STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I'm such a terrible guy. I have bad short term memory to the point where I cant even remember who I have given gifts to and what I gave them.

yes...youre terrible

wheres my biggest eyeroll ever gif, help me!


That is a major downfall, yikes! I might have to quit if it's too much.

It's not that bad aside from the 1 town, I just found myself shaking my head a lot when I saw one then continued on, whatever is not in the town is usually pretty clever.
Yeah, the memes are what turned me off of Guantemelee but it's the free game this month on the Xbox One so I shall finally play it.

Holy crap! I just looked down and saw that I'm not a Junior anymore. Only took a couple years.
Nice, soon you will pass 10,000 posts and regret your life choices
Wow at Trials Evolution advertising.

It says the game contains ALL the content of the game. But it doesn't have the dlc. So it's partly true, just stated in a shady and deceptive way!

Just wasted money during the sale!
Too many big sales at once, next month is the Criterion sale at Barnes and Noble!
But that's already ongoing up until the 28th of July?

Anyway, I just got done reordering my GOG library for macho convenience. Manually placing games in such a way that they're ordered by category (genre, publisher/developer, whatever comes to mind) is quite satisfying, and Steam's reordering options are a bit limited. Something for the web developers/client engineers to consider.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
if there is. JaseC would win

Haha, he's referring to the gift history section on one's inventory page.

Anyway, I just got done reordering my GOG library for macho convenience. Manually placing games in such a way that they're ordered by category (genre, publisher/developer, whatever comes to mind) is quite satisfying, and Steam's reordering options are a bit limited. Something for the web developers/client engineers to consider.

Oh, wow, I had no idea you could do this. I don't use GOG enough to bother, though.


I bought the CE a few weeks ago and played an hour of the game. I'll likely finish Fable today, although I'll probably move on to Riddick before returning to Original Sin.

well I started RE6, finished 2 out of 3 campaigns, started Killer is Dead, got halfway, went back to RE6, got halfway done with Leon's campaign (one im missing), started Blacklist, got halfway, and now been playing Dinivity

so whatever

the reason you don't play games is cause you dont do this mayne

abandon the backlog and play what you wanna play

you'll be back
But that's already ongoing up until the 28th of July?

Anyway, I just got done reordering my GOG library for macho convenience. Manually placing games in such a way that they're ordered by category (genre, publisher/developer, whatever comes to mind) is quite satisfying, and Steam's reordering options are a bit limited. Something for the web developers/client engineers to consider.

I was still thinking it is June, I am behind :p And oh boy, there's goes the rest of my money. Didn't get much in November so I need to get caught up. Did splurge on Hard Day's Night when it came out because I had a coupon, should have waited but oh well.


if there is. JaseC would win

Inventory -> More -> View gift history



Damn and I thought I was bad when it took me 10 months to go from junior to member. Community threads are great for promoting members.

No joke, I didn't really post much til like 3 months ago when I started posting in community threads and once I hit member my post count just started flying.


Finally got caught up on university course work. Stupid steam sale hype. But now I can game again without obligations looming over my shoulder.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
well I started RE6, finished 2 out of 3 campaigns, started Killer is Dead, got halfway, went back to RE6, got halfway done with Leon's campaign (one im missing), started Blacklist, got halfway, and now been playing Dinivity

so whatever

the reason you don't play games is cause you dont do this mayne

abandon the backlog and play what you wanna play

you'll be back

The reason I don't play games is because I find most of them boring. :( I just don't enjoy them as much as I once did. Buying games, though? That's a ton of fun.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
seriously though. i think i sent you a gift and i dont remember what it was.. i feel bad if i have to ask you.

if you mean last night I said not to when we talked, aparently you have the memory of a 80 yeard old :p

and I still dont want anything

if you mean during the sale, its possible, the whole thing is a blur with the shit I was getting /sniff


Unconfirmed Member
Original Sin? Has Larian said anything about a day/night cycle making the cut at a later date? If memory serves it was ditched as it was going to be tied in with other gameplay systems and there wasn't enough... time, but I'd be perfectly okay with a cycle for the sake of a cycle a la Titan Quest (at least, I'm pretty certain Titan Quest has a day/night cycle).

It won't happen as the reason for dynamic time was for NPC scheduling which was unfortunately dropped. The time of day will change for the script though.


That is a major downfall, yikes! I might have to quit if it's too much.
Which part?

Actually, I disagree with all of what you quoted. The meme stuff is only in the hub village, it really is not in "every other room." And the special moves certainly aren't pointless; it uses a rich combat system that gives you options for each possible situation. That's why the game "forces" them on you, to teach you when and where to use them. You're supposed to embrace that knowledge and enrich your combat with them, using them in every applicable situation going forward, not be annoyed that you were "forced to use them." I loved and used the crap out of the entire moveset. It's wonderful when you get to the point where you're chaining moves and tossing enemies around like rag dolls.


I am terrible at Papers Please, but I'm loving it. I need to be more strict as I keep going to jail as my son gets sick.

Thanks again to Grief.exe for the game.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
well I started RE6, finished 2 out of 3 campaigns, started Killer is Dead, got halfway, went back to RE6, got halfway done with Leon's campaign (one im missing), started Blacklist, got halfway, and now been playing Dinivity

so whatever

the reason you don't play games is cause you dont do this mayne

abandon the backlog and play what you wanna play

you'll be back

listen to this man (wait, wtf am I saying, listen to Salsa? good lord how low can one person get)

but yeah, stop thinking it as a backlog that you HAVE to clear, the thing is called a library for a reason. Do you need to read every book in the library? :p


So my trek through the Fallout: New Vegas DLC continues. Just finished Old World Blues earlier today, and I have to say I ended up enjoying it far more than I expected. Initially, the whole thing felt too hokey - the over-the-top humor made the characters (and by association, the whole setting) hard to take seriously, and that really hurt my suspension of disbelief. I was surprised when the final act not only addressed the issues I had with the setup, but did it in a way that left me feeling pretty satisfied.
Well, aside from the convo between your body and brain. That was just straight-up silly, not gonna lie.
And the ending, at least the one I got, felt really satisfying. (Apparently there was a cut ending where you
join the Think Tank
, too. Google for it if you're in the mood for a little nightmare fuel. >.>)

So now it's on to Lonesome Road, and what looks like the conclusion of the Courier's side story. Whee!


Papers, Please can be quite addictive - at first the hardest part is checking the issuing city, but once you've learned those and don't need to look them up it's much faster to check everything.


Should've stocked a lot of TF2 keys when they were cheap during the summer sale... market prices have gone up 10-13% in just a few days. Now I have only one 0.5 ticket left :(


Unconfirmed Member
I've never even heard of that, but I just looked it up.


What is it? o_o It looks like plastic.

It's a divisive type of candy. People who don't care for it go out of their way to denounce it for some reason though. It's not sugary sweet like most American candy so that probably has a role, especially since most Americans experience it as small children.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
listen to this man (wait, wtf am I saying, listen to Salsa? good lord how low can one person get)

but yeah, stop thinking it as a backlog that you HAVE to clear, the thing is called a library for a reason. Do you need to read every book in the library? :p

Oh, it's been a long time since I've considered my library a backlog.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It won't happen as the reason for dynamic time was for NPC scheduling which was unfortunately dropped. The time of day will change for the script though.

you have the best nickname on my friends list (since you are a terrible person and have both a different name and avatar on steam)

the only nickname possible really
Well, with work creeping up in about 6 hours, I figure I should probably get some sleep. Will I dream of candy because of the thread? Probably. Good night SteamGAF, stay awesome!
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