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STEAM | July 2014-2 In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

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Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Trials and errors. Remember the Meth Job? Where we had to cook meth and then haul ass?

You wouldn't believe how many times Hug and I failed that. When all those shields come in and dozers.. them dozers..

Also trying to stealth the bank job... we had to restart that like 15 times before we pulled it off successfully.


Biggest Tips I can give you guys are:

1) Don't get too greedy, if there is one bag, one piece of jewelry left and you're being overwhelm. leave it. It's not worth failing a mission. Found that out the hard way.

2) Special Enemies:

-Spy looking guy that can knock you down in 1 kick = Cloaker -> we called them Sam Fisher.
-Big guy in black/blue HAZMAT looking armor wielding shotgun/machine gun that are bullet sponge (shoot them where their visors are) = Bulldozers -> we called them Dozer.
-Armored SWAT carrying shield (If you flank them. they become pretty easy to take down. Sometimes it take one person to flank and the other person to occupy their attention) = Shield.

3) If the group is planning something, wait until you hear all of the plan before running in :p Don't Leroy Jenkins it!

4) Place ammo/med bag in corners, or behind covers. So people don't have to be out in the open when trying to refill/heal.

5) If you see a Special Enemies or Snipers. take them down first.

6) Stick with your team, unless your plan require you to split off. You're MUCH stronger when you are together.

Honestly those are the only things I can think of. The rest, you just have to learn by playing, and failing and trying again :)

Regarding stealth. Is it a good idea to practice it offline? Haven't invested any points in the Ghost skill tree but I suppose it shouldn't be a problem if I'm doing heists at the lowest difficulty level just for practice

Hmm seems i´m missing the last 2 dlc for payday2, the gage shotgun pack and Big BankHeist, worth it or not?

Depends. Do you want to play with Shotguns? then get the Shotgun pack. You can still do the Big Bank heist if you don't own the DLC if I'm not mistaken, so I'm not sure what extra stuff you get if you actually buy the DLC
It's too hot to do anything again.
Also I hit 1.4K games and later one game disappeared from my count, it was 1401, I wonder which one now, the horror of it

Free weekend game perhaps? I know Mount and Blade: Warband just had one. That always freaks me out and I spend too much time trying to figure it out.


Hmm seems i´m missing the last 2 dlc for payday2, the gage shotgun pack and Big BankHeist, worth it or not?

i recommend playing Payday 2 for a few days first to see if you like it before you sink money into the DLCs. But in my opinion. Shotguns in this game are amazing. Definitely worth it. <3

Regarding stealth. Is it a good idea to practice it offline? Haven't invested any points in the Ghost skill tree but I suppose it shouldn't be a problem if I'm doing heists at the lowest difficulty level just for practice

Yeah, thats what I do. I practice offline sometimes, on normal difficulty, without bots. Don't bother bringing the bots. They don't help you AT ALL!

But of course the best thing to do is just to play with us :) we try to stealth every time we get a chance.


I didn't find the shotgun pack to be worth it, especially if you have the sniper dlc. The new shotguns suck and the ammo types arent worth the reduction in total ammo. The best part is the tomahawk since it kills unarmored cops in one hit but like all melee, it's very situational.

Well the shovel is just funny, but not worth $5.

As for Big Bank, it just depends how badly you want host heists. The gun is basically an Eagle Rifle and the only other thing you get for buying the dlc is access to the masks and one achievement.


Thanks, then i´ll hold off on those 2 dlc as all i really wanted was the Big bank job, now to get into it, and i loved the first one, so i know i´ll enjoy it aslong as i play with some good fun people. :)


Is there a set order or should the games be played by order of release?

They're out of chronological order if you play them in the order they were released, but it ends up making a lot of sense that way, since one of the games is a prequel starring a character you hear a lot about in one of the games released before it.

1. The Blackwell Legacy
2. Blackwell Unbound
3. Blackwell Convergence
4. Blackwell Deception
5. Blackwell Epiphany

This is the release order that I would reccomend, but if you really want to play them in plot order, Blackwell Unbound should go before The Blackwell Legacy. You might miss a few plot points, though, oddly enough!


