STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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First Most Wanted, definitely. Second is crap.

Thats not Sakamoto-san fron Nichijou. They may look alike but it's a perfectly normal cat, totally unrelated to the story, in Ghost Trick.
Is it weird that I disliked Underground 2 but really liked Most Wanted? I can't explain it. And I haven't played the reboot/whatever so I can't comment on that one.


But DmC Donte is a Mary Sue as well. So is regular Dante. If that's one of the major problems you have with 4, I'm not sure how you like the franchise in the first place :p

I'll push it to the top of my backlog.

Dante and Nero aren't the same characters. Dante isn't a Mary Sue. He's the son of one of the most powerful demons.

Nero is just a human who somehow has Vergil in his arm, but is somehow extremely skilled without it.


ok these dante gifs are just plain silly, especially the pizza one. is that ACTUALLY in the game? and if so someone mind providing some context to it cause at first glance its straight up random

The Uncle Dante stuff are just fan made GIFs.

Though there is pizza in DMC3
I can't work out what to play next. I am without solid internet to the 7th and have like 5 games to play but for some reason can't pick one and stick to it. Sniper Elite 3 is awesome fun but I kind of want to wait to play it with anyone co-op as that sounds really fun. Transistor corrupted my save the first time I quit so that kind of soured it for me. Valiant Hearts looks too depressing to play right now :lol. Haven't loaded up Wolfenstein: The New Order yet and I also have Shovel Knight which I keep going to every so often. The problem is I know as soon as I get my internet back I will be back to playing 90% online games so need to get through as many as possible haha.


I think I read something a year or so ago that they activate cross-region and convert to local currency.
Don't know if this is still true, though.

Edit: 2 years ago apparently

thanks buddy. Btw the "gift" I gave you? Dollars successfully redeemed it with no trouble at all. So if you still want it. it's yours.
I can't work out what to play next. I am without solid internet to the 7th and have like 5 games to play but for some reason can't pick one and stick to it. Sniper Elite 3 is awesome fun but I kind of want to wait to play it with anyone co-op as that sounds really fun. Transistor corrupted my save the first time I quit so that kind of soured it for me. Valiant Hearts looks too depressing to play right now :lol. Haven't loaded up Wolfenstein: The New Order yet and I also have Shovel Knight which I keep going to every so often. The problem is I know as soon as I get my internet back I will be back to playing 90% online games so need to get through as many as possible haha.

I'd give Transistor another shot maybe, or dive fully into Shovel Knight.


I can't work out what to play next. I am without solid internet to the 7th and have like 5 games to play but for some reason can't pick one and stick to it. Sniper Elite 3 is awesome fun but I kind of want to wait to play it with anyone co-op as that sounds really fun. Transistor corrupted my save the first time I quit so that kind of soured it for me. Valiant Hearts looks too depressing to play right now :lol. Haven't loaded up Wolfenstein: The New Order yet and I also have Shovel Knight which I keep going to every so often. The problem is I know as soon as I get my internet back I will be back to playing 90% online games so need to get through as many as possible haha.

Shovel Knight sounds like the best bet.
Recreate the feel of that era with no internet while you play.


Damn, for a second I thought NFSU2 was on Steam and got really excited. :(

How much I miss these games. This and the original Most Wanted were some of my favorite arcade racers back in the day. I didn't play another Need for Speed after SHIFT until Rivals... and after 10 minutes of Rivals I just couldn't take it anymore :(.


Shovel Knight it is I guess!

I was barely alive during "that" era :lol

Yes start Shovelin'!

Think I'm gonna take a break on those Heavy Archers of Anor Londo today. I figured a new plan though, gonna run to the right now and try my Iron Flesh, maybe it might stop the arrows knockback. I didn't try yet as I died to something beforehand and figured it was time to take a break for the night.


I bought some games from GOG. Is there a way to add them to my Steam Library? Sorry, total newbie here.

Bottom left corner on the Steam client (in detail view) ---> add games not from Steam ---> search the directory of the non-Steam game, select the game's exe. and add it. The game will now show up on your client's library as a shortcut.

Now if you're talking about registering a GOG game to your actual Steam library, nope, you can't do that.
Ugh these 2 heavy archers in Anor Londo of Dark Souls have to be the most annoying thing ever. About my 5th try now trying to get past this part

Those guys suck. Your best bet is just to run at them as fast as you can... maybe roll if one is about to hit you, if its safe to.


