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STEAM | January 2016 - Out of cash, out of cache

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The thing is that a school that requires a 3.81 to get into or graduate with a major probably has a more lenient grade curve to compensate. For example, my Comp Sci degree was at a school where a 3.2 was considered honours, the cutoff from a B to an A was 80 (there was no A-), and very few students per class got A grades. The school I'm at now, an A is considered a 93 and they basically give them out to anyone who shows up at the undergraduate level.

A- is a 3.66. And A is 94+

And it's technically 3.66 to apply, but i've heard common rejection stories up to 3.9 somehow

It's like applying to a nice college or such- you might get rejected no matter what if you're not perfect.


A- is a 3.66. And A is 94+

And it's technically 3.66 to apply, but i've heard common rejection stories up to 3.9 somehow

It's like applying to a nice college or such- you might get rejected no matter what if you're not perfect.

I blame Green's Theorem and 8:00AM classes.

Keep up the faith, dude, I'll be rooting for you.
let's be real

dragons exist for the sole purpose of being killed and being awesome as you kill them

They are the one-shot kings in most games: Shadowgate, Souls, CRPG's, etc.


let's be real

dragons exist for the sole purpose of being killed and being awesome as you kill them

What about Pete's Dragon, or that one that Sean Connery played? Some are quite friendly.

Edit: holy crap they are remaking Petes Dragon and its out this year.


even the fancy schmancy dragons that are like all wise and sinister and crap you still gotta kill

i didn't make the rules, but that's how dragons work, you kill them

What about Pete's Dragon, or that one that Sean Connery played? Some are quite friendly.
they must die

someone must slay them

it's for the greater good


Unconfirmed Member
I did the Behind Her Blue Flame DLC for Valkyria Chronicles the other day.

I'm pretty sure I killed Johann in the main game. ;-; And why did Selvaria have to die, poor thing. I'm glad I got to play as a Valkyria for once. They're the loose end of the game that bothers me the most. I want to know more about them, or even play as them in the new game.

Anyway, this game just loves to make me sad over anime people.

I blame Green's Theorem and 8:00AM classes.
Green's Theorem is pretty straight forward though. And hey, at least you've probably never had to apply it to complex curves.
Six hours into ARMAIII and I finished the puny Bootcamp Tutorial and just now
6am again ( -_-)
finished the VR Turorial. Damn, just learning the basics in this game is damn hard. Damn. Hard.


But to my surprise I am enjoying the incredibly overwhelming level of detail and control over every little tiny aspect. There are at least six height positions one can stand. Six. Bonkers.

What really almost drove me off cancelling the tutorial - lol I can't remember a tutorial being this difficult ever - was the helicopter part. Dayum! Controlling that beast is freaking nerve-wrecking. Every little input can lead to devastating consequences, if you just for a moment loose sight of your instruments.
And if that wasn't enough, they throw main rotor and tail rotor failures as the ultimate test at the end. That was a colossal test of my patience and eye-hand coordination, I tell ya!

But I did manage it after at least a dozen tries each :)


This "tutorial badge" was basically harder to accomplish than most games as a whole and that is not a lie.

I still don't feel a good enough pilot to man the sticks at the chopper and take other folks through the warzone in multiplayer though. Not by a long-shot. I'd be totally overwhelmed in a battle scenario and forget most lessons and crash my whole crew.
Wouldn't care about NPCs but them real-life players would curse me all the way back to the tutorial, haha.

Other than that, I think I still have some non-vr tutorials left. After that finally the campaign to sink my teeth into :)

Can't wait for more night-time predator-style covert ops.



Green's Theorem is pretty straight forward though. And hey, at least you've probably never had to apply them to complex curves.
I understand it nooooooow, couldn't care less in undergrad though. Would've delved more deeply into it, but I didn't need to take the final to keep the A recently. Went from D's in Calc 2 and 3 to to A's throughout in grad school. Those D's and Electronics were the main contributors to my low GPA, should've had over a 3.5 otherwise.


I understand it nooooooow, couldn't care less in undergrad though. Went from D's in Calc 2 and 3 to to A's throughout in grad school. Those D's and Electronics were the main contributors to my low GPA, should've had over a 3.5 otherwise.

Don't do this to me ;__;

Six hours into ARMAIII and I finished the puny Bootcamp Tutorial and just now
6am again ( -_-)

You sleep terrible hours >_>


for firewatch i'll just wait and see, since like betting in walking simulators is not such a good idea

hope it's a gone home and not a dear esther and if many people like it i'll give it a shot

i really hope it's not a dear esther

god i hate that game lol


i guess i'm not in the right state of mind for ass flag, i just don't feel like dealing with its early game shit at all and being forced to kill animals just turned me off

i might just try and go back to vagrant story. i left it about as early as i always leave it so idk
I've finished Enemy Unknown about 8 times and Enemy Within about 3 or 4, so it's fair to say I'm pretty hyped for XCOM 2! Counting down the days. Everything they've shown looks amazing and expands upon what I love about the first game.


i guess i'm not in the right state of mind for ass flag, i just don't feel like dealing with its early game shit at all and being forced to kill animals just turned me off

i might just try and go back to vagrant story. i left it about as early as i always leave it so idk

It's in FF12s universe so even if I haven't played it I approve.
In here it's Xcom 2 and Street Fighter V.
I will be waiting on Xcom 2 and renting SFV until Juri is out.

