Price in Canada is CAD$43.99 which is about USD$31.14.
Ah sweet, Tides in in beta and I'm a backer!
Haha, guess it wasn't included :\
Ah sweet, Tides in in beta and I'm a backer!
Haha, guess it wasn't included :\
you a patron of the digital arts as well haha?Ah sweet, Tides in in beta and I'm a backer!
Haha, guess it wasn't included :\
Glad to see all my pledges are doing well!
They changed the system after the kickstarter closed. I'm bummed by that but it isn't like I don't have a ton of things to play.
At first I flew in third-person but I couldn't wrap my head around mouse view, let alone mouse control. So I went first-person for the rest and man, man is it immersive. I do have a serious lack in flight experience for now but it is so much fun to bank and look at villages while turning, lining the enemy from far far away and diving down all the while firing rockets at the target just pull up the nose at the last moment only then realizing the reckless speeds at which I'm flying daring moves. So good.
You know what makes me sad? Sega not porting their old PC games to Steam, like Sonic Heroes, the original Typing of the Dead, etc.
And also, where are the releases of Resident Evil 2 and RE3 PC? If it were up to me though I'd include RE2 with the remake as a neat bonus.
You know what makes me sad? Sega not porting their old PC games to Steam, like Sonic Heroes, the original Typing of the Dead, etc.
And also, where are the releases of Resident Evil 2 and RE3 PC? If it were up to me though I'd include RE2 with the remake as a neat bonus.
So 3 out of 9 being on PC isn't bad. Hell techincally we shouldn't even count the nintendo stuff so 3 out of 6 is good. Then if we want to lower it even more since MVC3 is an older title 3 out of 5 looks even better. Then with some more moving and the very likely chance that revelator will come to PC (Since we have Xrd) we're now at 3 out of 4. So now we just need Namco to bring us Tekken 7 and we're all set. Oh forgot we won't have the complete edition of MKX though.
Good lineup. I'll probable watch all of 'em except Smash.
Sooo.... will they be bringing Tekken 7 arcade machines to Evo or are they planning to surprise our souls with a PC announcement?
Agreed. Smash with no snake ain't worth shit.
That's apparently what they did last year. But yeah that would be a good place to announce a PC version. They have really been silent on the matter.
Since there has been no outright denial, just straight silence on a PC port. With it being UE, there's really no reason not to bring it.
What's weird is that Harada enjoys playing on STEAM, but it's not his show to run I guess.
If you ask me, Tekken 7 on PC makes more sense than bringing both Naruto and DBZ to steam. So it's odd we have those and not that.
If you ask me, Tekken 7 on PC makes more sense than bringing both Naruto and DBZ to steam. So it's odd we have those and not that.
So 3 out of 9 being on PC isn't bad. Hell techincally we shouldn't even count the nintendo stuff so 3 out of 6 is good. Then if we want to lower it even more since MVC3 is an older title 3 out of 5 looks even better. Then with some more moving and the very likely chance that revelator will come to PC (Since we have Xrd) we're now at 3 out of 4. So now we just need Namco to bring us Tekken 7 and we're all set. Oh forgot we won't have the complete edition of MKX though.
If you ask me, Tekken 7 on PC makes more sense than bringing both Naruto and DBZ to steam. So it's odd we have those and not that.
65 bucks for the Tomb Raider game and Season Pass sounds very damn tempting right now.
i spent 56 on XCOM 2 Deluxe edition
sue me
I don't think so. Both Naruto and Dragonball are world-spread IP, well-known for their anime shows and movies. Their shows are still running even to this day (their original shows, in fact). My local theaters have imported the movies several times as well. While Tekken, in the other hand, is only well known among Sony fans.
Tekken as a series has sold almost 50 million worldwide. Even if it's been at home on playstation most of the time, it's a big series. I would say it's almost on par with Street Fighter in terms of being known by the masses.
well i thought they were giving away the sequel or something
i was really confoosed why they'd do that
The only thing I know about Tekken is that it's not Virtua Fighter.
...and even then, I googled to make sure they weren't the same game.
If the Canadian dollar sinks any lower I think I'll crack.
tempt me not
Tekken as a series has sold almost 50 million worldwide. Even if it's been at home on playstation most of the time, it's a big series. I would say it's almost on par with Street Fighter in terms of being known by the masses.
Yes, Tekken is the biggest series of all three. However, whether it's well known for the PC crowds or not, it's still a mystery. I believe that's the reason why they're still holding out on Tekken PC. It'll be big on PC someday, that's for sure.
Anyway, is this true?
SE's stream is using a non-legit Windows lol. Busted, live. Total awkwardness.
Yes, Tekken is the biggest series of all three. However, whether it's well known for the PC crowds or not, it's still a mystery. I believe that's the reason why they're still holding out on Tekken PC. It'll be big on PC someday, that's for sure.
Anyway, is this true?
SE's stream is using a non-legit Windows lol. Busted, live. Total awkwardness.
Anyway, is this true?
SE's stream is using a non-legit Windows lol. Busted, live. Total awkwardness.
Always amusing when companies bitch about piracy but give no fucks so long as it isn't their own product.
It could just be that they changed too many components, or installed the drive into a new pc.
Then didn't bother to do the BS phone code thing because it is a pain in the ass.
I don't really get where you're coming from. Street Fighter wasn't a PC series and now it does well there.
So 3 out of 9 being on PC isn't bad. Hell techincally we shouldn't even count the nintendo stuff so 3 out of 6 is good. Then if we want to lower it even more since MVC3 is an older title 3 out of 5 looks even better. Then with some more moving and the very likely chance that revelator will come to PC (Since we have Xrd) we're now at 3 out of 4. So now we just need Namco to bring us Tekken 7 and we're all set. Oh forgot we won't have the complete edition of MKX though.
how does marvel keep making it to Evo?
it's the bad rats of evo lineups for like the past 3 years
So 3 out of 9 being on PC isn't bad. Hell techincally we shouldn't even count the nintendo stuff so 3 out of 6 is good. Then if we want to lower it even more since MVC3 is an older title 3 out of 5 looks even better. Then with some more moving and the very likely chance that revelator will come to PC (Since we have Xrd) we're now at 3 out of 4. So now we just need Namco to bring us Tekken 7 and we're all set. Oh forgot we won't have the complete edition of MKX though.
A third of EVO is now non-fighting games. Fan fucking tastic. At least I'll get to see the family, get some pizza and have a piss break during finals day, ffs. This is the darkest timeline.
A third of EVO is now non-fighting games. Fan fucking tastic. At least I'll get to see the family, get some pizza and have a piss break during finals day, ffs. This is the darkest timeline.
Am I doing it right Steamgaf?