So yeah. Warface: Not worth the download time. In addition to Gface being required it's basically Crysis in a different skin. :/ Bleh. No wonder it kinda flopped.
I assumed they came out with the standalone client for steam, which I heard they were working on months ago (maybe in 2013) when I last played the game.
It has a few things that are neat about it, but imo it is a really really bad game. Terrible net code. 1hk snipers (balanced in CS because of having to work towards the AWP but in this game it is just too good imo). Awkward maps.
What they do well was their version of demolition. Somewhat unique roles due to classes. Routes that require teamwork to use where you have one teammate boost another up over an obstacle you cannot pass otherwise.
Slide shooting is interesting.
It does have 4 player coop which is kinda interesting. The co-op got boring really fast though so I didn't play that much at all.
I wouldn't really compare it to crysis. It is more like CS with ADS, sliding, worse netcode, and classes instead of purchasing guns between rounds.
All that said, I haven't played in like half a year or longer.