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STEAM | July 2014-2 In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

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After seeing the Codemasters bundle, I thought it sounded great. I bought it without realization that I own all of these games except dragon rising.

Can I just put all the gift links here and you guys can take them?


So, do you guys think I should act fast and get me a Witcher 3 copy before it's too late ?

Well I just activated it there, so its not locked just yet. It probably will be within a few minutes though id imagine?

You might even get a deal since its about to be locked perhaps?
I actually expected this to happen way sooner. The russian price was ridiculous.

Yup. I hoped on it day 1 because it seemed too good to be true. Shocked it was locked down earlier.

After seeing the Codemasters bundle, I thought it sounded great. I bought it without realization that I own all of these games except dragon rising.

Can I just put all the gift links here and you guys can take them?

See the ModBot section on the OP.


JEEBUS! Rhanknar scared the shit of me messaging me witcher 3 was locked, seeing as i had 3 copies in my inventory. But no it's not, you just have to use the gift workaround now like you had to do with divinity.




$4.99 each.

Great news. Is there a source port for blood 1 ?


There's a dude on tf2 outpost selling Remember Me for 4 keys. Just bought the keys from another dude for $7.60. Not bad


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
old? Rooks Keep keys are up at groupees (oldie greenlight bundle 3)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Darksiders Linux super-duper confirmed:

Changed Depots

50627/config/oslist: linux
50627/name: Darksiders LINUX

And in other news, today there was an NBN rollout update and it confirmed what I've known for a few months now:

Build preparation | Fibre
Groundworks are underway to prepare this area for the NBN.

Roll on real internet!


listen to the mad man
Hey Stump, I may be in class when you come back. Will you have Modbot put up my game?

I still want someone to have it.


It's not simple for me to post on someone's behalf, really the only assembled post for your giveaway exists in the PM ModBot sent you. I will look in to be able to record this info for posterity a bit better.

If ModBot comes back up it'll send you your post code (or if you made an anonymous giveaway, post it for you). If you did a raffle and the raffle has since expired, you can resubmit at that time or just post it as first-come first-serve.

I'm actually running one of the longest confidence tricks in history. I made a Tea OT and waited a whole year just to give away $100 in tea gift certificates just so I could come back in another year and scam SteamGaf you rubes out of $80.

How has no one done this before? It's so simple.

I blew the whistle on your whole operation. You'll never peddle your snake oil in this thread again. Free copies of Serious Sam 3 for everybody!


So what's the general consensus with these region trading restrictions? I'll be honest I don't fully understand them, there seem to be at least a couple of different options publishers can set on games that affect them in different ways.

If you are gifted a game from a region where it is later restricted, and activate it to your account, you're fine? Steam just doesn't allow gifting of games that can't be sent to your region, i.e. those games already restricted at time of gifting? Or can some games get retroactively locked even if the gift has been activated?


There's a dude on tf2 outpost selling Remember Me for 4 keys. Just bought the keys from another dude for $7.60. Not bad


10:58 PM - george: yeah, true
10:59 PM - george: someone named monsterfracas added me
10:59 PM - george: hes also in your friend list
10:59 PM - george: do you know him?
11:00 PM - liezryou: no clue
11:00 PM - liezryou: must be a buyer of mine
11:02 PM - george: 20:00 - george: can you provide me with some rep thread please?
20:02 - monsterfracas is now Offline.
11:02 PM - george: well
11:02 PM - george: nvm

*george is a person who sells keys to me*


And in other news, today there was an NBN rollout update and it confirmed what I've known for a few months now:

Roll on real internet!

Jealous. I'll be stuck with 6Mbps ADSL2+ for the foreseeable future, downloading at 600kb/s sucks. If I'm lucky I'll get NBN Wireless sometime in the next couple of years, a tower was going to be built nearby but I've no idea if that's still the case.


So is Witcher 3 locked or not? I want to grab it in the morning and I am super confused if I can grab it or not!

