I am surprised at no SteamGAF Mumble or TeamSpeak. Seems like the type of community that would have something like that.
Nah it just gets a bit annoying when there are so many posts about gifts. Giveaways are fine imo, but the personal gifts should be just that, personal (and kept in PMs)
People don't get gifts, so that must mean that they aren't really part of SteamGaf.
Or something along those lines.
All the earlier Witcher 3 talk... lol
I still remember when Witcher 2 first came out, there was no Steam version.
It was the first game I preordered and I did it on GOG to support the devs.
(It did feel kinda painful that the price dropped rather quickly once it hit Steam) lol
What about talking about everyone's favorite hot beverage?
The problem is with the people posting screenshots of the gifts. It was fine for a while, especially during the summer sale threads, but now a lot of people are ether getting jealous and making backhanded posts hinting that they want gifts too or are now complaining about it like some of the last few pages.
Keep gifting to people, it's fine and generous. It's not the problem here.
feels so good to have some food in the fridge
now if i could have some dishes to eat it on that'd be super
oh thank god i finished it
Not really. I could only parry once or twice in the whole game, and I beat it on Hard. I did manage to learn how to block, but the timing for parrying was impossible.Yup, unless you learn how to parry, you can't really beat the game. Maybe on easy, but definitely not on hard.
Seems to me that the problem are those people. Not him or the people posting screenshots.
Well, it's 10 on the Steam store, so...
140 by itself is 5, so you really can't go wrong with the BTA price for both.
(Also, Cinders is rather good, if you haven't played it before)
Anyway, time to get to bed.
Don't let me wake up to a post-apocalyptic wasteland, guys.
oh thank god i finished it
Anyway, I walked into the Armstrong fight with no nanopaste whatsoever. I'm boned.
i'm finally back from driving a lot and catching concerts with hipsters, how's steam life been?
So..how many days til winter sale?
i can't, my sink's super clogged and basically as i understand it if i turn on the water pipes will explodeWho needs dishes? Just eat over the sink!
To block in MGR:R, you just press toward and light attack (main, so X on a 360 controller).
If you time it in a small window at the last moment before you get hit, Raiden will parry/counter the last move.
I just made this webm that I will edit in for you.
It's on Revengeance difficulty and I dropped off pretty much anything you wouldn't have, weapon wise, at that point in your first playthrough -- I used the regular old HF blade. I have white armor on and the white wig for looks, mostly, as nothing I do in the webm is abusing the infinite power cells the wig grants.
It's all about timing... seriously. And notice how the bastard manages to call the cow even though he's at 0.0% health. Talk about hacking... maybe I should get Bladewolf to take a shot at hacking modbot for me. If I had the full power Muramasa blade on, that fucker would've went down in one hit... but that would've been to fast for me to teach anything, I think.
Sorry it took a little bit. I'm rusty after having 100%'ed the game back in January and then haven't booted it since trying to clear out my backlog... I forgot how much I love this game. There's no doubt it will be in my top 10 again this year (though games that are new to me like Killer is Dead and Dark Souls 2 will probably outrank it)...
Is the Humble bundle worth the BTA price if I only need to get this Secrets of Rætikon + Artbook (and 140?)
I think I got the rest from previous bundles, etc
All the earlier Witcher 3 talk... lol
I still remember when Witcher 2 first came out, there was no Steam version.
It was the first game I preordered and I did it on GOG to support the devs.
(It did feel kinda painful that the price dropped rather quickly once it hit Steam) lol
Preordered Witcher 2 on GOG as well. Don't forget the free GOG version for Steam buyers but not the other way around. I understand why they did it but still.
I learned my lesson this time, though. Steam version all the way for W3.(That and it's $16 cheap)
i can't, my sink's super clogged and basically as i understand it if i turn on the water pipes will explode
so like crumbs i think will also lead to explosion scenario
man this is why you should have ordered pizza. food and a plate at the same time.
lol I was seriously hoping that gave the GOG buyers a Steam key but nope.
clocked my gametime on the GOG version but man the GOG bundle was pretty amazing with all the soundtracks, DLCs and etc.
