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STEAM | January 2016 - Out of cash, out of cache

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what's sad is that jonathan blow's other tweets are regularly the worst, most annoying i-know-better programmer nonsense tweets ever and ppl get worked up about this piracy crap

also his piracy tweets were literally the most innocent well meaning stuff ever, cmon


There's no perfect strategy in Risk Of Rain, really. First of all, drop the difficult to Drizzle, and try to learn your main character traits (for beginners, i'd suggest going with either the Enforcer or Engineer). Learn how to optimize movimentation, what your abilities do and how can you make better use of them during battle, which items are better fit for your character, etc. Then, you should try messing with artifacts, they should give you quite a boost. The Risk Of Rain wiki really helped me with the last part.

The strategy i found to be most successful was : Activating both the Commando and Glass artifacts, choosing the Engineer, and trying to get to the teleporter as fast as I could, while getting items that would increase my HP along the way. Once i got to level 5, which is the second to last level, I'd loop through them a few times, until I got overpowered enough to steamroll through the last boss.

Thanks for the tips. I was playing on the default difficulty and was unlocking random things. Time to lower the difficulty.


yeah i kinda wish i had waited a little bit more but i had to see for myself

i don't mind the game being "just a collection of line puzzles", i just don't like the way they're offered

he runs a pretty cool youtube channel, i recommend subscribing


I didn't watch the review because I'm still trying to avoid any puzzle hints whatsoever while I'm playing the game. The way the puzzles are offered is actually why I like the game. The way you explore to learn the puzzle mechanics, and how puzzles solved in one area can help you understand puzzles in another is what makes it more than a run of the mill puzzle game for me. If it was a hex cells type game I wouldn't have been interested.

The "story" though? Yeah, weakest part of the game imo. I'm sure he's got something to say but I'm not one of those people who's going to try to interpret it.


Toby: The Secret Mine $1




no way that toby game doesn't have spiders

I didn't watch the review because I'm still trying to avoid any puzzle hints whatsoever while I'm playing the game. The way the puzzles are offered is actually why I like the game. The way you explore to learn the puzzle mechanics, and how puzzles solved in one area can help you understand puzzles in another is what makes it more than a run of the mill puzzle game for me. If it was a hex cells type game I wouldn't have been interested.

The "story" though? Yeah, weakest part of the game imo. I'm sure he's got something to say but I'm not one of those people who's going to try to interpret it.
im gonna quote the thing i wrote on the yt comments of the video

there's two big issues i've found so far with the witness that seem like very questionable design decisions:

1 - the nonlinear structure: the game is played in an open environment but benefits in no way from it. you're given the option to go wherever, but most areas are gated by puzzles that you've yet to be taught how to solve. they're not difficult, just plain inaccessible to you because you haven't beaten the tutorial yet. the tutorial might be on the opposite side of the island for whatever reason, so it's up to you to figure out which puzzles you weren't meant to solve. this makes the nonlinear structure kind of pointless but also adds the frustration of constantly running into brick walls and instead of asking yourself "how do i solve this?" you ask yourself "have i played this tutorial yet?". this is aggravated by basic movement in the game being just plain tedious. you walk at a slow pace and have to hold down shift/lt to run, which is plain tiring, and then you have the invisible walls blocking every ledge, forcing you to circle around everything to drop just a tiny little bit. what is gained by making the game nonlinear in this way? i have trouble seeing this game not being much better with a talos principle structure

2 - the witness doesn't want to be beaten: i feel like you get into this a little bit on your review, but the witness seems like a game that's cold and indifferent to the player, moreso than most games i've ever played. it's not quite dayz but even on something like dark souls you can see the guiding hand of developers rooting for you to defeat its bosses and traps. here, it feels different. from my experience so far, puzzles do very little to teach you their mechanics. sure, there's a few tutorial puzzles, but they're often very trivial to solve and the difficulty spikes up really fast on the last panel of a series. it's like the game is testing you, you're taught the theory of the mechanics of each puzzle series, but never actually allowed to practice. and then you get tested. so you crash into the brick wall, and fight and fight to solve it and eventually you do and you're greeted with now a few more trivial puzzles and then another test.

and i'm ok with there not being any reward for completing puzzles. hexcells is probably my favorite puzzle game and that game has no story or content other than the puzzles, but the way they're structured you feel like you're collaborating with the game and you're being taught and learning and applying what you've learned at a pace that when i finished it i felt like a master. i'm a monster at that game now, and i feel great, i understand its subtle mechanics even if they weren't spelled out to me and i've become really good at it for no reward other than exercising my brain.

i'm very far from finishing the game, but i find some of these issues kind of irredeemable. maybe it gets better to me once i get a little further, but man, i wasn't expecting feeling like this about the witness at all&#65279;

but yeah i'm not a fan of the nonlinear stuff or the "puzzle metroid" stuff or the puzzle difficulty/difficulty curve


no way that toby game doesn't have spiders

im gonna quote the thing i wrote on the yt comments of the video

but yeah i'm not a fan of the nonlinear stuff or the "puzzle metroid" stuff or the puzzle difficulty/difficulty curve

Yeah, I'm definitely completely opposite of you here.

