gta isn't in the top 10?
I think this deserves a new thread
GTA would have dominated if it had launched at the same time with the other versions
It looks kind of mediocre.To buy or not to buy Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom?
I like top down Zelda games, and I doubt it will get cheaper than 5... :
Ehhhhhh, even though I've enjoyed GTA V quite a bit (209 hours and still going) I wouldn't have voted for it because there were too many games that were better than it.
Talking about 2016, Dogma already took spot on the list, seeing how everybody likes it, haven't seen any negative post yet.
Garden Warefare.
I can't get into it.
Same way I couldn't get into Dark Souls.
I'm sorry I fail as a human being.
As soon as I finished the main story in GTA I never touched it again.
I don't know whether it's the game or me, but I don't get as excited about randomly blowing shit up like I used to
Anyone fancy seeing some Alternative SteamGAF GOTY Awards? As in take the same results but use some slightly different criteria. The results might shock you!
Anyone fancy seeing some Alternative SteamGAF GOTY Awards? As in take the same results but use some slightly different criteria. The results might shock you!
To buy or not to buy Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom?
I like top down Zelda games, and I doubt it will get cheaper than 5... :\
It looks kind of mediocre.
Anyone fancy seeing some Alternative SteamGAF GOTY Awards? As in take the same results but use some slightly different criteria. The results might shock you!
It's OK, you don't have to get into every game, now kindly go play Trails
Another game announced too early
Overkill's The Walking Dead delayed to 2017
I know that somebody posted about that investment from Asian company put i don't think that TWD delay was mentioned.
you don't think high about steamgaf, do you?
Fuck Overkill.
Probably didn't make enough from sabotaging Payday 2 with microtransaction to continue R&D for it.I wonder what happened to their VR headset.
I think that GTAV is an amazing game but it releasing last on PC (within months with other huge contenders to boot) most definitely decreased the hype. I didn't vote for it either despite absolutely loving the game.
Hamlet first (missing just a single Ophelia route IIRC).
I'm not sure which puzzle game to play next tho, I have 16 puzzles left in Picross GB.
Should I continue to Picross GB2 (although I don't fancy much the 30x30 puzzles split into 15x15 pieces the game uses)
Or should I do something non-nonogramy? Quell, Pic Pic, Squarelogic, Slitherlink... Decisions, decisions.
Ever wondered why movies that were released few months after the Oscars rarely seem to get any Oscars? I can barely remember things about things I did / played / watched a year ago.
That's odd, unless you liked other games more, meaning, it's still doesn't deserve to be GOTY, no?
Results Ordered By Popularity said:1 | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2 | Life Is Strange
3 | Rocket League
4 | Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
5 | Pillars of Eternity
6 | Ori and the Blind Forest
7 | Tales from the Borderlands
8 | Undertale
9 | Contradiction: Spot the Liar
10 | Cities: Skylines
11 | Her Story
12 | Grand Theft Auto V
13 | Fallout 4
14 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
14 | Dying Light
15 | Shadowrun: Hong Kong
16 | Downwell
17 | HuniePop
17 | Mad Max
17 | SOMA
18 | Guilty Gear Xrd - Sign
19 | Kerbal Space Program
19 | Dirt Rally
19 | Crypt of the Necrodancer
19 | Invisibile, Inc.
19 | Resident Evil HD Remaster
19 | Batman Arkham Knight
20 | Assassin's Creed Syndicate
20 | Axiom Verge
20 | Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
21 | Grow Home
21 | Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
22 | D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
22 | Sunless Sea
22 | Assault Android Cactus
22 | Way of the Sumurai 4
22 | The Beginner's Guide
22 | Prison Architect
23 | TIS-100
23 | Transformers Devastation
23 | Underrail
23 | Westerado: Double Barreled
23 | Broken Age
23 | Just Cause 3
23 | Mushihimesama
23 | Neon Struct
23 | Not A Hero
23 | Mortal Kombat X
24 | Higurashi When They Cry - Chapter 1 Onikakushi
24 | Nuclear Throne
24 | Read Only Memories
24 | Project Cars
24 | Resident Evil Revelations 2
24 | The Age of Decadence
24 | Clicker Heroes
24 | Paint it Back
24 | Dragon Ball Xenoverse
24 | Grim Fandango Remastered
24 | Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure
25 | Lightning Returns - Final Fantasy XIII
25 | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
25 | Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours
25 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation
25 | Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!!
25 | Broforce
25 | Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
25 | Mini Metro
25 | Technobabylon
25 | OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
25 | Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim
25 | Evoland II
25 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1
25 | King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
25 | Rainbow Six: Siege
25 | Satellite Reign
25 | Castle in the Darkness
25 | Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
25 | One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
25 | Rebel Galaxy
25 | Ronin
25 | SquareCells
26 | Infinifactory
26 | Party Hard
26 | Eternal Senia
26 | Final Fantasy VI
26 | Stardust Vanguards
26 | Chroma Squad
26 | Clannad
26 | Dragon Quest Heroes
26 | Flywrench
26 | Helldivers
26 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation
26 | Nekopara Vol. 0
26 | Rampage Knights
26 | Saint's Row: Gat out of Hell
26 | Snakebird
26 | Tales of Zestiria
26 | Tembo The Badass Elephant
26 | The Masterplan
26 | Titan Souls
26 | Aviary Attorney
26 | Crystal Story II
26 | eden*
26 | Gear Up
26 | Lakeview Cabin Collection
26 | Message Quest
26 | Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas
26 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
26 | Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
26 | Shutshimi
26 | Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
26 | Why Am I Dead at Sea?