All this talk your 'shitty' internets... You guys should be more grateful; I'm surving with a 4 MB connection here (400kb/s down)

Paying around 25 USD per month for it.


lol people talking about Google Fiber and 200mbps connections while I'm sitting here with 2000/384 DSL (= 200 kbps down, 40kbps up) for 20&#8364; a month.

They're out of chronological order if you play them in the order they were released, but it ends up making a lot of sense that way, since one of the games is a prequel starring a character you hear a lot about in one of the games released before it.

1. The Blackwell Legacy
2. Blackwell Unbound
3. Blackwell Convergence
4. Blackwell Deception
5. Blackwell Epiphany

This is the release order that I would reccomend, but if you really want to play them in plot order, Blackwell Unbound should go before The Blackwell Legacy. You might miss a few plot points, though, oddly enough!

Thank you for your input! :D Will probably go by release then.

All this talk your 'shitty' internets... You guys should be more grateful; I'm surving with a 4 MB connection here (400kb/s down)

Same, though with 500kb/s down.


Having slow internet sucks.

A friend of mine usually bikes over here, we transfer big gamefiles via usb, he drives back. It's faster than downloading the game for him.

I have
so I'm happy.


you can't put a price on sparks
Finished all of the Blackwell games except for the newest one, Blackwell Epiphany (which looks like the best one yet!). Very solid point-and-clicks; I liked them a lot. I think my favorite one is either Blackwell Deception or the one with Lauren as the main character, but I might just like Deception the most because I played it first?

I can't wait to play Epiphany now! Hopefully the winter sale will knock down the price a bit.

I finished them last week as well. Deception was a really great game, but the other 3 were a tad short/small for my tastes. They felt like 2 long games overall. The first game had the best art style, second and 4th the best story and 3rd was a but underwhelming though interesting since it didnt explain much of anything.

I want to finish off the series with the last game but its 15 bucks! I didn't know there was a 5th game when the steam sale was going otherwise I might have got it too if it was on sale.

2 bucks was great for the first 4 though. :p


Unconfirmed Member
It's that time of the thread again when I remind you all that Floating Point is still the best completely free, no strings/microtransactions attached, game on Steam.

Just sipping some hot chocolate at 4AM in the morning, listening to the drizzling rain and the game's soundtrack, trying to get as much momentum as possible to reach higher speeds. It's all surprisingly calming and chill.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I really do love Pinball FX2. I keep discovering new mini-games or hidden little features. This time I learned you can control a speeder bike and race through the forest of Endor.

Sadly it's control via pinball so I promptly crashed and it reminded me that we still don't have a port of the wonderful Star Wars Trilogy Arcade anywhere, no matter how easy that would be for LucasArts then, Disney now.

It's that time of the thread again when I remind you all that Floating Point is still the best completely free, no strings/microtransactions attached, game on Steam.

Just sipping some hot chocolate at 4AM in the morning, listening to the drizzling rain and the game's soundtrack, trying to get as much momentum as possible to reach higher speeds. It's all surprisingly calming and chill.

Aye, tis very good to just relax and get into a nice groove with. Though if one wants it, they can easily give themselves quite the nice challenge of trying to use as few line ropes as possible and I say that can be good fun as well.


I recently got around to playing Gunpoint. It is fantastic! The protagonist has the ability to jump large distances (through some advanced pantswear, apparently) but the main game mechanic is the ability to "crosslink," which essentially let's you hack and rewire electronics to stealth your way through a stage.

The rewiring interface is simple and just takes a few simple mouse clicks. Doing so gives you the ability to, say, force a light switch to open a locked door rather than turn on the ceiling lights.

The plot is pretty humorous and got a few chuckles out of me. Definitely had a good time with it despite its brevity.


I know this is Steam thread. But do people still play Titanfall? It seem to have fallen off the face of the earth..

Oh man, I play Titanfall! I haven't been able to play since the major balance patch that occurred a month or so ago, though. It seems the multiplayer population in East Asia isn't as expansive... A bit saddening because it's a complete thrill to play.


I still play it about once a week or so.

Oh man, I play Titanfall! I haven't been able to play since the major balance patch that occurred a month or so ago, though. It seems the multiplayer population in East Asia isn't as expansive... A bit saddening because it's a complete thrill to play.

