STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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What's even worse with this M&M's money is that I can't buy keys to trade for the game I want since it looks you out of the marketplace, so I have to buy it for full price on Steam thus requiring more M&Mbux.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What's even worse with this M&M's money is that I can't buy keys to trade for the game I want since it looks you out of the marketplace, so I have to buy it for full price on Steam thus requiring more M&Mbux.

If you've used PayPal on Steam before you can add the card to your PayPal account and then add your Wallet funds without fear of penalty, although I believe some people have had trouble recently with PayPal not accepting the card


I really like chocolate covered sunflower seeds. I ate them a lot when I was in South Korea for vacation a few months ago.

That sounds really good.

Haha, that's quite the screw-up. It seem as though GMG is having trouble with its key database as someone here recently bought a game only to receive a key tied to a completely different one. Generally DD stores don't offer refunds on keys as there's no accounting for them once they've been distributed, so don't be surprised if you're left with a chargeback as your only option (GMG may fare better in this regard, but I'm not sure).

I kind of feel bad for GMG and Playfire; they've had some major screw-ups recently and their number of support tickets must be overwhelming. GMG is pretty good about refunds, I think, so hopefully they'll help me out!


As long as nobody brings candy corn to the table. That there is an abomination that needs to be struck from existence.

I've never even heard of that, but I just looked it up.


What is it? o_o It looks like plastic.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
playfire is my uplay / GFWL

as in its the thing that doesnt work for me most of the time while others say it works fine. Most games just refuse to register, and I really cba to relaunch them, I can barely be arsed to launch them the first time.

just give me my 80 cents or whatever Is left for free ultra upgrade and ill never care about Playfire again tbh

for the record I never had any issues with uplay or GFWL, so I guess I was due


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I like that Luftrausers is in all caps so when someone starts playing it, it's like an angry German man yelling at me.

And on the other end of the scale you have "resident evil 4" whispering in your ear. I realised the other day that whoever changed the name to lower case was did so because that's how the title is presented on the header image:


This doesn't make the decision any less silly, though. Can you imagine if Ubi followed suit? We'd have "Assassin'S creed iv: Black flaG".
If you've used PayPal on Steam before you can add the card to your PayPal account and then add your Wallet funds without fear of penalty, although I believe some people have had trouble recently with PayPal not accepting the card

If I win again, I'm going to try that, but as of tonight I still have 6 days left of being locked out.


And on the other end of the scale you have "resident evil 4" whispering in your ear. I realised the other day that whoever changed the name to lower case was did so because that's how the title is presented on the header image:


This doesn't make the decision any less silly, though. Can you imagine if Ubi followed suit? We'd have "Assassin'S creed IV: Black FlaG".

The Final Fantasys in my library also have a shouting titles, as if confirming that they are truly the final installment of the series.

Lol, you'd think after so many years, they would fix that RE4 typography. "4resident evil" looks ridiculous!
I love it!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The Final Fantasys in my library also have a shouting titles, as if confirming that they are truly the final installment of the series.

Lol, you'd think after so many years, they would fix that RE4 typography. "4resident evil" looks ridiculous!
I love it!

still better than a giraffe getting a blowjob



Btw, if you guys need cheap TF2 Keys. Add Ikkyu on Steam. hes very reliable and hes selling them for $2. which is 50 cents cheaper than the average sellers. Tell him Shadownet sent you. :)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
what happens when Modbot nuke a key?

Nuking essentially removes the key from ModBot's database, allowing you or someone else to create a new giveaway with it. If you try to create a giveaway using a key that has been marked as claimed, you'll receive an error.
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