#1 as I said this is what I like about the game.

#2 I've found the game has been really good at easing you into puzzles. A lot of the lasers require long strings of puzzles to get to and each segment becomes more complex. The only ones I have been having problems with are the very last puzzle or set of puzzles, because in those cases things seem to go off in a completely different direction that isn't intuitive. I'm stuck on two right now.

But different people feel differently about games, it's nothing new.


So, just bought a 4K TV to use as monitor. Any tips on how can I configure it to decrease the imput lag?

And also, what are some must-play in 4K games? All I can think on the top of my head are The Witness, Valkyria Chronicles ans Transistor, all because of the vibrant collors.
Keep in mind I have a i5 3590 and a GTX960, so no "The Witcher 3" or anything like it.


Games to show off you seem to have down already. Maybe some Tron/r if you're into that. As for the TV and input lag, keeping your options wired as well as probably staying away from the game mode setting might help. Depends on the model and such


So, just bought a 4K TV to use as monitor. Any tips on how can I configure it to decrease the imput lag?

And also, what are some must-play in 4K games? All I can think on the top of my head are The Witness, Valkyria Chronicles ans Transistor, all because of the vibrant collors.
Keep in mind I have a i5 3590 and a GTX960, so no "The Witcher 3" or anything like it.


You're going to have to adjust it yourself. The cheapest "low tech" solution is to get a crt monitor (if have one laying around) and run video to both monitors that shows a timeclock with milliseconds and then take pictures to see how far behind the 4k tv is from the crt.

Another method that isn't the best because you're going to have to just judge it, is to use your old monitor right next to the new one and put a empty browser window in between. Try to have a black background for each monitor than wave the empty browser window vertically in between the screens. Kind of like this:

[ | ]

Those are the cheap methods.

Good luck on running 4k games with a 960. I have an R9 290 and most games are just barely playable at 4k.


Yeah, I'm definitely completely opposite of you here.

#1 as I said this is what I like about the game.

#2 I've found the game has been really good at easing you into puzzles. A lot of the lasers require long strings of puzzles to get to and each segment becomes more complex. The only ones I have been having problems with are the very last puzzle or set of puzzles, because in those cases things seem to go off in a completely different direction that isn't intuitive. I'm stuck on two right now.

But different people feel differently about games, it's nothing new.

i'm stuck on a puzzle piece panel and i kind of hate these puzzles

i should probably move on to another zone
Need a bit of time to adjust to camera bobbing. It made me slightly dizzy at first but it's better now.
Apart from that, it's enjoyable so far. Levels are vertical and not too big that they get tedious. Brisk progression which I want. Combat feels good too.
I'm using the FOV mod via CheatEngine. Have to only re-adjust during cutscenes.

This outfit is the best. Fits the weather.

I like her more than Lara

Now this part was stupid. Not because the content but it was only QTE and until I memorized them all, I had to repeat it a ton.
Gotta go quick. RotTR waiting in backlog :)


Forgot Sam was even in TR2013 until this thread reminded me. She has like no presence. She's basically boba Fett but instead of looking badass she's just waifu material.


Got in 1.5 hours of The Division before my computer decided 8GB of memory isn't enough to run both Windows 10 and The Division :/


All I remember about TR's story is that Lara and her friends go explore the inside of a mountain and get killed off one by one by a sentient pool of blood and excrement.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Jase: Is there any DLC for Unity beyond Dead King worth getting in terms of story?


I only remember one performance being bad. I just forgot it is all.

Everything tangentially related to the plot was bad. The characters were bad, and idiotic stereotypes to boot. The plot was dumb as door nails, and all the interactions between everybody were bordering on the ridiculous.

It was fine. Nothing Oscar worthy, but still better than the tripe that was Uncharted 2.
nah. Besides the aforementioned aspects above I'd consider them a wash, but all that shit kind of drags the game down.


It was fine. Nothing Oscar worthy, but still better than the tripe that was Uncharted 2.

