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STEAM | January 2016 - Out of cash, out of cache

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Man, things like this are very worrying. Hope you'll be able to solve it somehow.

Dr Dogg

Speaking of emulation and Microsoft the things I would do for 360 emulation on Windows even if it was tied to their own store. Every time they have a sale on now with backwards compatible titles on the Xbone I end up picking up a couple despite probably not getting round to them for a while. There will have to come a time where they draw a line under the Xone and say they've hit their peak of the amount of folks they're going to draw in with backwards compatibility and what better way to prop up the coffers than actually showing good old Windows some commitment they've been banging on about for years. 2 years time, maybe 3. maybe never but if it doesn't happen then it's a monumental missed opportunity.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
You should bother. You already sent the paper work.
Maybe they'll settle out of court and give you your account back AND a free Xbox ONE with games. I mean if it'll be on their dime, what do you have to lose?
Plus it would make for a cool GAF thread.

I guess my fear is in the nature of the ban itself. I woke up one day and noticed that my account couldn't access Xbox Live. I thought that was kind of strange until I Googled the issue/error code and it was all over the news how Microsoft went on a banning spree of people they suspected of piracy. Apparently, hackers were generating random "drive keys" and spoofing the firmware on their consoles to play pirated games online(?). I never got an official response from Microsoft of course, but I suspect I just got super unlucky and my drive's "key" had been spoofed by someone else so Microsoft banned me. Or someone hacked my account maybe? I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if I were listening to my story nonobjectively, I'd think "this guy pirated something and got banned, end of story." so there's almost a stigma around even bringing it up, especially on GAF.

I guess I'm just waiting to see what Microsoft's response to my dispute is. If it's not "we fucked up, sorry" I'll probably press the issue.
TBH with Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia the framework is there for a FF crossover RPG. Some dimensional portal bullshit.

The playable characters in the game could be the top vote getters by the fans.

There would be much banning and salting.

EDIT - Like top 10 vote getters make it. For sure Cloud, Lightning, and Squall would make it. Holy shit those names; SE needs charcters named Rain and Thunder.


I guess my fear is in the nature of the ban itself. I woke up one day and noticed that my account couldn't access Xbox Live. I thought that was kind of strange until I Googled the issue/error code and it was all over the news how Microsoft went on a banning spree of people they suspected of piracy. Apparently, hackers were generating random "drive keys" and spoofing the firmware on their consoles to play pirated games online(?). I never got an official response from Microsoft of course, but I suspect I just got super unlucky and my drive's "key" had been spoofed by someone else so Microsoft banned me. Or someone hacked my account maybe? I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if I were listening to my story nonobjectively, I'd think "this guy pirated something and got banned, end of story." so there's almost a stigma around even bringing it up, especially on GAF.

I guess I'm just waiting to see what Microsoft's response to my dispute is. If it's not "we fucked up, sorry" I'll probably press the issue.

I think you have enough credibility here that something like that wouldn't be questioned.


As I recall, there was always a random (fairly small, I think) chance that the animation would be with the chainsaw and mask rather than the more common sawblade-type attack. I don't think it did any more damage or anything different but was just a little Easter egg joke.

I remember the special animation (for instant death chainsaw) but somehow I don't recall the mask.
Was this on every version of the game?


the middle ground was the PSP FFIV remake. If they had stuck to that, i think everyone would be fine with it and there wouldn't be this toxic thing where we're getting something akin to the Special Editions of the Star Wars original trilogy

It's got just a wee bit of the smoothing that V and VI has but overall, it's a pretty faithful remake of FFIV.


looks so much better than this

What the hell, they ported the right FFIV, the one with gameplay revamp
Damn, I hope everything will be sorted out for JaseC account.

The Final Fantasy VI PC port is even lazier than we ever could have imagined. So apparently, encrypted in the game's main.obb file is a copy of the GBA ROM which the game uses for things like enemy AI, tile placement, weapon stats, dialog, etc. It's like they literally put a "fresh coat of paint" straight on top of the GBA version of the game. Then added a bilinear filter to the characters and called it a day. Crazy.