I only played the beta on PC. But I'm guessing the game didn't live up to the hype?

I'm not talking like Watch Dogs level. But at least half way there.
I only played the beta on PC. But I'm guessing the game didn't live up to the hype?

I'm not talking like Watch Dogs level. But at least half way there.
I went in totally blind, so I dunno. I've put in over 100 hours though. I just have way too many multiplayer games to invest time into, but TF is great for like half hour bursts when I get the urge.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Kenshi is starting to look real interesting. Hope a discount comes up for it soon.

It's still in very early Alpha and I couldn't really enjoy it but I agree that it is really promising and I bought a lot of copies to support the developer.

I will be giving away another one in this thread very soon


After playing the Wolf Among Us and Wolfe Stein recently. Also Valiant Hearts.

Are there any games on Steam with fantastic story and characters that is a must play?


I only played the beta on PC. But I'm guessing the game didn't live up to the hype?

I'm not talking like Watch Dogs level. But at least half way there.

After playing the beta, I essentially nabbed the game right away. In terms of gameplay mechanics, I think it's a solid A+ and stays there. In terms of variety, I can see why people find it repetitive playing the same maps; although the new map packs bring a dose of freshness to the game, it splits up the MP base unfortunately.

The map repetition doesn't bother me because the gunplay is so well done, but the lack of a online base sometimes makes matchmaking a bit extensive. This, however, might just be my experience with East Asian servers. It might be a different story in the US.


Thank you for your input! :D Will probably go by release then.

Have fun! They're great games!

I finished them last week as well. Deception was a really great game, but the other 3 were a tad short/small for my tastes. They felt like 2 long games overall. The first game had the best art style, second and 4th the best story and 3rd was a but underwhelming though interesting since it didnt explain much of anything.

I want to finish off the series with the last game but its 15 bucks! I didn't know there was a 5th game when the steam sale was going otherwise I might have got it too if it was on sale.

2 bucks was great for the first 4 though. :p

Dave Gilbert mentioned that the newest one is longer than all of the others, so I'm really excited. You're right about the first three being too short!

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Awesome. Like, how buggy is it?

I've encountered a lot of game breaking bugs. For example, if you try to pick up a body from the ground it will sometimes glitch out of the map and the game will inevitably crash.

There are some other minor ones, like dead NPCs floating in the air, pathfinding problems etc. I believe all of these will be sorted out though in due time


I only played the beta on PC. But I'm guessing the game didn't live up to the hype?

I'm not talking like Watch Dogs level. But at least half way there.

I played the beta on PC for a few days but didn't like how much it felt like Call of Duty so I never bought it. EA should've pushed Garden Warfare more, that game is way more fun imo. Been addicted to that since it came out on PC.

After playing the Wolf Among Us and Wolfe Stein recently. Also Valiant Hearts.

Are there any games on Steam with fantastic story and characters that is a must play?

The Witcher, Portal & The Walking Dead series all come to mind.


I've encountered a lot of game breaking bugs. For example, if you try to pick up a body from the ground it will sometimes glitch out of the map and the game will inevitably crash.

There are some other minor ones, like dead NPCs floating in the air, pathfinding problems etc. I believe all of these will be sorted out though in due time

Floating NPC's is like a staple in every game.



Remember when your grandma used to read you Cinderella and you were thinking: "what's wrong with her, why she never stands up to those nasty sisters and horrid stepmother, at least, she could drop some flies in their soup, get some ants to their beds and some giant spiders to they rooms".
Well, Cinders doesn't do all those childish things, but your childish dream can be more than fulfilled in this game. Cinders can do things and go places and be mean if need be, and there is need, as we all know.
Another great thing about Cinders, we see motivations behind actions, nobody is evil just for the sake of making somebody look pitiful.
This VN is satisfactory on many levels. It looks nice too, dialogue is good and great at times:

I can't really say how many endings is there as these are shown in percentages instead of numbers, but there are at least 4 main and then there are variations of those 4, many of them.

I recommend it for all VN fans out there.
Also it takes about 5 hours to make one run (one path explored, one ending). Some endings take much less then that as they can be made from existing saves and point in time later in the story.
If I would need to find something negative about it, it would be too obvious choices. But then again as I said earlier, an original tale is too well known for it to be otherwise.

