Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Have Avalanche create the tech, have Obsidian design the scenarios.
Have Avalanche create the tech, have Obsidian design the scenarios.
If it's Cuenca, Spain it's like this.
But without the anime girls in the foreground.
i still don't know where i am in dead space
but I'M OK
Oh, what could have been...JC3 as an online f2p game actually sounds awesome to me. Hop on for some random mayhem, no pressing need for a bad narrative, and at no cost? Now I'm even more disappointed.
i still don't know where i am in dead space
but I'M OK
capcom should write the story
and valve should decide on its quality control and release date
F dead space, I can't play more that 5 minutes before I turn the game off. I won't die for this game, I won't!
anime girls aren't a common thing to see there
it has a good atmosphere
sorta like bioshock
copons can tell you all about bioshock
I made it through bioshock but dead space nope. I have accepted it and uninstalled it. The game beat me for sure.
they're pretty similar in structure
just different design
It seems I was on point with Koi Koi being a game of forever, just noticed someone on my fl has more than 50 hours of it. I wish I've played it earlier, it would have ended on my goty list. Oh well, not that it matters as no steamgafer seems to play it that I can see.
Just to be clear, I can't do it because I'm scared shitless. I liked the 90 minutes I have played so far but horror ain't my thing.
I'm only grumpy on my own lawn!
I have it. Is it hard to learn? I only (kind of) know how to play poker.
huh what did i dooport over okami hd you fucks
honestly capcom should market okami cuz that game deserves better
first of all: there isn't a good zelda clone anywhere (fuck darksiders)
2nd: it has pretty good and charming art direction
3rd: the combat is actually pretty fun
4th: it has a lot of exploration
5th: cuz I said so
6th: zkylon sux
7th: steam's demographic need this game if you know how to sell it to them
huh what did i doo
nah the art in that game is totally not up to par.
Boobs not shiny enough to compare to Sakura?
Have Avalanche create the tech, have Obsidian design the scenarios.
Morning guys, what's u~
*Shadownet got banned yet again
first of all: there isn't a good zelda clone anywhere (fuck darksiders)
Makes sense, I guess. Really a bummer for Avalanche, because I dunno where they can go from here; their reputation is ruined.
JC2 was such simple, primal fun, and JC3 jettisoned all of that in favour of... I don't even know what. Wingsuits and timers?
hey now
i was the first one to say okami and everything
so u know
Lies. Oceanhorn exists.
There is no speedrunning of okami unless you consider a 25 hour run speedy
Serious question: Do you guys think that QLOC is the best Polish company in the industry, or do you have some other favourites? CDPR? 11bit? Flying Wild Hog? Artifex Mundi?
i feel it's mostly capcom that needs convincing rather than pc gamerswell time to get that game to a larger audience
i can't figure out a way to
game is cool tho, think it would fit the steam demographic but capcom probably don't know how to market it
Loving the boss designs in Axiom Verge
And pretty much anything else in the game tbh
I've no idea about any of QLOC's output other than some of their ports. Definitely CDPR for me, although Flying Wild Hog and Techland are definitely up there aswell.
i feel it's mostly capcom that needs convincing rather than pc gamers