That's very classy.
I guess they did the same for III, IV, IV-2, and V as well.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Get ready for a few game write-ups, I played several horror games last month and this month I need to write my opinions on, as well as some stuff I need too from the past. Probably be writing them up over the next week on and off, but determined to write a couple right now.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Oh, right:

Jace. Sea-horse explains how to say her sea-horse name.

Yeah, I have the episode but haven't watched it yet. I figured I'd hold off on the talk show interviews until I've caught up with the other recent ones that I'd long just had sitting in tabs and I'm just about there.


Get ready for a few game write-ups, I played several horror games last month and this month I need to write my opinions on, as well as some stuff I need too from the past. Probably be writing them up over the next week on and off, but determined to write a couple right now.

I've been playing a few hours of SOMA recently, and I'm enjoying everything but the monsters. What are your thoughts on this mod that makes everything non-hostile? Very tempted to use it just to experience the great environment and story.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I've been playing a few hours of SOMA recently, and I'm enjoying everything but the monsters. What are your thoughts on this mod that makes everything non-hostile? Very tempted to use it just to experience the great environment and story.

By a few hours, at what point do you mean? I think people are free to play the game how they want too, but I did come to enjoy some of the later monster encounters. One thing about SOMA is its monsters are surprisingly varied, and take up very little time in the whole experience. You may only spend 20% of the game with any sort of threat to your person, but what's surprising is they hardly throw the same monster at you more than twice (many only once), and the monsters have a lot of variety in how they act, behave, etc. Probably the worst segment for monsters in the game for people is the half-way point, but I think the last few hour encounters are handled the best.

But if you don't want that element and want it more like a walking simulator straight-up, then I say go for it (I like walking simulators). SOMA is most certainly worth playing through to the end, the last few hours of the game are the best part of it, though I do think the monsters add to the experience more than take away, and know the monsters are different than Amnesia and Penumbra outside of the first one (the walking glowy robot thing). I played most of the game just running from the monsters (outside of the first one and the one half-way through the game), and I did pretty okay.

You also reminded me I need to write my review of SOMA at some point.


By a few hours, at what point do you mean? I think people are free to play the game how they want too, but I did come to enjoy some of the later monster encounters. One thing about SOMA is its monsters are surprisingly varied, and take up very little time in the whole experience. You may only spend 20% of the game with any sort of threat to your person, but what's surprising is they hardly throw the same monster at you more than twice (many only once), and the monsters have a lot of variety in how they act, behave, etc. Probably the worst segment for monsters in the game for people is the half-way point, but I think the last few hour encounters are handled the best.

But if you don't want that element and want it more like a walking simulator straight-up, then I say go for it (I like walking simulators). SOMA is most certainly worth playing through to the end, the last few hours of the game are the best part of it, though I do think the monsters add to the experience more than take away, and know the monsters are different than Amnesia and Penumbra outside of the first one (the walking glowy robot thing). I played most of the game just running from the monsters (outside of the first one and the one half-way through the game), and I did pretty okay.

You also reminded me I need to write my review of SOMA at some point.
I'm personally nowhere near halfway through the game, but something they've nailed, in my opinion, is making the monsters... Terrifying, horrifying and haunting without outright scaring the shit out of you with jump-scares and cheap tactics. I mean their very existence, their pain, screeches and movement all blend perfectly, creating something that's a whole other level of disturbing.

... Again, just my opinion. Possibly. :p
A reminder: the dead rising 2 dlcs never left the 360, right?

I still have to play case zero so I was wondering why capcom hadn't at least ported it to PC at some point.
I've no idea about Case Zero, but there's Off the Record.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

Pony Island

Pony Island is a game best experienced knowing as little as possible, just know the game is about a couple hours long to beat normally, there's hidden collectibles that unlock the true ending, the base gameplay is a Runner-type of game with a few twists, and it plays with the idea of game development.

Now slight spoilers ahead, but I'll try to avoid any major spoilers, just things you could figure out from the first 30 minutes of play.

