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STEAM | January 2016 - Out of cash, out of cache

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a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I would still buy Colors on Steam. Not sure why Sega went with Lost World instead of Colors for PC but Sega gonna Sega.

Lost World, much like Sonic Generations, is on the Hedgehog Engine and it's simply easier to port to PC. Colours on the other hand is a dedicated PhysX engine for Wii and hardware specific.
Lost World, much like Sonic Generations, is on the Hedgehog Engine and it's simply easier to port to PC. Colours on the other hand is a dedicated PhysX engine for Wii and hardware specific.
Sucks for sure, but i can't help but think that Colors would've been well worth the money.

Dr Dogg

This is very true. Stay clear of any videos if you don't want the crap spoiled out of you.

Spoilers: you shoot various type of aliens. Your guys die, a lot. Because im shit :(

Edit: good lord that video is over an hour long >_>

Christopher Odd has a playthrough of a preview build ongoing on his channel at the moment that has all the storyish stuff cut from it. That and his break down of all the new classes gives a good insight to the mechanics in XCOM 2. Would say any of it is spoilery due to how the levels are generated, no more so than Firaxis' other previews.


Mine is pretty and pink
So gamedevs are praising the witness already, let's see if the reviewers does so too in 5 hours.

George Broussard said:
The Witness is a puzzle/game design master class destined to be a classic. It's just amazing.

Edmund McMillen said:
Spoiler : the witness is amazing

and Anthony Burch

Been playing The Witness for less than an hour and my brain is already doing fun new kinds of jumping jacks.


Dark Souls at 60fps. Give it more than 2hrs this time. You can do it, we believe in you.

u probably need to try and take some pressure off "getting it" and just play it for a while longer

find yourself a day you have some free time and patience and go for it

sometimes it's a matter of being in the right mindset for it

i've had that with some games before, and then u find yourself with the right state of mind for it and it just makes sense
Yeah. I need to find a day, where I'm in the right state of mind. I just really wanna try to fight a boss lol.

2 hrs in those games is nothing at all. They are all like 60+ hour games. I needed to play Dark Souls for like 10-15 hours before I realized how genius it all is and after that I couldn't put it down.

Dark Souls 2 is a lot more accessible and noob friendly compared to the first. Its pretty straightforward in its design so you might wanna try that one first.

Edit: Also make sure you aren't playing other games. The souls games are a big toll on your mental endurance so try giving most of your attention to them.
I will finish up Final Fantasy VII, and then I'll go for Dark Souls or Bloodborne. :)

It took me like 6 months to beat Dark Souls.
Dropped the game for a few weeks because i didn't found the way tro undead Burg and was getting killed by Spoopy Skellingtons left and right.

I thought the game was fucking awful.

Then i came back because a YT-Channel i liked made an interesting video about it. Came back and play through it until i couldn't beat O&S. Dropped the game for 3 Months.

I yet again thought the game was awful.

Then i saw another very funny Dark Souls video.
Got back into it and played until i reached ceaseless discharge.

Quitted for antoher 3 months and cursed this broken pile of shit.

Than i came back out of my own ambition, beat him and finished the game.
Then i played and finished NG+ in like 3 or 4 days.

Now it's one of my favorite game series and i played through every entry at least twice.
It certainly needs some time to click, especially if you're starting with one of the older entrys that are overall a lot more obtuse and less streamlined in certain usability aspect. But it's so worth it.

Just give it a chance Madridista and don't expect this game to leave you in awe 5 minutes in. Certain things in this series, but especially in Dark Souls 1 just need some time to build up. Dark Souls 1 is one of the most unique and beautiful gaming experiences i had in recent years, worth every minute and tear.

There is one moment in the game - tho i'm not going to spoil - that made me a broken man in a way only videogames can do. Play it.
Yeah I'm gonna give it another chance this year. Dark Souls 1 looks so beautiful with the Durante mod.

The key for me (when I bought Demon's Souls), after I had been banging my head against a wall for two hours, was to watch someone play through the first two levels. It kind of just clicked, and the series has been my favorite ever since.
Maybe I should check out a Let's Play again.

unrelated to steam but;

Hnng, that looks hideous.

Finished Tomb Raider 2013 this weekend.

What did you think about it though?



Not the JaseC avatar we need, but definitely the JaseC avatar we deserve.

Word of advice: Don't go into TitS SC expecting a sequel.
It's not.
It's more of an expansion of the original game. Asset reuse is through the roof, other than some dungeons, everything (and I do mean everything) is taken from FC.
Well, Falcom did change the order you visit the towns. There's that. And there's two or three new music tracks. There's that as well.


Just used the cheaters report form for MGSV.
The funny thing is the form doesn't have a proper "cheaters" label, there's inappropriate name, nuisance and CRIMINAL ACTS.
I selected this one, dunno if cheating is a criminal act, or if that section is to report Isis members organizing terrorist acts or something.


Word of advice: Don't go into TitS SC expecting a sequel.
It's not.
It's more of an expansion of the original game. Asset reuse is through the roof, other than some dungeons, everything (and I do mean everything) is taken from FC.
Well, Falcom did change the order you visit the towns. There's that.

oh, c'mon, it's a sequel.
What do you expect Falcom to do? Our characters are investigating what started in FC, you knew beforehand that you'll stay in the same country. You know... it's called logic of situation.
Or even better question, how did you expect it to be?
There are good things about it, as meeting all people you met before and seeing how they are doing.


so, tried to buy on humble bundle and they sent me a sms confirmation code without me ever giving them my phone

yeah fuck humble bundle, i'm buying the witness on steam

I just bought it via Humble Bundle Store using Paypal. No verification need or any of issues for me!

