a ways into the story anyway).
I will admit that the Dragon Age Keep was pretty cool. Maybe they could do something like that for ME Andromeda (give people rewards based on how much of the previous games they completed/influence plot decisions).
It's the Digital Deluxe Edition...the game + some extra content
Same thing I thought, damn that game is awful