Ugh these 2 heavy archers in Anor Londo of Dark Souls have to be the most annoying thing ever. About my 5th try now trying to get past this part

Dont worry after Anor Lando the game becomes easy town until the last boss.
Which is easy as well if you use a certain technique.


hey guys, I have a $20 Steam Card. I need a favor. If someone can do me an even exchange, $20 Steam Wallet for $20 Paypal. I would appreciate it.

Long story short. Dealing with some russian and they dont like Steam Wallet for some reason.


Dont worry after Anor Lando the game becomes easy town until the last boss.
Which is easy as well if you use a certain technique.

The lessened difficulty might be a nice for a bit :D. I don't mind the challenge all that much though, I just progressed rather slowly today. At least I got the soul from the left Archer area corpse so I can pretty much just book it for the right one.
I tried to launch Left 4 Dead 2 because my friends wanted to play, but when I clicked on it. I get some weird message on my screen when I get to the menu that says "you have been locked out of VAC secured servers because you have -insecure- in your launch options." The game won't even let me get past the message, and I can barely exit the game.

So what the heck is insecure, and how do I remove it? I looked it up, and it seems to be a Win8 problem.


We need an Astebreed Support Group
that last boss

GAWD -flips table-

EDIT: should I sell my old monitor? Dell 2209WA? or keep it for vertical shmup goodness?


I tried to launch Left 4 Dead 2 because my friends wanted to play, but when I clicked on it. I get some weird message on my screen when I get to the menu that says "you have been locked out of VAC secured servers because you have -insecure- in your launch options." The game won't even let me get past the message, and I can barely exit the game.

So what the heck is insecure, and how do I remove it? I looked it up, and it seems to be a Win8 problem.

Right-click the title in your library, go to properties and click "set launch options".
See if you didn't add it sometime before, somehow.


Dark Souls just doesn't know how to do a hard final boss fight. In both 1 & 2 the last boss is one of the easiest. :\

Makes sense from a lore perspective.

Gwynn is a shadow of his former self after giving himself to the flames.

is the weakest shard of Manus and was manipulating you the entire game to do what she was not capable of.


Just tried out Cult of the Wind for the playfire reward and I enjoyed myself.. it controls pretty well and looks nice.. It was fun pretending to be a plane... too bad no other people joined me in my delusion...

It also seemed to come out of Early Access without much fanfare, and got quickly buried in new releases... It needs a free weekend or something to get people playing it with other people or something.
He's actually the kitty from Ghost Trick! Though Sakamoto is identical!

Yeah Milamber mentioned it already but thanks to you too for clearing that up :) They really could be twins, now I wonder if some Ghost Trick developers are Nichijou fans o.o I suddenly have the urge to buy the iOS version of Ghost Trick...


Just tried out Cult of the Wind for the playfire reward and I enjoyed myself.. it controls pretty well and looks nice.. It was fun pretending to be a plane... too bad no other people joined me in my delusion...

It also seemed to come out of Early Access without much fanfare, and got quickly buried in new releases... It needs a free weekend or something to get people playing it with other people or something.

That game looks oddly fun! Is it multiplayer only? Do you really just run around pretending to be an aeroplane?
Or... you just got so good that by the time you reached the last boss, it was a cake walk.

is easy for sure. You can just parry cheese him to kill him in < 1 minute.

can be hard for melee if you don't know her move pool but if you know any magic she basically can't do anything to you.

Ornstein and Smough still give me trouble but I think they're considered the hardest boss in all of the souls games.


Bottom left corner on the Steam client (in detail view) ---> add games not from Steam ---> search the directory of the non-Steam game, select the game's exe. and add it. The game will now show up on your client's library as a shortcut.

Now if you're talking about registering a GOG game to your actual Steam library, nope, you can't do that.

I'm probably missing something, but I've never been able to get DOSBox games to work reliably when doing that. Everything else works fine that way.
is easy for sure. You can just parry cheese him to kill him in < 1 minute.

can be hard for melee if you don't know her move pool but if you know any magic she basically can't do anything to you.

Ornstein and Smough still give me trouble but I think they're considered the hardest boss in all of the souls games.

Four Kings were way harder than Ornstein and Smough. Most of the DLC bosses were harder too.


Makes sense from a lore perspective.

Gwynn is a shadow of his former self after giving himself to the flames.

is the weakest shard of Manus and was manipulating you the entire game to do what she was not capable of.

Final Boss of Demon's is really no different either.
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