This is all to soften the blow for when MGS V or Fallout 4 is revealed as #1
Would this be better or worse than Bioshock: Infinite scoring so highly
i wish it was sold here in brazil. seems like an amazing controller.
I don't hate it, I just don't like obnoxious people spamming gifs.oh wait, disregard my previous comment, i got him confused with Atraveller, thats the one that doesn't like anime.
They did a great job with the writing and original characters in the Borderlands universe. They managed to make it interesting and funny but with a slightly different sense of humor behind it.
A lot of people find the humor in the Borderlands games horrifying, I guess (I'm not one of them)...but I'd wager they'd still like Tales from the Borderlands.
i get the feeling pillars won't break top 10
that'd be sad
but u know u ppl have shit taste
Would this be better or worse than Bioshock: Infinite scoring so highly
i get the feeling pillars won't break top 10
that'd be sad
but u know u ppl have shit taste
Ori soured me with their Definitive nonsense. Might as well skip it entirely if they'll make playing the full thing such a hassle.
Now, let's all collectively brace for the complete absence of "Batman was robbed" posts. Because otherwise we'll forget.
i wish it was sold here in brazil. seems like an amazing controller.
Don't expect the same quality from the Game of Thrones game. I loved Tales from the Borderlands but utterly hated GoT.
Now, let's all collectively brace for the complete absence of "Batman was robbed" posts. Because otherwise we'll forget.
Don't expect the same quality from the Game of Thrones game. I loved Tales from the Borderlands but utterly hated GoT.
says the league player :^)
I have no words if Batman is up there.
I have no words if Batman is up there.
I have no words if Batman is up there.
The gyro is probably what interests me the most. i love its use on wii u.Damn. Yeah, it really is great. I do hope some of those bigger sites go back to it at some point and give it another shot.
the dollar is absurdly high at the moment here in brazil, so that's not an option. i'm waiting to see how valve will price it, if they sell it here.Have a US person buy one and mail it to you?
I've still waiting for a game that lends itself to the Steam controller in such a way that I'm inclined to use it over my DS4 (when there is existing support for the DS4).
although i voted it higher(3rd),i expected this.
fo4 better be no where near top 5
fo4 better be no where near top 5
the quicker rl comes the worse
says the league player :^)
whats the 5th
Nabs, you have failed me for the last time...
whats the 5th
Then why are they not including the DE with purchases of the base game? Their priorities are backwards.lmao what the fuck is this
the definitive version isn't adding a ton of new content or "fixing" other things. the game is fucking amazing. awful excuse not to play it. do NOT skip it
the quicker rl comes the worse
Would this be better or worse than Bioshock: Infinite scoring so highly
better. infinite is one of, if not the worst modern AAA game ever made
everything about its game design is putrid
but u know u ppl have shit taste
This is only true if it somehow didn't make the list... thus never coming at all.
Otherwise, it only gets worse the longer it takes.
So... Fallout 4. Rocket League. Witcher 3. Life is Strange. In that order.
Then why are they not including the DE with purchases of the base game? Their priorities are backwards.
There'll be a meltdown here if FO4 made it to the top 4.
We still have W3, RL, LiS, and Pillars.
Are you telling me with a straight face RL shouldnt be in the top 5 list
Please no Fallout 4.