Trials and errors. Remember the Meth Job? Where we had to cook meth and then haul ass?
You wouldn't believe how many times Hug and I failed that. When all those shields come in and dozers.. them dozers..
Also trying to stealth the bank job... we had to restart that like 15 times before we pulled it off successfully.
Biggest Tips I can give you guys are:
1) Don't get too greedy, if there is one bag, one piece of jewelry left and you're being overwhelm. leave it. It's not worth failing a mission. Found that out the hard way.
2) Special Enemies:
-Spy looking guy that can knock you down in 1 kick = Cloaker -> we called them Sam Fisher.
-Big guy in black/blue HAZMAT looking armor wielding shotgun/machine gun that are bullet sponge (shoot them where their visors are) = Bulldozers -> we called them Dozer.
-Armored SWAT carrying shield (If you flank them. they become pretty easy to take down. Sometimes it take one person to flank and the other person to occupy their attention) = Shield.
3) If the group is planning something, wait until you hear all of the plan before running inDon't Leroy Jenkins it!
4) Place ammo/med bag in corners, or behind covers. So people don't have to be out in the open when trying to refill/heal.
5) If you see a Special Enemies or Snipers. take them down first.
6) Stick with your team, unless your plan require you to split off. You're MUCH stronger when you are together.
Honestly those are the only things I can think of. The rest, you just have to learn by playing, and failing and trying again![]()
Regarding stealth. Is it a good idea to practice it offline? Haven't invested any points in the Ghost skill tree but I suppose it shouldn't be a problem if I'm doing heists at the lowest difficulty level just for practice
Hmm seems i´m missing the last 2 dlc for payday2, the gage shotgun pack and Big BankHeist, worth it or not?
Depends. Do you want to play with Shotguns? then get the Shotgun pack. You can still do the Big Bank heist if you don't own the DLC if I'm not mistaken, so I'm not sure what extra stuff you get if you actually buy the DLC