Now its time to play the waiting game...
Not the JaseC avatar we need, but definitely the JaseC avatar we deserve.

Word of advice: Don't go into TitS SC expecting a sequel.
It's not.
It's more of an expansion of the original game. Asset reuse is through the roof, other than some dungeons, everything (and I do mean everything) is taken from FC.
Well, Falcom did change the order you visit the towns. There's that. And there's two or three new music tracks. There's that as well.
Do you even know what sequel means? lol

And the country is the same...so i'm not sure what you were expecting? A time travel adventure? :p

There are new places and such, but they don't happen until chapter 5 or 6 iirc

oh, c'mon, it's a sequel.
What do you expect Falcom to do? Our characters are investigating what started in FC, you knew beforehand that you'll stay in the same country. You know... it's called logic of situation.
Or even better question, how did you expect it to be?
There are good things about it, as meeting all people you met before and seeing how they are doing.
At this point I get the feeling he's trolling.


I'm so happy now. Finally got myself Heavensward - Collector's Edition for Final Fantasy XIV, so I'm gonna jump back in. And now I'm gonna get all of the Sonic games I'm missing. So even though me and my girlfriend of 4 years broke up this morning, it's still a great day with FFXIV and Sonic!


I bought 9 Sonic titles but only 5 of them is showing up in my library!?

I didnt get these:
Sega Classics: Sonic 3D Blast
SEGA Classics: Sonic Spinball
SEGA Classics: Sonic the Hedgehog
Sega Classics: Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Sega Classics: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

[edit 2]
Never mind. They are part of the SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics. Duh.


oh, c'mon, it's a sequel.
What do you expect Falcom to do? Our characters are investigating what started in FC, you knew beforehand that you'll stay in the same country. You know... it's called logic of situation.
Or even better question, how did you expect it to be?
There are good things about it, as meeting all people you met before and seeing how they are doing.

Not saying it's bad, no. Just a tad disappointing, especially after prologue having mostly new locations.
Ideal situation would be what Golden Sun 1 & 2 did.
Second game expands greatly on the first, adding at least twice as much new locations.
Or, you know, Dragon Quest III which contains all of Dragon Quest I.
Didn't have time to play RE0 over the weekend but made some progress on Yakuza 5. I'm sure a lot of people here would love this franchise. Since it doesn't sell outside of Japan I doubt they're considering PC versions which is a shame.
I hope Y5 and Y0 do well enough for them to bring over Y6.


Not saying it's bad, no. Just a tad disappointing, especially after prologue having mostly new locations.
Ideal situation would be what Golden Sun 1 & 2 did.
Second game expands greatly on the first, adding at least twice as much new locations.
Or, you know, Dragon Quest III which contains all of Dragon Quest I.

But there are new locations, dungeons. Is it number of those that worries you?
I've seen this complaint before once, but I still don't get it. What difference does it make? To add a new location just to expand a game that's already bloody long? I don't see the point, tbh.
And what DQ3 has to do with it, it's not a direct sequel of DQ.

BTW how far you are in SC?


Picked three games that I am going to play along with Nep Nep 1. I also got Taimumari which I am close to finish too

Hopefully I will have 7-8 beaten games in Febraury in this year


Nice. I only spent a little bit of time with Snapshot, but I really enjoyed what I played. Hope you like it!

I might have to reinstall it and play through it with the Steam controller... Seems like it'd be a nice fit.


I don't see Koi Koi in that list... odd

yeah, I'm totally addicted to it, but it's Koi Koi, there is no way around it.
let's embrace Koi Koi addiction, steamgaf!
That banner of theirs is hideous lol
good that it has nothing to do with a game

I don't have that game, not going to buy it either I am trying to clear my huge backlog :p

It got kinda misleading tag. How much anime is there in the game?

0, zero, nada, zilch

that's how it really looks, the board in in the background, but I think you can get an idea


I don't see Koi Koi in that list... odd

yeah, I'm totally addicted to it, but it's Koi Koi, there is no way around it.
let's embrace Koi Koi addiction, steamgaf!
That banner of theirs is hideous lol
good that it has nothing to do with a game

I don't have that game, not going to buy it either since I am trying to clear my huge backlog :p

It got kinda misleading tag. How much anime is there in the game?


I'm having a weird problem with my steam client. It refuses to login, says it's having trouble connecting to steam servers. My internet works fine. I can logout and login to my account on the steam website, it's just the client that's not working. Using windows 10.

Stuff I've tried:
Reinstalled steam, deleted all the stuff in steam folder except steamapps.
Checked my HOSTS file.
Restarted router a few times, put my local ip in dmz and power cycled everything.
Disabled windows firewall.
Ran malwarebytes.
Updated dd-wrt firmware.
Went into steam offline mode and removed steam beta. It updated to stable version, still doesn't connect.

Steam app works on my phone and Origin works. My friends on the same ISP aren't having any issues. Anyone had a similar problem with the client before?
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