If anybody is interested in Pony Island, I have 18 -50% coupons. Just send me a trade offer.
When do the coupons expire?
Dredd for $1.99? Always wanted to try it. Nice.
Didn't even know it was on Steam.
Didn't even see it was on sale. Thanks!
Ed Boon (Mortal Kombat creator) is a master troll, so I don't believe shit that comes from his twitter account. He tweeted this today: https://twitter.com/noobde/status/687687161945051136
"So much more GOOD news on the horizon for the Mortal Kombat X GAME beyond Kombat Pack 2. Stay tuned, and PEACE OUT! "
For those not in the know, Good Game Peace Out is the greatest fighting game netcode out there. If MKX does upgrade to it, I'll go ahead and buy the stupid game. Of course they'll find a reason to skip PC, so fuck it all.
I still haven't opened my copy of Mortal Kombat X but I also just got it a month ago.
It's insane how difficult IO Interactive is making it for themselves. Literally all they have to do is make some Blood Money style levels using the Absolution engine
But that's what they are doing.
This is literally the only game I'm following on Kickstarter.