26 | Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed
26 | BloodLust Shadowhunter
26 | Cat Goes Fishing
26 | Coffin Dodgers
26 | Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
26 | LEGO Jurassic World
26 | Mega Man Legacy Collection
26 | Noctropolis
26 | Odallus: The Dark Call
26 | Pathologic Classic HD
26 | Renowned Explorers: International Society
26 | Sayonara UmiharaKawase
26 | Sonic Lost World
26 | The Adventures of Pip
26 | The Silent Age
26 | The War for the Overworld
26 | Thea: The Awakening
26 | Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
[B]Top 10 Change[/B]
Orig Pop Change Title
1 1 None The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2 2 None Life Is Strange
3 3 None Rocket League
5 4 +1 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
4 5 -1 Pillars of Eternity
6 6 None Ori and the Blind Forest
7 7 None Tales from the Borderlands
8 8 None Undertale
10 9 +1 Contradiction: Spot the Liar
11 10 +1 Cities: Skylines
Out of a total of 2704 point distributed between 130 titles almost 60% of them went to just the top 10 titles.Points Distribution said:
Obviously No 1 got 5 points, 2 got 4 and so on. You could also look at just the titles which got top spot and separate them out in to their own list but that's nigh on impossible without the data jshackles has.Games With 1 Vote said:1 | Infinifactory
1 | Party Hard
2 | Eternal Senia
2 | Final Fantasy VI
2 | Stardust Vanguards
3 | Chroma Squad
3 | Clannad
3 | Dragon Quest Heroes
3 | Flywrench
3 | Helldivers
3 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation
3 | Nekopara Vol. 0
3 | Rampage Knights
3 | Saint's Row: Gat out of Hell
3 | Snakebird
3 | Tales of Zestiria
3 | Tembo The Badass Elephant
3 | The Masterplan
3 | Titan Souls
4 | Aviary Attorney
4 | Crystal Story II
4 | eden*
4 | Gear Up
4 | Lakeview Cabin Collection
4 | Message Quest
4 | Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas
4 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
4 | Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
4 | Shutshimi
4 | Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
4 | Why Am I Dead at Sea?
5 | Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed
5 | BloodLust Shadowhunter
5 | Cat Goes Fishing
5 | Coffin Dodgers
5 | Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
5 | LEGO Jurassic World
5 | Mega Man Legacy Collection
5 | Noctropolis
5 | Odallus: The Dark Call
5 | Pathologic Classic HD
5 | Renowned Explorers: International Society
5 | Sayonara UmiharaKawase
5 | Sonic Lost World
5 | The Adventures of Pip
5 | The Silent Age
5 | The War for the Overworld
5 | Thea: The Awakening
5 | Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Well it does highlight that even if you change the formula it still boils down to a popularity contest. Then again most community awards even with wildly different voting criteria usually boil down to that. Almost 60% of the points just going to the top 10 is a bit disappointing though especially when you consider the number of people voting. Guess we're all more similar than we like to admit.
That doesn't seem as shocking as you announced it to be!
you can't trust anybody these days
I really should be doing something more productive today but here we go.
First up Results In Popularity Order (as in number of votes no scores considered)
Of course any GOTY list is popularity contest, that's what GOTY in essence is
It's never the best game, even if sometimes the best game is most popular, but that's rarely the case.
-1 Change for Contradiction looks like a typo?
Maybe this leads credence to widening the voting criteria to 10 entries and score them from 10 to 1.
But who in their right mind would play more than 5 games per year.
Well it does highlight that even if you change the formula it still boils down to a popularity contest. Then again most community awards even with wildly different voting criteria usually boil down to that. Almost 60% of the points just going to the top 10 is a bit disappointing though especially when you consider the number of people voting. Guess we're all more similar than we like to admit.
You could certainly argue against the idea of widening the field, just as you could about using point scoring as a metric as the results in the top 10 aren't that different (sorry Trails fans). End of the day it's more interesting for me to look at the data itself than the actual results. I get way more information about this community from the analytical side of things than the collated numbers.
Can you make another list for square-weighted votes?
Current: 1st - 5pts, 2nd - 4pts, etc.
Proposed: 1st - 25pts, 2nd - 16pts, etc
Will this change anything (especially for high APS games like TITS?)
*points to avatar*
I can't believe I MRORANGED you of all people.
As soon as I finished the main story in GTA I never touched it again.
I don't know whether it's the game or me, but I don't get as excited about randomly blowing shit up like I used to
Also, any Sonic games worth picking up? I've played all the 2d games, Adventure and Lost Worlds so don't need those
Can you make another list for square-weighted votes?
Current: 1st - 5pts, 2nd - 4pts, etc.
Proposed: 1st - 25pts, 2nd - 16pts, etc
Will this change anything (especially for high APS games like TITS?)
*points to avatar*
I can't believe I MRORANGED you of all people.
Also SC Getting a high average just proves it is in fact a niche title! One that folks who play it really like it.
If I ever did an "essential RPG" voting you'd need to post at least 20 games, and write at least 150 words on each of them, for your vote to count
Maybe I should add that there need to be representatives from at least 3 distinct subgenres and 3 decades.
That will show those filthy casuals![]()
If I ever did an "essential RPG" voting you'd need to post at least 20 games, and write at least 150 words on each of them, for your vote to countWell it does highlight that even if you change the formula it still boils down to a popularity contest. Then again most community awards even with wildly different voting criteria usually boil down to that.
If I ever did an "essential RPG" voting you'd need to post at least 20 games, and write at least 150 words on each of them, for your vote to count
Maybe I should add that there need to be representatives from at least 3 distinct subgenres and 3 decades.
That will show those filthy casuals![]()