Better privacy settings, for example be able to set to offline, but also be able to see who is online in friend list
New layout. I don't like the layout at all. I never browse the store nowadays because of the horrible layout except when there is a bigger sales. I am not even gonna mention the mobile version
Be able to see if a key is usable and what game it is before redeeming it
I've seen that "Ubisoft is underrated" thread and it isn't made by Jasec, something is really fishy with this.
guess what I was doing yesterday?
Playing poker in a casino in Ruan and I was thinking how different my life would be if I it was possible to reload when losing too much in RL. It would be glorious, playing games all day and partying all night.
Interesting article, with some really good points. But the part about gamifying reviews to increase the number of reviews seem hugely misguided:
My solution, simply, would be to just gamify writing reviews the same way theyve gamified a lot of other things in steam. Offer a trading card or a coupon for being in the first 200 or so people to write a review for a game. Grant some gems for writing highly rated helpful reviews. Encourage writing reviews within steam (stick a button under play in their library for games theyve played more than X hours of). Make a leaderboard for accounts with the most total Helpful votes on their reviews.
Offering an incentive to be among the first 200 reviewers would not encourage usable reviews. On the contrary, it would incentivise reviewing games at the earliest possible time allowed by the system (and currently there is no minimum play-time required to review a game), so as not to be "scooped" by other reviewers, resulting in an even worse signal-to-noise ratio. Even more so, if such a system is added to existing games, it would incentive people to comb through libraries, find all the games with sufficiently few reviews, and then spend the absolute minimum amount of time reviewing it before moving on.
The trading card system is a perfect example of this; the current implementation does not incentivise actually playing games, rather it incentivises running games, resulting in the development of nifty tools such as IdleMaster to automate the process of "playing" a large backlog.
So if Valve is going to gamify reviews, then it has to be done very carefully.
Has anyone ever had it where your credit card/bank card has just flat out stopped working and getting constantly rejected ONLY on Steam? I used the card elsewhere today with no issues about verifying it. Hell, the last purchase I used on the card before today was Steam. Out of nowhere, it will not take that card anymore. They say it's my bank. I've been using this card for fucking ever too. Suggestions?
Yeah, they are up from 6AM to 10PM. I'll probably call them around 6 then to get this all sorted out before I go to bed. And I wanted to go to bed earlier lol.
For all the hype that Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen have gotten, the guy making these games has been doing so incrementally for what, the last 20 years? And so this version had a ridiculous amount of features.
For all the hype that Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen have gotten, the guy making these games has been doing so incrementally for what, the last 20 years? And so this version had a ridiculous amount of features.
I thought I'd write down some of my thoughts on XCOM, now that I've finished off the achievements in preparation for XCOM 2. I originally got the 1000 for EU on Xbox, but have since played only on PC. My grand total of playthroughs is probably 12 or 13 now. 5 in Enemy Within, the rest in Enemy Unknown.
In my opinion, vanilla XCOM is much better than Enemy Within. My first time playing Enemy Within was great, it was new and fresh, it had genetic enhancements, MECs, a secret mission, the fishing village mission, a new enemy. a new faction. What's not to love? Well, a lot, really. If you're playing on Classic or Impossible, it's generally not worth the effort to get the meld, or to slow down your research progress by 8 days. Especially early: It puts you on the back foot immediately and with how front loaded the difficulty is in XCOM, that's a bad thing. Exalt are a pain in the ass, nothing more. The game is quite long as it is without needing to go on the many, many Exalt missions to stop them increasing panic and taking all of your money. It is especially annoying on Impossible.
Spoiler for the secret Enemy Within mission:
The base defense? Kind of cool the first time, yawn inducing any playthrough after. The same spawns, the same spiel "We're rerouting power to the doors" etc. The same unskippable cutscene.
I do love the game, it's probably my second favourite of all time (and I absolutely recommend playing it), but it does have a quite a few flaws. To add to the above:
*The UFO mini-game is mind-numbingly terrible. Calling it a "mini-game" is maybe even a bit of a stretch, as the vast majority of the time you won't have any input. You'll just watch. The whole aircraft side of the game is awful. I'm glad it's gone for XCOM 2.
