I bought a brand spanking new 486SX25 to play Ultimate VII. One of my favorite games of all time.
Is Divinity "verbatim" as deep as Ultima VII? Not quite.
Is it the closest game we've gotten in the last ~22 years? Very possible.
Ultima VII still holds the title for most immersive world ever. Really the only places (IMHO) that Divinity falls short are the lack of day/night cycle on NPCs/monsters/environments, and that you can't really make an impact in the world outside of story and reputation. I mean you could like kill a house's owner(s) and "take it over for yourself", but it won't really be acknowledged in the game.. there is no property ownership outside of your homestead and (so far) no titles or anything. Granted I'm only like 15 hours into it.
I mean ultimately to categorize the game as "not as good as U7" you really have to nitpick.. so in that regard, yes... it is really damn good.
ugh, no day/night cycle? Or just that the NPCs don't have schedules?
That is why I got into gothic originally. Some magazine told me that it was the 'best world simulation since u7' and went on and on about how people would get upset if you walked into their houses and such.What? Gothic? Like U7?
DivinityOS is much closer, from what I've played so far.
Has some stupid irritants, though, like the 0.1second bark repeat time, and some clunky UI choices.
I can deal with jank. I'll pay full price on the game if it is close enough to a modern ultima though.