I'd agree with you... If i hadn't made the huge mistake of replaying it. Completely ruined the game for me, and the plot was the worst offender by far. I've still to see a game cast as detestable as the one from TR2013. And the story... god the story, don't let me even start. Which is a shame, because i had no problems with those aspects in my first playthrough :( .


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Don’t trust indie publisher Black Shell Media (my story)

I’m an indie game developer with a couple games under my belt. As I was about to release my second game on Steam, I decided to look into a partner to help me with the thing I’m terrible at - marketing.

I came across Black Shell Media, a self-proclaimed indie game publisher. Their website looked very nice and professional, and I thought they knew what they were doing. I contacted them, and we arranged a video chat. They claimed to be marketing experts that were super-connected with the games media, and that they would have a team devoted to making sure my game was a financial success. They claimed that they really liked the build of the pre-release build of the game I sent (I later realized this probably wasn’t true, because I had accidentally sent them a broken link.)

They offered to take a percentage of my revenue in exchange for handling all marketing and PR aspects. I asked that, since they’d be taking a cut of my revenue, if they’d be investing anything into the game itself (like many publishers do). They claimed that they don’t do this, and that I should essentially take them on faith - that the marketing they do will more than pay for the revenue they take. At this point, the person I talked to was very friendly and responsive to calls and emails. I felt like they’d be a good company to have in my corner, so I went ahead and signed their contract. I know realize what a mistake I made. Basically their “marketing” is a complete joke. They have no apparent traction with any of the game media sites, and I have no evidence that they did much marketing at all. The only youtubers that posted videos of my game were small ones that I contacted personally. I had zero coverage on any gaming news site. I didn’t even get a story on the smaller sites that had covered my previous title. One person live streamed my game on Twitch, for about an hour. Again, this was someone that I personally contacted. I would have been better off doing the marketing myself, rather than relying on them.

I looked into other games that they published (something I should have done at the outset had I been smart), and noticed the exact same pattern. Basically Black Shell Media’s “great marketing insights” boiled down to sending out thousands of tweets to people who probably don’t really exist.

As you can imagine, without any exposure, my launch did not go well, from a financial standpoint. It briefly appeared on the Steam “All New Releases” list and then slipped away. The next day, I emailed Black Shell Media asking about their continuing plan to market my game (since they were planning to take a portion of my revenue indefinitely), and they said they would continue to send out tweets and press releases. When I asked to see who they contacted in the media, they said they had no obligation to share this information with me, as this was their trade secret. They refused to tell me a single person who they actually sent a press release to, and as far as I know they didn’t send any at all. When I mentioned how absurd it was that they wouldn’t send me any evidence that they had marketed my game (other than the tweets), they said that this was stipulated in the contract.

After that, I didn’t hear from them in over a month. They didn’t respond to me on skype nor answer my emails. Extremely frustrated, I sent them an email threatening to take my case to the public, and they said that would be a violation of the contract I signed with them, and that I would be subject to legal action.

So I decided to post here anonymously so as not to be sued by my own publisher for speaking the truth. I’d like to share more information, so please PM me if you’d like. At this point, my game is a total commercial failure, though I’m extremely grateful for the few people who did purchase it, especially those who gave me good feedback that I can use on future games. I’m happy to say that this experience hasn’t broken my spirit, and I’m planning to release another title in July without Black Shell Media’s “help”.


So I was glancing at some backgrounds on the trading card web site and saw that there are 3163 games now with cards. I don't think there were that many games on Steam total when trading cards first released. Such a shame they never did everything with it they said they were going to.
From that facebook thing
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (NingenJanai, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Orcs Must Die! 2 -- MB-CF55FA14F4DF6502 - Taken by mp1990. 1 entrants total.



ok i was bored and goofing around on the nexus so i decided to look to witcha 3's top nsfw files section and found this guy called hansdergrosse that uploads like the most hilarious mods

gonna post a picture of the only sfw one but these descriptions are amazing

Horses Mod red eyes and added tattoo
horses include roach:
- red eyes
- added vagina, doesnt look as good as expectet though
- added tattoo

Women bigger Vag... and radioactive Nippels
have all nipples and vag.. from women replaced.

may it or hate it

Gwint Anime Bodys Naked
Gwint Anime Bodys Naked 164 different cards

Women look like Leopard
FUN mod...