The idea of a 'corrupted' video game is not an original idea at this point, but this may be the best it's been executed thus far. Pony's Island has you playing a corrupted Runner-type game starring a Pony, and the game at various points wants you to stop to "Insert Your Soul," to continue in some way. The game is extremely meta in a number of ways, and is more about breaking the game than completing said tasks... Though breaking the game comes in a multitude of types, some feeling more natural, others more from a series of mechanics. Outside of the Runner Gameplay, the game mixes itself up quite often, with the most common mix-up being these puzzle type of scenarios that are supposed to represent programming where a key goes down a list with variable-changing stats, you need to get to a certain stat to unlock Red 'block' gates, and you do this by inserting commands into blank slots to perform some sort of function. It sounds complicated on paper, but the game paces these extremely well so that they're simple to understand at first and slowly build on themselves.

There's a story here that develops, and one difference in this game compared to many other 'corruption' type games is its narrative angle. We seem to be playing some guy playing a cursed arcade machine, his 3D hands sometimes pop-up on the screen and sometimes we break off of the arcade screen to see glimpses of the world off the screen. There's another soul trapped in the game trying to help us out to make sure we don't meet the same fate, and we get a direct line of communication with the maker of the game who is updating the game based off of our 'playtesting,' and gets mad when we 'cheat' at his game and, 'don't play how it was intended.' The game is never scary, just sometimes a bit creepy, and also has a good sense of humor as well as some semi-commentary on aspects of game design, including author's intent and gratification they look for when making games, which I haven't seen explored really in any other game I've played.

It's a fun ride, sometimes challenging, tricky to get the true ending without a guide, but an experience worth taking I would say. The gameplay is fun most of the time in all of its different forms, there's many twists and turns along the way, the narrative is nice backdrop to everything else, and the game successfully may catch you off-guard multiple times during its course. Probably the best realized attempt at a corrupted game to this point in time, and even outside of that, a fairly fun multi-layered experience in its own right.


Steam Review Page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AestheticGamer/recommended/405640



Completed the game just 2 minutes ago. I really did not understand what this game is about, but it does some amazing things and i recommend it.

Do you have any idea what the RL story was about? I only unlocked 2 secrets, and apparently you have been murdered somehwere in the middle east?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Completed the game just 2 minutes ago. I really did not understand what this game is about, but it does some amazing things and i recommend it.

Do you have any idea what the RL story was about? I only unlocked 2 secrets, and apparently you have been murdered somehwere in the middle east?

I asked about the Who killed me and Where they killed me question, and got that we were killed in Jerusalem and killed by somebody there (they had a unique name, let's just put it). I haven't gotten the True ending just yet, I plan to amend that soon, got 12/24 tickets my first playthrough, but I do think I get the gist of what the game is about... Partially because I have made a corruption type game before a couple years back that had something of a similar set-up but different execution. The basic idea is that we have awoken in some arcade with the Pony Island game, and the game is this person who died playing this machine in an abandoned mostly empty arcade he woke up in. The game, as we find out, is a game created by Satan, but the depiction of Satan presents him more like a child, and reveals that the Devil isn't a pure malicious malevolent being, but wants to be a creator like god, but since he can't make worlds like that of god, he makes video games to create his own world for the people trapped in hell. The problem is, Satan's not very good at it, and his game is incredibly buggy and he wants people to play his game thinking it has merit and be praised as a good designer. Why a lot of messages flow through about making the game friendlier, more fun, and there's a hidden message I got to where he puts down his thoughts that he doesn't really need people's souls, just everybody gets freaked out or won't play his games fairly, and if everyone who played the game would just leave him messages that they enjoyed his game, then he wouldn't have to collect people's souls for a count.

So the Devil is played as a childish designer who is bad at it but wants people to appreciate his games and worlds he makes.


I asked about the Who killed me and Where they killed me question, and got that we were killed in Jerusalem and killed by somebody there (they had a unique name, let's just put it). I haven't gotten the True ending just yet, I plan to amend that soon, got 12/24 tickets my first playthrough, but I do think I get the gist of what the game is about... Partially because I have made a corruption type game before a couple years back that had something of a similar set-up but different execution. The basic idea is that we have awoken in some arcade with the Pony Island game, and the game is this person who died playing this machine in an abandoned mostly empty arcade he woke up in. The game, as we find out, is a game created by Satan, but the depiction of Satan presents him more like a child, and reveals that the Devil isn't a pure malicious malevolent being, but wants to be a creator like god, but since he can't make worlds like that of god, he makes video games to create his own world for the people trapped in hell. The problem is, Satan's not very good at it, and his game is incredibly buggy and he wants people to play his game thinking it has merit and be praised as a good designer. Why a lot of messages flow through about making the game friendlier, more fun, and there's a hidden message I got to where he puts down his thoughts that he doesn't really need people's souls, just everybody gets freaked out or won't play his games fairly, and if everyone who played the game would just leave him messages that they enjoyed his game, then he wouldn't have to collect people's souls for a count.