*The strategy side of things is basically buy satellites, buy satellite uplinks. You've run out of power, buy a power generator. Buy satellites, buy uplinks. It's too restrictive. I don't want to simply do the same build order every game, but deviating from it will put me in a much worse position.
*No randomised maps. For the love of God, if I see the inside of another alien spaceship... Those missions are the worst. You will get through the maps in no time and once they begin to repeat, the game loses some of its lustre. "Oh this map again!"
*The difficulty. It's hard in the beginning, but if you get through that, it becomes too easy. Snipers are very overpowered (thankfully squadsight has been nerfed in XCOM 2) and a lot of the skills you are 100% guaranteed to pick over the other option. They all at least need to be somewhat viable.
The good thing is, from what I've seen XCOM 2 is addressing nearly all of my complaints. The quality of life changes I especially enjoy. They may seem minor but they will make a huge difference: waypoints, line of sight indicator, the new concealment phase. I'm also excited by the weapon customisation, the loot drops, all of the different enemy types. Everything looks more polished, I mean, I guess a sequel should but still. It's ticking all the right boxes for me.
I'm not sure I have it in me to even portbeg anymore, I have entirely too many games I portbegged already and still waiting to be played, unless it's Atelier games, I can beg for those any day, any time.
I bought FF11 too... haven't played it from vanilla times, feels like forever, unfortunately I really don't see how I can find time for it now.
Has anyone ever had it where your credit card/bank card has just flat out stopped working and getting constantly rejected ONLY on Steam? I used the card elsewhere today with no issues about verifying it. Hell, the last purchase I used on the card before today was Steam. Out of nowhere, it will not take that card anymore. They say it's my bank. I've been using this card for fucking ever too. Suggestions?
Metal Gear Online officially launched, if you complete a match while in beta you should receive a 3000 GP reward, Konami also added ranks and they are retroactive.
I think I'll put my efforts in trying to get Tozai, Inc to release one of the Lode Runners to Steam, be it the "new ones" they made for mobile and XBLA or one of the better classics.
I really wonder what kind of meltdown Sony-GAF would have if Persona 5 (not that it would happen) would be announced for PC.
From: "See. PC fans will never get that game." to "Come on. Persona was never that good. Look at "insert another Sony exclusive title". Thats far better!"
I actually suggested that I expect to see Persona on PC at some point in the Persona community thread and got some interesting reactions.
I can play them all on my Vita and P3 and P4 work great through emulation (haven't tried the others) so I'm not losing sleep over it but I think it will happen at some point.
It just makes too much sense.
I actually suggested that I expect to see Persona on PC at some point in the Persona community thread and got some interesting reactions.
I can play them all on my Vita and P3 and P4 work great through emulation (haven't tried the others) so I'm not losing sleep over it but I think it will happen at some point.
It just makes too much sense.
Naval Action looks good, and I'm intrigued by it, but the $30 (or is it $40?) asking price for the early access release is a bit steep for those going into an MMO sight-unseen - niche multiplayer-only titles like this need a less all-in approach to attracting new players and building a user base... or something.
Teaming up with other people and roaming the vast open sea to find other people to fight in large battles is the game. I don't think it would be compelling if you were all alone in this massive world with just ai, especially since a lot of your time is spent sailing very long distances.
Found out my card has been blocking everything for the past week or more (haven't been out and about to try it). The only reason I could see is getting something off of CDKeys, but even then, I had other people buy the same thing on the same site and they have no card issues. They said it might be possible fraud? So basically my card is locked until I call them up and figure it all out to get it fixed. Just crazy...
Teaming up with other people and roaming the vast open sea to find other people to fight in large battles is the game. I don't think it would be compelling if you were all alone in this massive world with just ai, especially since a lot of your time is spent sailing very long distances.
I don't know, I am feeling just fine being alone with just AI in massive worlds in other games, only intersecting with other players in some limited way (like in arenas or on auction houses or whatever) or not at all, but in any case, even if the above was right, the negatives of MMOs as of late are enough to outweigh any possible positives for me. Not kidding.
That's just me, though, nothing against those who enjoy MMOs, etc.
This should be releasing by today actually if not later this week.
Wishlisting for now but hopefully it gets good enough reviews that I get it off US PSN first.
I needs me some beat'em-up goodness in my life.