I have changed in total 68 female heads.
some women do not have the wrong face.
have not found the right textures.

i have to do something better with my friday nights


Stormy Grey
ok i was bored and goofing around on the nexus so i decided to look to witcha 3's top nsfw files section and found this guy called hansdergrosse that uploads like the most hilarious mods

gonna post a picture of the only sfw one but these descriptions are amazing

Horses Mod red eyes and added tattoo

Women bigger Vag... and radioactive Nippels

Gwint Anime Bodys Naked

Women look like Leopard

i have to do something better with my friday nights

Could there be a sequel to the dreaded Whoreblivion mod horror story from facepunch after all?
I have been in awe with the dedication of the adult modding community ever since I installed some better bodies mod for Morrowind. It had penis physics when characters would run and jump.


I have been in awe with the dedication of the adult modding community ever since I installed some better bodies mod for Morrowind. It had penis physics when characters would run and jump.

Oddly enough, the witcher 3 devs rejected giving Geralt a penis because they were having issues with physics.


Oddly enough, the witcher 3 devs rejected giving Geralt a penis because they felt they would have had issues with physics.

i can't 100% remember but i think they didn't go for full frontal nudity in witcha 3

i'd say it's probably for the best but they still got mature rating so at that point might as well all them genitals on the screen


Neo Member
Ok I would like everyone's opinion in here. Should Square Enix burn in hell for making all the Steam's Final Fantasies just ports from NDS and Mobile versions?


Ok I would like everyone's opinion in here. Should Square Enix burn in hell for making all the Steam's Final Fantasies just ports from NDS and Mobile versions?

The "NDS ports" are mobile ports, too.
I think it's fine that they brought them to PC, where it's easier to have different control schemes and to mod.


i can't 100% remember but i think they didn't go for full frontal nudity in witcha 3

i'd say it's probably for the best but they still got mature rating so at that point might as well all them genitals on the screen

No they didn't. In the sex scenes the camera angles are chosen to avoid this. IIRC according to the designers the issue was that they would be using the full character model all the time and that physics problems would arise if people attempted to run around with a naked Geralt. I think that it was said that they got around to prototyping it, but I'm not sure.


yeah and unfortunately i couldnt find a naked geralt mod to see him all jumping around and stuff

so disappointing

that's why witcha 3 isn't goty


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Ok I would like everyone's opinion in here. Should Square Enix burn in hell for making all the Steam's Final Fantasies just ports from NDS and Mobile versions?

I don't think they're too bad honestly, and this coming from a huge fan of the series. VI is obviously the worst offender in many ways, but Nyxo's bilinear filter patch really helps and steady progress is being made to mod the character sprites from the SNES version back into the game, which quells about 99% of the issues I have with it. See here for a sneak peek

V's translation is much improved over the previous ports, and also benefits from having the bilinear character filter removed via a mod.

as for III, IV, and IV: TAY I suppose that's just a matter of personal preference. I liked the 3D versions of these games but wish the battles weren't hindered by 15fps performance. Obviously with IV and TAY we all would have preferred the fantastic PSP ports, but it's not like those aren't otherwise unavailable elsewhere.

The rest of the games (VII, VIII, XIII, XIII-2, and XIII-3) are are various degrees of from "okay" to "passable" ports but I think are all technically superior to their original console counterparts. IX looks like it will fall under the same category: not great, but passable and better than anything else available.

XI and XIV were always on PC so there isn't really much to talk about there in terms of porting.

It's a shame the series doesn't get more love in it's ports, but I'm ultimately happy with what's available.


I don't think they're too bad honestly, and this coming from a huge fan of the series. VI is obviously the worst offender in many ways, but Nyxo's bilinear filter patch really helps and steady progress is being made to mod the character sprites from the SNES version back into the game, which quells about 99% of the issues I have with it. See here for a sneak peek

V's translation is much improved over the previous ports, and also benefits from having the bilinear character filter removed via a mod.

as for III, IV, and IV: TAY I suppose that's just a matter of personal preference. I liked the 3D versions of these games but wish the battles weren't hindered by 15fps performance. Obviously with IV and TAY we all would have preferred the fantastic PSP ports, but it's not like those aren't otherwise unavailable elsewhere.

The rest of the games (VII, VIII, XIII, XIII-2, and XIII-3) are are various degrees of from "okay" to "passable" ports but I think are all technically superior to their original console counterparts. IX looks like it will fall under the same category: not great, but passable and better than anything else available.

XI and XIV were always on PC so there isn't really much to talk about there in terms of porting.

It's a shame the series doesn't get more love in it's ports, but I'm ultimately happy with what's available.

my biggest issue is that all of their games requires a mod for the games to be bearable. To me, it is just screaming laziness. Just push out any release and let the community fix it and we still reap the rewards since ppl will just keep buying the game.
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