So the Devil is played as a childish designer who is bad at it but wants people to appreciate his games and worlds he makes.

Oh, there is a true ending when you get all tickets? Then i'll be looking into that tomorrow.

I got the part with Satan and all - probably because that is rather obvious - but i seem to have missed the part where he only wants to create and isn't actually evil.

I still don't get what the RL Story is about. But considering the constant 4th wall breaks i could imagine there beeing quit a bit of ARG Stuff hidden in Files or something.

Anyways, thanks for your answer.


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (pahamrick, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Tales of Zestiria Additional Chapter Alisha's Story -- MB-3DD63C5D1F411A7A - Taken by jshackles. 3 entrants total.


Alright, my birthday is tomorrow (14th) so I might as well toss this up since I already shot my 'big' giveaway after Christmas. Imagine there's a few people who wanted this but don't have it. Key should work fine, I got it when it was still free from the website.

24 hour raffle simply so more people who might want it can see and enter.


I guess my fear is in the nature of the ban itself. I woke up one day and noticed that my account couldn't access Xbox Live. I thought that was kind of strange until I Googled the issue/error code and it was all over the news how Microsoft went on a banning spree of people they suspected of piracy. Apparently, hackers were generating random "drive keys" and spoofing the firmware on their consoles to play pirated games online(?). I never got an official response from Microsoft of course, but I suspect I just got super unlucky and my drive's "key" had been spoofed by someone else so Microsoft banned me. Or someone hacked my account maybe? I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if I were listening to my story nonobjectively, I'd think "this guy pirated something and got banned, end of story." so there's almost a stigma around even bringing it up, especially on GAF.

I guess I'm just waiting to see what Microsoft's response to my dispute is. If it's not "we fucked up, sorry" I'll probably press the issue.
When my 360 RROD'd I sent it back to microsoft, but made sure to copy down my serial/info from the back of the console. When I received 'my' fixed 360 I noticed it had a different production date and serial on the back. When I went to play Halo 2 (since most online 360 games at the time were terrible) I received a notice that I was banned from matchmaking. I logged into my XBL account on my original Xbox and was able to play H2 matchmaking fine. Based on this information I determined that they refurbed another console and sent to me to cut down on the turnaround time and this new console I received had been banned from H2 matchmaking for cheating/boosting.

I contacted Microsoft support 3 or 4 times and basically got the same response each time: 'you had to have done something incorrect/you were cheating/there's no way this is out of the blue, etc' one guy even had the audacity to question my purchasing habits, (i.e. why would you buy an XBox 360 if all you're going to do is play Halo 2 online).

Still salty about this, after that and the abysmal Xbone launch I pretty much stopped recommending Microsoft products to people. I like the brand and still enjoy their games but their support is pretty shit in my experience.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

Spooky's House of Jump Scares

Spooky's House of Jump Scares tells the story of a nameless protagonist who ends up transcending 1000 rooms in a creepy house to try and escape. There's no big backstory to how we ended up here, and the narrative as a whole is loose with only sprinkled information from notes left behind by people who were here before you, and hints of who Spooky actually is. As you descend further into the house, you get stalked by strange and varied monsters...

The game is a free game, and is completely worth playing, but I'm going to start this review being critical of the game's biggest single glaring flaw; repetition. The idea of getting through 1000 rooms is a goal that is fun on paper, but can be quite tedious in execution. A lot of the rooms have randomized layouts, but only a finite of these layouts exist, so you end up going through the same rooms over and over again, and most of these rooms are empty and are made just to rush through. Which, as a result, makes it so that you end up running through hundreds of rooms with nothing really going on, On occasion you end up finding a note, or in a room with something more interesting, but even these can suffer from repetition. There's an Arcade Machine room you can get, which has 2-3 games to play, but are brief and only expanded with another game once (and a secret towards the end), there's a database room describing the monsters, but it's only updated every few hundred rooms you overcome. There's a room involving going the right path through doors to solve a simple puzzle you'll probably have to do 10-20 times before the game is up. On occasion, you'll start being chased by a monster as you go through these random rooms, but many of the monsters have the same basic strategy to escape from them (with only a few being exceptions), so you end up just running through rooms anyway.