Not locked, just have to use gift workaround like divinity.

Is getting games from russian steam that simple? I'm out of the loop with that stuff.

PM me or add me on steam, i can help you out with the whole shebang (or sell you whatever game you want via paypal). Steam id is in profile.
Been attacking my backlog hard. Just got through another one of my gifts from fellow gaffers. So here we go again (and by all means, if these are annoying, I can stop, just let me know!)

Where Angels Cry impressions:

This is a hidden object game more than a point-and-click. When I saw the "Cateia Games" logo I was filled with dread. They're the same people who made the execrable Hotel: Collector's Edition (though why you'd collect it is beyond me.)

The storyline: you're a monk tasked with investigating a supposed miracle (an angel statue that cries blood) at a monestary. Only, like Hotel, this is basically a red herring for yet another dark ritual that you have to stop. The storyline here is basically threadbare, taking second place to the minigames and puzzles.

The dialogue: People putting on phony Italian accents and peppering speech with "thy." It's as bad as it sounds. In the previous review, remember when I said not having voice acting throughout the game was a mercy? I was proven right. Although I did laugh out loud when someone used "Swounds!" as an interjection.

The graphics: more uncanny valley faces. They range from mildly creepy to downright kill-it-with-fire. The environments were passable.

The gameplay: Don't expect cluttered screens where you need lists of objects. This is much simpler. You'll need to pick up things like marbles to use iin puzzles as well as your basic quest items (tools, planks of wood, etc.) Pretty basic stuff.

The puzzles: I'll admit it. Better than Hotel. A lot of puzzles you've seen before, though. (Turn all the lights out, turn all these circles the same colour, switch the positions of these tokens by jumping them, play Simon with an organ that has one-fifth the number of black keys it should...for some reason...) and oh yes...everyone's favourite...THE SLIDER PUZZLE. I *hate* slider puzzles. To be fair, you're allowed to skip minigames but there are non-steam achievements for completing all the minigames without skipping - you know, if that's important to you. But I didn't skip it and eventually found a youtube of someone doing the slider puzzle because the official walkthrough at bigfishgames said "Complete the minigame and then exit through this doorway." Helpful!

There was one rotation puzzle I enjoyed and that made me feel accomplished when I got it, but given how all the other puzzles were retreads, it's likely this was just one that was new to me.

The verdict: Mediocre as a puzzle game, less than mediocre as a hidden object game. There are just better options out there. It wasn't Hotel bad, but I'm onto you now, Cateia Games.


Can valve change game SUBID(Package ID) if it is in my inventory? Can still buy Witcher 3 with SUBID 41074 wondering should i stock up or not :)
It's still region-free for the time being.

Better jump on it now people. Roughly 15€ for this game is killer. Bought it for such price on both Steam and GOG. Buying it that cheap on GOG is even easier. Own the previous games, use a russian VPN and Ta-dah, you'll get the game for around €12-13. GOG doesn't check if your credit card is russian or not. lol
Almost feeling guilty getting it this cheap. At least I gave away a copy here on GAF.
You all talking about russian sellers make think in a thing, are the user curated stores coming in the future a way Valve found to legitimize the grey market?
I'm slow don't make fun of me if every one had already realised it. :p


Drunky McMurder
I don't think got in on that Humble Bundle last time it was available, only game on that list I own is Dirt 3. I think I'll end up grabbing this, the Overlord games always looked fun.


It's not simple for me to post on someone's behalf, really the only assembled post for your giveaway exists in the PM ModBot sent you. I will look in to be able to record this info for posterity a bit better.

If ModBot comes back up it'll send you your post code (or if you made an anonymous giveaway, post it for you). If you did a raffle and the raffle has since expired, you can resubmit at that time or just post it as first-come first-serve.

I blew the whistle on your whole operation. You'll never peddle your snake oil in this thread again. Free copies of Serious Sam 3 for everybody!

Okay, I'm sure it will come back. Thanks anyway.
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