good comic i almost forgot that SFV comes out in FebruaryI need this as an alt costume for Chun Li.
The wait for SFV is killing me. I even spotted a copy of The Legend of Chun Li in a shop today and considered it for a brief second. Someone please put me in a coma for the next 27 days..
Forever.How long does it usually take to hear back from steam support?
Will be interesting to see numbers go up. REmake hasn't even had a sale yet more than 25%.
i'm super late to this, but she has a more recent example in literally the first second of the video and tomb raider tight shorts are iconic so idk what's so wrong about it
How long does it usually take to hear back from steam support?
Takes ~2 weeks for SteamSpy numbers to be stable right?
Almost selling as much as REmake in less than a week is great.
How long does it usually take to hear back from steam support?
I played probably the most number of games ever in 2015... but none were released from 2015. Still of the opinion there should be an alternative Games In The Year 2015 Voting :/So you didn't play anything? Okay.
My razer is so clicky O.O
Still of the opinion there should be an alternative Games In The Year 2015 Voting :/
I find gaf goty threads to be highly educational, because it's sobering and instructive to see that about half of gaf can't read, or just don't. I always thought that forums are for reading and exchanging opinions, apparently that's so very wrong.
How long does it usually take to hear back from steam support?
Nah, we can exchange opinions but they need to validate mine or else they are worthless opinions that of people trying to be hipster with an agenda that are trying to destroy video games as we know it.
I played probably the most number of games ever in 2015... but none were released from 2015. Still of the opinion there should be an alternative Games In The Year 2015 Voting :/
that sounds oddly familiar, I wish it didn'tNah, we can exchange opinions but they need to validate mine or else they are worthless opinions that of people trying to be hipster with an agenda that are trying to destroy video games as we know it.
that's such a nitpicky thing tho specially when she provides so many other examplesHer argument is character designs haven't change when her initial example has dramatically changed.
Thats impressive. What is the game like?
I played probably the most number of games ever in 2015... but none were released from 2015. Still of the opinion there should be an alternative Games In The Year 2015 Voting :/
Thats impressive. What is the game like?
i mean, i'd like more constructive criticism of anita sarkcheesian's work than ppl just posting that gif over and over but u know, constructive criticism is hard i guessI would just like more constructive criticism and some recognition of the progress done in the last 20 years instead of nearly only
But that's just my personal opinion and it's not like she is obligated to follow it.
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Speaking of brain damage, why are some putting games in their GOTY top 10 and then in the description clearly state that they didn't actually like them?
whenever i feel like that i try to remember that i payed 40 dollars for skyrimThe worst part about the Humble Firaxis bundle is knowing I spent $15 on XCOM complete like a year and a half ago, thought it was a great deal, and still haven't even installed it.
yeah pretty much all the meta stuff about that game is awesomeHoly fuck the finale and true ending to Undertale... Greatstuff. I loved how theand insaneflower crashes your game a couple of times
I assume some imbecile fucked something up badly and still went to support whining. So too bad, even non-idiots have to deal with confirmation mails now.
Speaking of brain damage, why are some putting games in their GOTY top 10 and then in the description clearly state that they didn't actually like them?
Pray for me fam
yeah pretty much all the meta stuff about that game is awesome
and the non-meta stuff too
everything is aweomse
They only played like 6 good games last year?
yeah, it's a bit convoluted butPlan to read a lot about the game and look up some list easter eggs I (definitely) missed. There's so much care put into everything in this game, it's very impressive.
One thing I didn't get was thatyou turned to be Frisk and not [player name] Are there two different kids?
Here's one of the 'not to be' endings:
You step into the quantum leap accelerator and the world around you vanishes. You're surrounded by the darkest blackness you've ever seen. The next thing you know, the world is reassembling itself around you. You're aware of light beginning to shine on you, of heat you haven't felt in millennia beginning to warm your body. You feel yourself becoming real, corporeal. You look around you, watching the world become more and more solid with each passing second as your jump approaches completion.
You're underwater! Frantically, you swim towards the surface, but upon breaking it you find yourself suffocating. You sink back to the water and inhale, expecting to drown, but somehow it sustains you. It feels natural. I hate to break this to you, but the temporal targeting has missed your old body by quite a bit. We don't have much time, so I'll give it to you straight. Hamlet, your consciousness is now inside the body of a trout. And that's not even the worst of it. Your mind is collapsing, unable to be sustained by the simpler neural structure of the fishy body you now inhabit. I'm sorry, but there's just not enough neurons here to sustain you. I'm really not sure how much longer you 'as a person' will last. It'll be minutes at best, seconds at worst, but either way, it won't be long before everything that made you who you are is lost forever. In the meantime, Hamlet, do you want to swim upstream or downstream?
Apparently, it's a choose-your-own-adventure game written by Ryan North (of Dinosaur Comics and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl fame), with art by a bunch of other webcomic artists, based on Hamlet.
Pray for me fam
Pray for me fam
Takes 3 days.Takes ~2 weeks for SteamSpy numbers to be stable right?
Almost selling as much as REmake in less than a week is great.
Rest in Pepperonis
Those do not look the same
yeah, it's a bit convoluted but
you named the original kid that is adopted by asgore and toriel and dies, but you were playing as another kid that much resemebles them named frisk
i'm not entirely sure why it is that way, it might be a plot twisty kind of thing or something more that i didn't fully get but yeah, different kids
1. Bloodborne ; Haven't played it but heard it's great
2. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection ; Gaming Perfection
3. The Order 1886 ; Great introduction to an amazing franchise!
edit: wrong thread
actual real edit: i forgot to vote for rocket league in steamgaf goty
That moment you realize that you already had a uplay account when trying to sign up for one because strangely your username is taken.