STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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Steam is being lame again. Starting to get this message again.

For the protection of the account holder, this purchase has been declined. Further purchasing will be temporarily limited - please contact Steam Support to resolve this issue.
I haven't even finished Dark Souls. I beat the centipede demon and kinda stopped there. And with GFWL dying (so I thought) I wanted to wait for a patch or something to finish it.


Four Kings were way harder than Ornstein and Smough. Most of the DLC bosses were harder too.

Yeah, I thought
were harder than any of the bosses in the main game.

I didn't have much trouble with either Four Kings or Ornstein and Smough.

In fact, Stray Demon was the most difficult main game boss for me, but that's probably because I fought it fairly early on.
Right-click the title in your library, go to properties and click "set launch options".
See if you didn't add it sometime before, somehow.

Tried it, but my launch options are empty. I don't think I ever went into L4D2's launch options anyway. Think I'll just uninstall, and redownload it. I can play the game from the Steam folder, but can't from the Steam program itself (ever since I cleaned up some hard drive space on my PC, Steam decided upon itself to redownload every game I have for some stupid reason). So I'll try killing two birds with one stone.


Yeah Milamber mentioned it already but thanks to you too for clearing that up :) They really could be twins, now I wonder if some Ghost Trick developers are Nichijou fans o.o I suddenly have the urge to buy the iOS version of Ghost Trick...

Oops, didn't see that! They do look exactly the same; I don't think it's a coincidence so maybe you're right!

And omg, definitely play it! It's one of the most underrated games ever. I haven't tried the iOS version, though, so I can't say if the port is any good.


Tried it, but my launch options are empty. I don't think I ever went into L4D2's launch options anyway. Think I'll just uninstall, and redownload it. I can play the game from the Steam folder, but can't from the Steam program itself (ever since I cleaned up some hard drive space on my PC, Steam decided upon itself to redownload every game I have for some stupid reason). So I'll try killing two birds with one stone.
Try adding -steam as an option and launching it again first, will you?
Apparently, this should "fix" it.


I haven't even finished Dark Souls. I beat the centipede demon and kinda stopped there. And with GFWL dying (so I thought) I wanted to wait for a patch or something to finish it.

lol tell me about it. I got to the Undead Parish and haven't progressed further. I kinda dropped the game when I started playing MGR
and also the fact that I wasn't really feeling DS honestly.

Still I plan to get back to DS at some point.
Four Kings were way harder than Ornstein and Smough. Most of the DLC bosses were harder too.
Four Kings isn't that hard, it's just a dps race. Their move pool is pretty predictable. I think I had a harder time with O&S than 4 Kings on my SL1 playthough. The three DLC bosses are probably harder than O&S, I'll give you that.

I haven't even finished Dark Souls. I beat the centipede demon and kinda stopped there. And with GFWL dying (so I thought) I wanted to wait for a patch or something to finish it.

You don't deserve that avatar. :p

lol tell me about it. I got to the Undead Parish and haven't progressed further. I kinda dropped the game when I started playing MGR
and also the fact that I wasn't really feeling DS honestly.

Still I plan to get back to DS at some point.

Dark Souls didn't really click with me until I beat the Gargoyles. Just play a bit more and it may have the same effect on you.
I think I might be bad a video games. Jesus Shovel Knight is kicking my ass.

Cause I gotta say. I'm trying to give some copies away and it seem like no one on my friends list want it :(

I think a bunch of people got it from Russian traders when the price mistake happened! I was too late on that and just paid full price for it anyway haha.

Edit - beaten as well. Should have guessed.


That actually sounds awesome, lol.

also the faster you are moving, the more damage you do from x1 (standing still) to x10 (full speed) and the way the movement is, it feels you are a person who is pretending to be a plane, you cant do quick 90 degree turns, there's weight to the movement.. and the longer you hold down jump the further you jump..

and you shoot people and there are power ups...


I never got aboard the Valiant Hearts train until I watched a couple video reviews of it and the art combined with the music looked fantastic.. People also say the story is really good.

edit: how is serious sam classic revolution if you've never played a serious sam game? I've always heard they were hot garbage so I never bothered


Another M&M's loss. :'(

Only ~7 wins and The Witcher 3 will be MINE!!

I asked in the Wolfenstein thread and it didn't get many replies, but what's the best difficulty for Wolfenstein TNO?
This question is for Steam-GAF members who actually play their games.


I was looking through the Russian Steam store and HOLY CRAP! You guys were right! Stuff really is 40-70% cheaper than the US Steam store! 40-70%!!! And that the regular price! So stuff on sale is even cheaper! Like Sacred 2 is only $1.15, as opposed to out $4! This is crazy! My mind is blown! Why isn't everyone doing this?

I NEED to find some Russian friends! So! Any of you guys Russian? Don't be shy, send me a PM. Or if you guys would know where I can find English speaking Russians to buy stuff from Steam for me, please tell me!


I asked in a late edit on the last page so I'll ask again:

How is Serious Sam Classics Revolution for someone who's never played a serious sam game? I've always heard they were hot garbage so never bothered.. and not like omg it's so bad it's good hot garbage but boring...


also the faster you are moving, the more damage you do from x1 (standing still) to x10 (full speed) and the way the movement is, it feels you are a person who is pretending to be a plane, you cant do quick 90 degree turns, there's weight to the movement.. and the longer you hold down jump the further you jump..

and you shoot people and there are power ups...

Oo, super cool! I assumed it was a silly thrown-together game like Goat Sim, but I guess not. :O


Shadownet, I'm still playing Valiant Hearts, but I'm really enjoyed what I've played so far. Once I finish it, I'll be sure to post a review here and on Steam.


I was looking through the Russian Steam store and HOLY CRAP! You guys were right! Stuff really is 40-70% cheaper than the US Steam store! 40-70%!!! And that the regular price! So stuff on sale is even cheaper! Like Sacred 2 is only $1.15, as opposed to out $4! This is crazy! My mind is blown! Why isn't everyone doing this?

I NEED to find some Russian friends! So! Any of you guys Russian? Don't be shy, send me a PM. Or if you guys would know where I can find English speaking Russians to buy stuff from Steam for me, please tell me!

tf2outpost is your friend, you can search for games and trade using tf2 keys you buy from the marketplace. Just make sure the game you want is region free
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