Stuff I've been playing:
ARPG set post WW2 where Zombies have taken over New York. Lots of numbers govern your abilities but none of them are particularly well explained and tooltips/tutorials are at a minimum.
Companion AI is also fundamentally broken. Upon loading or area transitions they can become unresponsive and completely useless and in a game that seems to encourage backtracking and farming to keep up to date level wise it's unforgivable. I'm currently about 5 levels behind where I should be and am running out of energy to grind.
There is a very good game trying to get out from under a morass of poorly explained mechanics. It just needs a bit more work. The game has a great soundtrack as well.
Choose-your-own survival adventure game where your choices define who if anyone survives. A game over 10 days game time only took about an hour and there seems to be many wildly varying outcomes.
A disparate bunch of survivors crash land on an island and have to
find the bunker or
survive the smoke monster actually navigate a series of cliched character archetypes. Probably the most disappointing aspect is you play the only character, Rita, who has their shit together and you have to guide a conspiracy nut, a morose desk jockey, a "gamer" and a well meaning but useless older married couple. Some more interesting characters would have been nice.
The game does look fantastic and is well worth a play.
Boring Twin-stick about vikings with guns. Crap menus, poor controls and average graphics. Might be fun with multiple people, but no one else was playing it.
Nice little puzzler where you navigate a red cube through an escher-like line maze. Got through the first 25% of levels pretty quickly but they get more complex. Nice sharp graphics and 60 levels with the promise of more to come.
Roll a marble through a maze, plenty like it on steam. Inexact physics and average graphics, don't bother.
A new and special kind of terrible. Have you ever thought what it would be like to play Arkham in treacle with shocking input lag if it even registers a press at all? Well now you can!
No controller prompts, only keyboard and no controller scheme so I had no idea what I was doing until I started jabbing buttons at random. Enemies also take an inordinate amount of punishment, fights with 3-4 guys takes 5 minutes or more! Maybe I was doing something wrong or maybe the game just didn't tell me how!
The VO is the real star and you really need to experience it just to know just how bad VO can be. Kick-ass changed accents at least twice in the first level, Hit-girl is clearly a 30+ yo woman who needed a job and the first boss, I was laughing at his "performance" long after I'd quit the game, moved it to my terrible category and uninstalled.
The graphics are quite nice looking, cell shaded but every other part of the game is terrible.
Early, very early will need a lot of optimisation. Bullshots are bullshotted and a lot of the 2D backgrounds and interface screens are pretty average. 3D FTL, lots of promise but looks to be a long, long way away from launch.