This repetition is a shame, since it is sprinkled with legitimately good content and moments, so much so I would say the game is worth playing just for them. While a lot of the game is randomized, the best part of Spooky's House of Jump Scares is the scripted moments. The game will lock you in a unique location you are free to explore that delves into more narrative, and provides more unique gameplay scenarios, ranging from hiding in closets from a stalker enemy to crawling through a colorful child's area at a fast food restaurant. Without a doubt, these moments are the best part of the game, they present a variety of interesting scenarios (many wearing some obvious inspiration of other horror games on its sleeves), and make for an interesting ride whenever they pop up.

The monster are varied in design and function. There's something like 13 monsters in the game, and they come with some deliciously gruesome and creepy death scenes should you fall to them. Now, they do all behave differently. There's a monster that can crawl out of holes around the environment to pop-up closer to you, a monster that changes the wall textures to a bloody red to make finding your way out harder, a monster you have to look at or else it'll attack you... But with the exception of a few like the last one, most of them unfortunately are tackled the same way... You just run like hell and dash through doors as fast as you can. The added applications are interesting, but in most cases, do very little to switch-up how you approach tackling them; ie, running away.


Still, I found the game to be enjoyable, a delight sometimes, and I may overstate its repetition. The game is free, and takes about 3-4 hours to complete. There's two different endings, and a number of fun scenarios sprinkled throughout the sort of dull middle randomized room segments. And, yes, the game may make you jump and scare you sometimes. Spooky's House of Jump Scares is a solid free horror game that has some definite highs, but maybe 1000 rooms was a bit much.


Steam Review: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AestheticGamer/recommended/356670


Unconfirmed Member
So many great JRPGs now coming out on Steam, and I am stuck trying to finish TitS SC. I would be angry, but now I will never ever run out of games to play. I had such a managable backlog until this holiday and now it's beyond solvable. DARN YOU STEAM SALES! I WAS SO CLOSE.

I might have a shot a whittling it down this year if I don't fall back into a Dota-hole.
Man, I got finally got my Xbox One Elite controller.... holy crap, this thing is absolutely awesome! If you want a perfect gaming controller for PC, pick one up if you can find it. The paddles are awesome and really useful in Subnautica where I use the paddles for going up and down in the water while swimming forward/backwards with the left stick and looking with the right.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I think you have enough credibility here that something like that wouldn't be questioned.

Well like I said, I'll wait and see how this plays out. If it has to go to court, I'll probably post a thread about the experience I've had.

Still salty about this, after that and the abysmal Xbone launch I pretty much stopped recommending Microsoft products to people. I like the brand and still enjoy their games but their support is pretty shit in my experience.

That sounds pretty par for the course with them. My recent problem is that in 2013 they changed their system that tracks bans, and as such they aren't even able to review my case, or even tell me why I was banned in the first place. Bear in mind that my ultimate goal was to unban this account so that I could purchase an Xbox One and have access to the content I've already paid for on the 360 that's backwards compatible. I'm literally saying "let me be your customer" and not getting anywhere. I know I could buy an Xbox One and start over, but the thought of repurchasing all the digital content I already own is off-putting enough for me to not want to buy the console in the first place. It's not like I'm asking for my money back on all the content I purchased.

At least in JaseC's case, Steam support will likely explain why the account was flagged for fraudulent activity and (hopefully) get it re-instated. As incompetent as Steam's customer service is, they seem to be a step above Xbox Live support from what I've experienced.


Man, I got finally got my Xbox One Elite controller.... holy crap, this thing is absolutely awesome! If you want a perfect gaming controller for PC, pick one up if you can find it. The paddles are awesome and really useful in Subnautica where I use the paddles for going up and down in the water while swimming forward/backwards with the left stick and looking with the right.

I'm sure it's great, but the perfect gaming controller for PC is $100 cheaper.
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