Large Professor
It feels good to be able to use the community market again. I should have enough monies to buy at least 2 new indie games in the coming weeks. Rain World better come out soon!
*Clicks link*
Oops worng link*Clicks link*
Assman... Oh no, this doesn't belong to me, I think there's been a mistake.
Sands of Time was Patrice Desilets game and so was AC1 and 2, but not Warrior Within or Two Thrones. As far as I remember, Desilets went from Sands straight to prototyping AC stuff, big crowds and all that.
Oops worng link
Let me fix that xp
Btw can we get a telltale game-lik seinfeld game pls?
If you have already played through the campaign at least once and want to spice it up a bit, then I'd say yes although probably not at full season pass price. For first playthrough I would recommend against the DLC because while it adds stuff to the campaign, it's not necessarily better experience.
Oh what the fuckSo, Valve seem to have blocked (or at least severly restricted) API access for both SteamDB and SteamSpy.
No more sales data in 2017?
So, Valve seem to have blocked (or at least severly restricted) API access for both SteamDB and SteamSpy.
No more sales data in 2017?
So, Valve seem to have blocked (or at least severly restricted) API access for both SteamDB and SteamSpy.
No more sales data in 2017?
So, Valve seem to have blocked (or at least severly restricted) API access for both SteamDB and SteamSpy.
No more sales data in 2017?, Valve seem to have blocked (or at least severly restricted) API access for both SteamDB and SteamSpy.
No more sales data in 2017?
I couldn't get idlemaster to work earlier, kept saying it couldn't find the badge page. Related maybe?
So, Valve seem to have blocked (or at least severly restricted) API access for both SteamDB and SteamSpy.
No more sales data in 2017?
Planet Coaster devs vs. Atari could be a reason for Valve to limit API access.
Planet Coaster devs vs. Atari could be a reason for Valve to limit API access. But maybe it is just a bug.
I couldn't get idlemaster to work earlier, kept saying it couldn't find the badge page. Related maybe?
What happened?
What happened?
What happened?
Maybe Valve wants to monetize its sales data itself?
Whenever it does that it only does it for a bit. So try and power through it. It's more than worth it.Shit, around 6 hours in and SOMA has decided to go full horror. Almost thought I was playing Alien Isolation with all those sounds coming from the vents and having to be sure not to make any loud noises.
Had to take a break. Way to tense.
So, Valve seem to have blocked (or at least severly restricted) API access for both SteamDB and SteamSpy.
No more sales data in 2017?
Planetcoaster devs have used other source to see that Atari have not been paying them what they should have so are suing Atari.
Seperately SteamSpy and SteamDB today / yesterday respectively have received "too many requests" errors via the Steam API (how they get their info), which means they have been rate limited (meaning they need to route traffic in different ways instead) - though Knurek is suggesting they are somehow blocked specifically - though this doesn't make sense to me since months ago at dev days Valve were supportive of the two and even recommended devs use SteamSpy to research their games / markets
lame, fuck valve
If Valve ever restricts their API access to Steamspy/DB, it will most likely be due to publisher pressure rather than Valve taking steps on its own volition.
Tales of Berseria - texhnolyze
Set in the same world as Zestiria, Tales of Berseria is actually some kind of the prequel of it as they share the same world but occur at different times. But don't let it bring down your enthusiasm for Berseria, as the game doesn't share everything that made Zestiria a bad/mediocre game. It's the best Tales of games since Vesperia which was released in the West 8 years ago. That's according to the importers though.
Main reason I went back to finish Zestiria. Needed to finish the previous Tales before the new one.
You are the hero we deserve.I'll send a PM to Sergey and see if he would be interested, but it might be possible to add an opt-in option to Enhanced Steam that would automatically push the user's owned game data to SteamSpy that could be used as a supplement to their API access. This would also be able to push DLC data as well which I believe is still not accessible in their API.
The cool thing about that is that the users would retrieve this data themselves (Enhanced Steam already caches this request for features like marking games as not interested on the store page) from an API that Valve themselves use to build your store page. So it would be pretty difficult for Valve to block something like that.
Either way, it shouldn't be difficult for SteamSpy/DB to route around these changes, although unfortunately doing so goes against Valve's TOS for API access on anything that isn't a public API.
You really don't have to, Berseria has 99.99% nothing to do with Zestiria.
Mass Effect is still really good, first time playing through it, played through ME2 twice and did everything I found. ME3 is the worst one, pretty much rushed through most of it. Sad it's not on Steam.
surprised you're enjoying 1 since it's the most janky interms of combat, inventory sucks too, but outside of those it's great
What controller setupmare u using?the new controller support is working great! Beyond Good and Evil still looking good
Jade looking bored in that shot
Wouldn't that skew the data though by being opted into only by enthusiasts?I'll send a PM to Sergey and see if he would be interested, but it might be possible to add an opt-in option to Enhanced Steam that would automatically push the user's owned game data to SteamSpy that could be used as a supplement to their API access. This would also be able to push DLC data as well which I believe is still not accessible in their API.
The cool thing about that is that the users would retrieve this data themselves (Enhanced Steam already caches this request for features like marking games as not interested on the store page) from an API that Valve themselves use to build your store page. So it would be pretty difficult for Valve to block something like that.
Either way, it shouldn't be difficult for SteamSpy/DB to route around these changes, although unfortunately doing so goes against Valve's TOS for API access on anything that isn't a public API.