You're being selective with your quoting which is fine I guess.People expressing disappointment for lack of traditional gamepad support automatically makes then cheap, entitled, or ill-informed? And no, I'm not saying it's a developers job to cater to a minority, nor that the vocal naysayers necessarily have a leg to stand. Not everyone can have their cake. But if discussion boils down to "this works for me so it'll work for everyone stop whining" then yeah I'm going back to making shitty Steam titles.
I never said GET A STEAM CONTROLLER OR EAT A BAG OF DICKS or something incredibly as irrational as that, I said the controller option exists, some have their aversion to it and there's about 2-3 reasons given constantly as to why, and then explained that controller support might not come or maybe it will but there's a way to play it on day one.
It sucks that the preferred option for some won't be there, but we no longer live in a world where that can be seen as a limiting factor. Again, just facts.