Dr Dogg

Ah, crap, PES 2014 is back to full price. I thought I still had another week or so to buy it.

Still on offer over at Nuuvem. Either it's part of their sale or the poor Brazilians don't want to think about football for a long time


Just ordered a fan controller and a few quiet fans for my computer.

In my experience they're a waste of money. Either get some fan speed/voltage reducers or if you motherboard allows voltage regulation of the fan headers adjust it via your BIOS. Most Gigabyte and ASUS boards have for a while now.

My latest build is whisper quite and only starts to get any fan chatter when really stressing the CPU and GPU at the same time. Even a OCCT AVX Linpack 4 hour run doesn't produce a noise and temps are well within limits. The loudest component on there are the mechanical hard drives but I'm slowly moving in the direction of all SSD as prices are lowering the last couple of months.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
I only played the beta on PC. But I'm guessing the game didn't live up to the hype?

I'm not talking like Watch Dogs level. But at least half way there.

The game was doomed to fail on PC. PC gamers were already sick of Call of Duty by the time Titanfall got announced. COD amassed a fairly big install base over the years but now it's really struggling. Titanfall was basically a Call of Duty clone with mechs, so no surprises there

There's also the EA factor and the fact that the game was mp-only. It seems that finally most seasoned gamers have realized that EA is cancer to the industry and are refusing to buy their games, at least for full price. Also even though an SP campaign would probably be redundant, there was no excuse for them to not put a little effort in creating one seeing as the game didn't really have that much MP content to justify it's absence


Unconfirmed Member
a new game as appeared on steam My Ex-Boyfriend the Space Tyrant

I suppose that's one way to balance out Sakura Spirit being on Steam in terms of fanservice. Script looks better too.

This VN is satisfactory on many levels. It looks nice too, dialogue is good and great at times...

I should get around to playing Cinders, it looks really good. But then I look at all of the games I'm currently juggling and feel overwhelmed :/


Thanks, then i´ll hold off on those 2 dlc as all i really wanted was the Big bank job, now to get into it, and i loved the first one, so i know i´ll enjoy it aslong as i play with some good fun people. :)

I like the way DLC in payday 2 works. You can still do DLC heists by joining a lobby, but you can't create a lobby without the DLC. You can earn the DLC mods, but you won't be able to use it until you have the DLC. It's all already downloaded, but that's mostly so your copy of payday 2 can load assets from those with the DLC.

Shotgun DLC is basically shotguns and their ammunition. And if you're going enforcer, shotguns are the way to go. Those shotgun ammunitions really pack a punch if you know what you're doing.

Big Bank DLC is currently incomplete. It only gives you a few weapons and the Big Bank DLC heist right now, but there'll be future heist updates for it, including Free Old Hoxton, THE Diamond, and the casino heist (forgot the name), so I advise you to wait for the updates to grab it.

And I'm 74 now. Leveling is now quite a drag. Hard life yo

The trick is to have the mastermind exp skill, then alternate stealth missions (for the stealth bonus), and then big exp missions, like rats, firestarter or watchdogs


I suppose that's one way to balance out Sakura Spirit being on Steam in terms of fanservice. Script looks better too.

I should get around to playing Cinders, it looks really good. But then I look at all of the games I'm currently juggling and feel overwhelmed :/

balance you say?
does it have the same amount of fanservice? no, don't post pics, please!

When I started it I was playing DOS and Banished, no less!, still I finished Cinders in couple of days without even remembering to get back to other games (><)
Then again, Cinders is just my thing, as I like mature versions of Fairy Tales, be it movies or books or VNs. Not sure why, it just there is something really charming about grown up childish memories.

edited: I also wish that Snow White and the Huntsman was a good movie (._.)


Big Bank DLC is currently incomplete. It only gives you a few weapons and the Big Bank DLC heist right now, but there'll be future heist updates for it, including Free Old Hoxton, THE Diamond, and the casino heist (forgot the name), so I advise you to wait for the updates to grab it.

Erm where did you read that the future Dentist heists will be free? I'm pretty sure each heist will be a separate purchase.
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