It always uses wallet money first for me.wait, does paypal not use wallet money? I have 6 bucks on paypal, tried to buy the indiegala bundle and it didnt let me.
Revelation. She is a reoccurring boss, who's is a walking bullet sponge that won't ever die.edit: what RE game is this lady from again, with her ridiculous cleavage and hair? I remember people psoting pics sometime ago, was it Revelation?
wait, does paypal not use wallet money? I have 6 bucks on paypal, tried to buy the indiegala bundle and it didnt let me.
Don't you have the option to use wallet money?
wait, does paypal not use wallet money? I have 6 bucks on paypal, tried to buy the indiegala bundle and it didnt let me.
It depends:
- Some merchants won't accept payment via account balance is there's a currency mismatch
- PayPal may default to a saved payment method in certain cases and the only way to circumvent this is to remove all saved payment methods
- Not all countries within which PayPal operates support payment via account balance for international transactions
I think you can select a default currency in one of the settings and it'd automatically convert when receiving a payment.While Paypal is being discussed, is there any way to change the default currency when I receive payments? Some buyers send money in my country's currency (SEK in this case), despite me telling them to send money in dollar
I think you can select a default currency in one of the settings and it'd automatically convert when receiving a payment.
It's my birthday
Would be a shame for those to be ported now, as you've already played the best one of the trio.
yeah thats what I do but im just not a very good typer
typist? whatever.. Also, happy birthday ningen
edit: what RE game is this lady from again, with her ridiculous cleavage and hair? I remember people psoting pics sometime ago, was it Revelation?
Happy birthday fellow redhead loverIt's my birthday
It's my birthday
But that, right now, also seems Valves approach. I mean why develop new games when you can still earn tons of money with skins, hats, glove-skins etc.
It's my birthday
9 games down in the 60 game a year challenge (I'm aiming to do 60+ games instead of just 52).
Next up on my list are
Clearing the backlog is so refreshing ^o^
Is there a way to remove a game from your profile? I left Dota 2 on for like 80 hours when I first built my PC and now its one of my most played games even though I hate it.
Is there a way to remove a game from your profile? I left Dota 2 on for like 80 hours when I first built my PC and now its one of my most played games even though I hate it.
Should be doable from here.
Search for the game, and choose remove permanently.
He is talking about it showing up in playtime.
If he hates a game, and don't want it to be on the profile, then removing it permanently fixes the problem, doesn't it? I have used it for several games and they're gone from all parts of my profile. But haven't tested for a F2P yet.
Revelation. She is a reoccurring boss, who's is a walking bullet sponge that won't ever die.
You're lucky, they stayed on mine -.-
Nice! Hope it's as good as Zestiria's port. Will download ASAP.
Seeing that it has Denuvo and 4k is upscaled, things are not looking good. Gonna wait for the Durante analysis on this.
Seems like 4k is native on Berseria.
So, another Zestiria-like situation, where they ran post-processing at 1080p, but the rendering resolution was changeable?
Second picture definitely looks sharper.
Outfit is silly in both.
So, another Zestiria-like situation, where they ran post-processing at 1080p, but the rendering resolution was changeable?
Paladins is getting my time a lot lately. Shame it doesn't have a character fanbase unlike Overwatch because I feel the characters are better in Paladins.
Crom knows of the magnificent feats of marlow briggs, for the tales of his heroeic exploits are spoken far and wide through the halls of valhallaMarlowe Briggs is on sale for 99 cents again if you are the one person who doesn't own it yet.