STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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LOL this is perfect in every way
So, I bought the Civ 5 DLC civs on GMG with my Playfire credits. Two of them didn't redeem on Steam because it was telling me that I don't own the base game.

Steam support just responded to me saying that the keys were for COD: Modern Warfare DLC.

Time to email GMG support and possibly get a response in two to three months. :(
That is an amazingly unfortunate mess-up. I'm sorry. Pretty funny though.


Have any of you guys finished Antichamber? Ending worth getting to? I honestly got pretty stuck maybe an hour in and really didn't want to use guides or waste my day off.

I also dropped it when I got extremely lost. Too much backtracking and trying to find which room the puzzle was in.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I need a Russian dude. You hear me guys. I desperately need a Russian dude right now!

I mean...yeah.

Mail-order Russian traders is a goldmine waiting to be unearthed. (Look on Steam Trades/TF2 Outpost.)


That is an amazingly unfortunate mess-up. I'm sorry. Pretty funny though.

I know! At least I don't own COD, because I wouldn't use the DLC if I had accidentally redeemed it.

Pretty sure GMG has me marked as "That Guy" because I actually go through their hoops of contacting support and getting a legitimate response every time my Playfire messes up to get dat precious £0.10!

I'm broke!
Gah, my luck with that M&Ms money ain't too good. I'd like to have a lot of money stockpiled for something like The Witcher 3, but I'd be lucky to pay for Football Manager 2013.


What can I do if I didn't create desktop shortcuts when installing?

Honestly I don't know. The GOG shortcuts have commands that tell DOSBox exactly what to do to run the game. You could reinstall the game to get the shortcuts I guess, tho I'm sure someone must have a better solution for this.
While on the topic of TF2, I think I played that best I ever had earlier. In a little under 30 minutes, my score was at least 40 points higher than the 2nd best. :p I was happy for myself.

I've never done any Russian market / key shenanigans. Is half of a key just some other item they want around the same value?
For TF2 items, it's *usually* a couple of metals(maybe 2 ref 1 rec?) or a Tour of Duty ticket. The ticket runs for $1 in the in-game store. I know too much about this stuff!

As much as I'd like to do this, it sounds like work. Can't I just pay these people in money?
You can ask! Some take money, some don't.

Just the one copy, too. Better be quick!
Oh wow, didn't even realize that. Quick, Speevy, quick!
I know! At least I don't own COD, because I wouldn't use the DLC if I had accidentally redeemed it.

Pretty sure GMG has me marked as "That Guy" because I actually go through their hoops of contacting support and getting a legitimate response every time my Playfire messes up to get dat precious £0.10!

I'm broke!
I'm probably on that list too, since I bug the crap out of them when I don't get my .10-.50 cents.
I'm broke too :p
Glad to hear I'm not alone on Antichamber. I feel like some of the puzzles kind of missed that sweet spot between too obvious and too difficult/arbitrary.


So, I bought the Civ 5 DLC civs on GMG with my Playfire credits. Two of them didn't redeem on Steam because it was telling me that I don't own the base game.

Steam support just responded to me saying that the keys were for COD: Modern Warfare DLC.

Time to email GMG support and possibly get a response in two to three months. :(

Try to contact them via twitter, you should get a faster response that way.


CS:GO's sticker capsule keys are also generally considered half a key. Dota 2 keys will probably reach that point themselves, too. :p


sticker capsules go for like 5 cents on the market

edit: I'm dumb, you said sticker capsule keys


I'm going to assume you're from the UK based on the avatar and just say that they are chav smarties

America's Smarties.

EDIT: Beaten

Yeah I'm aware of what they are, I just assumed it was some game or something like the Playfire awards with they way people were talking about it.

In the US, M&M's is giving away MasterCards with $6 on them. You can text MOVIE to 78787 every day and they will tell you if you win and how to redeem the card. Pretty nice! It lasts until early August.

I was on a night shoot on this film I was working on, and some monster poured the bag of Skittles into the bag of M&Ms and ruined everyones night.

It was the worst. It was dark, and no one could have known.

Sky Chief

I was on a night shoot on this film I was working on, and some monster poured the bag of Skittles into the bag of M&Ms and ruined everyones night.

It was the worst. It was dark, and no one could have known.

Just eat one piece of candy at a time? You either get a Skittle or an M&M.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So, I bought the Civ 5 DLC civs on GMG with my Playfire credits. Two of them didn't redeem on Steam because it was telling me that I don't own the base game.

Steam support just responded to me saying that the keys were for COD: Modern Warfare DLC.

Time to email GMG support and possibly get a response in two to three months. :(

Haha, that's quite the screw-up. It seem as though GMG is having trouble with its key database as someone here recently bought a game only to receive a key tied to a completely different one. Generally DD stores don't offer refunds on keys as there's no accounting for them once they've been distributed, so don't be surprised if you're left with a chargeback as your only option (GMG may fare better in this regard, but I'm not sure).


I'm probably on that list too, since I bug the crap out of them when I don't get my .10-.50 cents.
I'm broke too :p

Maybe everyone's on that list, which is why GMG takes forever to respond to their support tickets!

Thank you based Playfire for your free game money! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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