I should get back to it soon. I think I got stuck at the King Slayer (or whatever the actual term for it was)
Awesome and challenging boss fight.
Could you link me to your method of making webm's? The ones you post always look great and I'd like to start making some myself.
"Taste my big boner"Awesome and challenging boss fight.
Hey guys, the Evolved Alpha sign up is up if you haven't seen it, looks pretty sweet. Here's the info:
people complaining about what happens "in the thread" in general is just weird to me
I mean I pile up on the "no lists" joke cause it's fun
but come the fuck on
thread is a mess, and we like it as is. Sometimes it steers into some good game recommendation/helpful info/questions/what have you but the only reason this thread moves at the pace it does is because people basically keep it alive as a chat room/community
and I like that, it's just fun, as messy as it is
apparently mods are fine with it too since we're not on community yet. It's cool to complain about NSFW and whathaveyou but lets not pretend this thread is some sort of beacon for legit useful steam talk 24/7. It's, for the most part, just people having fun
To block in MGR:R, you just press toward and light attack (main, so X on a 360 controller).
If you time it in a small window at the last moment before you get hit, Raiden will parry/counter the last move.
I just made this webm that I will edit in for you.
It's on Revengeance difficulty and I dropped off pretty much anything you wouldn't have, weapon wise, at that point in your first playthrough -- I used the regular old HF blade. I have white armor on and the white wig for looks, mostly, as nothing I do in the webm is abusing the infinite power cells the wig grants.
It's all about timing... seriously. And notice how the bastard manages to call the cow even though he's at 0.0% health. Talk about hacking... maybe I should get Bladewolf to take a shot at hacking modbot for me. If I had the full power Muramasa blade on, that fucker would've went down in one hit... but that would've been to fast for me to teach anything, I think.
Sorry it took a little bit. I'm rusty after having 100%'ed the game back in January and then haven't booted it since trying to clear out my backlog... I forgot how much I love this game. There's no doubt it will be in my top 10 again this year (though games that are new to me like Killer is Dead and Dark Souls 2 will probably outrank it)...
Please help me SteamGAF! I have 2€ to spare and would like a anime-ish profile background but nothing I found so far appeals me reallyEither they are waay too obnoxious ecchi or plain black ones with a character on them :/
Nah it just gets a bit annoying when there are so many posts about gifts. Giveaways are fine imo, but the personal gifts should be just that, personal (and kept in PMs for the most part)
Whoa, impressive. How can you play it blind? I know pinball can be played by sense of smell, but I never knew it could also be done in 2D action platformers.playing shovel knight blind. gonna try and stay up real late and get thru a lo
aw im sorrywhat did I quote you? I think my computer is randomly quoting people!
Anyway, heres some yokes
Sorry posted a polygon link, edited it out in case it's banned to post here lol.What info? Ah, you edited it in.
Anteater put this up in here before:
I use that guy's create webm batch file with ffmpeg on my shadowplay mp4 footage.
The create gif script seems useless to me, so don't bother with that -- use gifcam instead on your webm or mp4 file.
1. Record with shadowplay
2. Watch video to find timestamps for begin/end
3. Create webm using linked script with timestamps for beginning and end, use defaults for the rest of the values
4. Upload to a host like pomf.se
man this is why you should have ordered pizza. food and a plate at the same time.
You'll still want to watch -- blocking and parrying are at the very core of the game (and are a main reason some people don't share the love).
It's rendering now -- the clip was 2:37, so hopefully it'll be done and uploaded soon.
Is there any backgrounds for Astebreed or Long Live the Queen? I'm pretty sure Astebreed has background.
EDIT: LOL wtf one of these background is 22$ Who in the hell pays 22$ for a steam profile background!?!?!
lol I was seriously hoping that gave the GOG buyers a Steam key but nope.
clocked my gametime on the GOG version but man the GOG bundle was pretty amazing with all the soundtracks, DLCs and etc.
I should get back to it soon. I think I got stuck at the King Slayer (or whatever the actual term for it was)