I won't ever spend 13$ on Groupee at once, and probably when a good bundle will release, the coins will go down the drain.
There is a lewd manga bundle going on now. Go buy it if you are into this kind of stuff
I won't ever spend 13$ on Groupee at once, and probably when a good bundle will release, the coins will go down the drain.
There is a lewd manga bundle going on now. Go buy it if you are into this kind of stuff
I think that days when 3rd party publishers could afford to release games only on one or two platforms are behind us. Also time when console manufacturers could offer enough to 3rd party publishers to get their "love" is also behind us. Today video game industry is really big and most devs/publishers are looking only hos to save their ass and if there is place and market to sell their product and cover at least porting costs they will do it. We cans see that on every Sony conference since PS4 announcement. Permanent exclusivity with 3rd party games are rare these days. And in my opinion that is good for the users and for the industry.
Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 sets a new standard in graphics quality for the series, featuring highly detailed characters and dynamic environments. In its first appearance on home systems, TEKKEN 7 will feature numerous modes and enhancements beyond its arcade counterpart, including an in-depth story mode that lets players fully experience the canon storyline.
Is there a reason to break cards into gems? Like is it cost effective ever? It seems they provide very little, less than selling them on the market. Also is it worth searching for buying booster packs that may be cheaper than individual cards?
edited: so lemme get it straight, the Witness has no cheevos to talk about, no cards and is 40 game? That makes waiting almost too easy!
It has two achievements: one for finishing the game and a hidden one.
And here I thought you played puzzle games for the puzzles. Hmm.
edited: so lemme get it straight, the Witness has no cheevos to talk about, no cards and is 40€ game? That makes waiting almost too easy!
I do, but I have my standards!
like not paying 40€ for a game I'm not going to play any time soon.
29 today nooooo
Shower me with your Bad Rats gifts
There are some random left over keys in this post. Nothing great
Haha, that's fair. I am just surprised to see achievements being such a priority for so many people.
Wait until Arthea finds out PS4 has 14 trophies.
Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to me!
Haha, that's fair. I am just surprised to see achievements being such a priority for so many people.
First Don't Stave had no achievements, and I didn't speak out because I didn't care for Klei games.
Then The Witness only have 2 achievements, and I didn't speak out because Blow blows.
You can see where this is going.
The hottest of Call of Duty games.
guys, do you know that Mortal Kombat Kollection was removed from steam
or am I very late to this realisation?
guys, do you know that Mortal Kombat Kollection was removed from steam
or am I very late to this realisation?
29 today nooooo
Shower me with your Bad Rats gifts
There are some random left over keys in this post. Nothing great
Happy birthday to me!
29 today nooooo
Shower me with your Bad Rats gifts
There are some random left over keys in this post. Nothing great
Happy birthday to me!
Well, this has a chance to become a good version of Symphonia if it receives 60 FPS mod and if there are no major bugs. *sweating*It's a 60 to 80 hour game that came out in 2003/2004 but okay Zky.ohh symphonia isn't like a big new game
now it makes sense why they were giving it away
Then again I really dislike Tales games now mostly. Probably not buy it again despite how much I liked it in the past.
So, Dragon's Dogma...
Bitterblack Isle is HARD!
29 today nooooo
Happy birthday to me!
I'd imagine Symphonia is going to fall into the same bracket as FFVII in being a lot of folks first entry into the series.
yeah, Symphonia price is surprisingly reasonable.
It's by no means the best Tales, but it's a good game nevertheless. I still don't understand why they didn't release both games at once, I mean Dawn of the New World too.
I'd imagine Symphonia is going to fall into the same bracket as FFVII in being a lot of folks first entry into the series.
on PC? probably, considering price, although some probably started with Zesty.
My first Tales was Destiny 2 aka Eternia. <3
A lot of your parents sure like to fuck around Easter time.
No in general. Even the parallels are there. Symphonia was the first Tales game released in Europe like FFVII, it was also the first 3D released one released in NA also just like FFVII. Granted I, II, IV & VI potentially could have built up more of a user base than Destiny and Eternia did but I bet if you asked all the folks on GAF to name you the first Tales game of the top of their head, Symphonia would be head and shoulders above everything else.
Maybe I should have worded that better. How about 'Symphonia was probably us Western baka gaijin's first entry into the series'?
In short,it's a trap.
I'm still waiting on Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, so I can sell my PS4 version...then finally announce FF X/X-2 HD.
Just according to keikaku.
Didn't realize it was in Humble Bundles. I might see if I can find it next month then.It was in a very popular humble bundle, so there should be plenty of keys out there.
I'm pretty sure Symphonia is also considered one of the best Tales games.
you weren't much into playstation modding scene, I assume, if you think that Europe waited for Namco to check the world map finally.
I had a dream that the new platinum ninja turtles game took place in the same universe as Metal Gear Rising. They were talking about finding Sam, and how Raiden destroyed that Metal Gear Ray.
Holy shit, those Dark Souls III scans.
Firelink Shrine? Man... I can't believe we're actually going back to the Anor Londo, FLS, etc
Gwyndolin is absolutely the Lord of Cinder. Gwyn didn't have legs, was frail, etc... And now, he's older. Finally takes up the throne after his father's passing is my guess.
The new enemy designs are pretty slick, too.
You do know what the definition of a lot is right? Not all but a sizeable amount, ie a large number or amount; a great deal. If you think loads of people had modded PS One's and had a source where they could import games from, let alone this is touching on early days of the internet where knowledge of niche titles (you asked for it!) was nowhere near as prevalent today over say picking up localised and released games in your region then you're just as barmy as the execs that think region locking should be used to clamp down on lost sales through importation.
I have played every Dark Souls and didn't understand anything you said besides the last one.
Holy shit, those Dark Souls III scans.
Firelink Shrine? Man... I can't believe we're actually going back to the Anor Londo, FLS, etc
Gwyndolin is absolutely the Lord of Cinder. Gwyn didn't have legs, was frail, etc... And now, he's older. Finally takes up the throne after his father's passing is my guess.
The new enemy designs are pretty slick, too.
I think he's making up Dark Souls fanfic.