I got hyped for SFV until I remembered that I suck at fighting games, yep I cannot even do a hadouken when I want to. Oh well, I'll just watch the various tournaments and envy the players.

Xcom 2? YES!

From what I heard it's going to be fantastic.


Can't afford... or, at least, justify the price.
Crying inside.

I cannot afford XCOM2, I'll just wait for the eventual sales.

xcom for sure

Did you finish the previous one?

Definitely Firewatch. And yes.

Yes, a million times yes, please be good.

I haven't beat XCOM: EW yet and I'm more hyped for it than anything else (X2 that is).

I've not beaten it too... It's the fact that I can't emotionally connect with my soldier that makes it boring after a while, but I heard XCOM2 is going to have customization so perhaps I may finish it this time.

No one is talking about Homeworld...

Homewhat? :p

I'm probably getting this over XCOM. I still haven't beaten Enemy Unknown.

And this will most likely be cheaper.

And it looks promising to boot.

Definitely XCOM 2 for me. Also interested in SFV although it may be a repeat of my previous experiences with fighting games (get rekt and give up XD)

If you can do a hadouken or shoriyuken whenever you want, you have my respect. SF games hates me.


It's in FF12s universe so even if I haven't played it I approve.
i dunno what is it about that game that never sticks with me

i swear i've started it easily 8 times and i've never made it past like 4 hours

in theory i should be all over it, i like ps1 era games a lot and i really like its more mature but still very much jrpg story and the final fantasy tactics world is awesome

so yea, idk

Did you finish the previous one?
yea. bought but never played enemy within since it meant starting from the beginning and i was too lazy to

could play it now to prepare for 2 but don't wanna burn out


What's coming out in February besides SFV and Xcom 2 anyways?

I got hyped for SFV until I remembered that I suck at fighting games, yep I cannot even do a hadouken when I want to. Oh well, I'll just watch the various tournaments and envy the players.

If you can do a hadouken or shoriyuken whenever you want, you have my respect. SF games hates me.

you poor thing


Feb has Talos of Symphonia, Xcom 2, Firewatch, Street Fighter, Dying Light Xpac, Unravel, Might No. 9, Pillars of Eternity Xpac, Far Cry, and Garden Warfare 2.

And Fire Emblem for the 3DS crowd.


How hard is the REmake to play/beat? Is it comparable to evil within or more frustrating?

I only played the OG resident evil dc on PC like in 99 and I beat it but I don't remember anything about how hard it was.
How hard is the REmake to play/beat? Is it comparable to evil within or more frustrating?

I only played the OG resident evil dc on PC like in 99 and I beat it but I don't remember anything about how hard it was.
It's easy. I may be biased since I've played the shit out of it over the years but if you played the original, the remake is going to mess with you in the best kind of way.


But what of Deus EX HR: DC? I've not heard a single good thing about it in comparison to the non-DC version.
by the time the director's cut version was released i had beaten regular dxhr like three times so yea, dont wanna play it again

i hear the changes they made were alright but it's based on dated code and it has some issues that were actually fixed in patches for the original version

don't know how up-to-date that information is tho


For a bit of perspective let's talk about average wage in Austria (&#8364;2124 in 2015) and Poland (&#8364;705).

Yes, cost of living might be slightly lower here, but definitely not 3x as low (bar of chocolate costs &#8364;.80 here, beer at pub &#8364;3). And groups of imported products, including electronic stuff, are even more expensive here (23% VAT here instead of 20%).
So something that may be slightly pricey for you, would require taking mortage for me.
Titan, G-Sync, VR, all of those.
Please understand

I would say your examples are approximately 2x to 3x cheaper than what I find in France.

Definitely Firewatch. And yes.

I'm probably getting this over XCOM. I still haven't beaten Enemy Unknown.

And this will most likely be cheaper.

for firewatch i'll just wait and see, since like betting in walking simulators is not such a good idea

hope it's a gone home and not a dear esther and if many people like it i'll give it a shot

i really hope it's not a dear esther

god i hate that game lol
Feb has Talos of Symphonia, Xcom 2, Firewatch, Street Fighter, Dying Light Xpac, Unravel, Might No. 9, Pillars of Eternity Xpac, Far Cry, and Garden Warfare 2.

And Fire Emblem for the 3DS crowd.

Disgaea PC
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
Tales of Symphonia
BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend
Mighty No. 9

What makes people so hyped for Firewatch? To me, the trailer does look good, but I cannot imagine that the game world will feel deep enough to sustain the gameplay.
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