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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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metro skin updated with music section support



Dr Dogg

Eh, replacing the PSU isn't that hard if you know what you're doing, but still, it might be something else too.

I said that to myself when I tried to swap out the hard drive from a Unibody 27" iMac by myself. Taking the glass out is a right pain in the arse on your own, even with suction plungers. Waaaaay easier with 2 people to at least keep things steady and not have a disaster on your hands.
Well that's not good.

Flagship has, well, it has some shields. Need lots of dakka.

That's an understatement haha ;). That fight is crazy. I've beat it maybe 4 times total. Even when I think I have a great setup stuff seems to go wrong. That's what makes it fun though! I have no clue how anyone plays on any difficulty harder than easy... I never seem to get enough scrap and it makes it near impossible for me.


i'm not good at them haha. I have Shovel Knight and I love playing it but I am so shit. This one looks even harder!
Eh ill admit that boss fites can b a pain to some players but i had a blast at them even tho stage 5's boss wasted 6 of my lives XD
Hope r friend enjoys the game tho and good luck finding planet explorers as steam trades has offers for 4 steam keys.

Sky Chief

It's similar to HAWX. Arcade flight sim. I can't really complain about anything in particular, now that GFWL has been removed. It's a roughly ten hour game.

I feel vaguely reluctant about recommending it highly since it's not my cup of tea (too unrealistic and a bit on-rails), but it's competent at giving you the Hollywood fighter pilot experience.

Edit: I forgot to mention, it has a lot of random non-fighter-piloting sequences, like playing the gunner on an AC130 and a blackhawk, and flying helicopters and bombers

What games do you recommend?


Unconfirmed Member
So I made it to chapter 3 of Gods Will Be Watching and I'm just going to stop for now.

I definitely get a sense of thrill while playing it, and I think a lot of that comes from the background music and not wanting to restart from the beginning of a chapter. Because if you fuck up once and die, you've got to restart the entire laborious process of getting back to that point. There are games like Dark Souls and some of the SMT games where the difficulty feels just right. You know, it's hard but it's your fault for screwing up and you know it. They can get frustrating, but you figure out how to deal with the problems, overcome them, and continue on with the game. I'm not getting that feeling with Gods Will Be Watching. After a few losses in the first chapter, I opted to go for easy mode because I don't care. I just don't care about playing this game on a higher difficulty like I would in a game where things feel challenging yet fair, and a game in which the characters matter to me. I honestly didn't particularly care for any of the characters at the start of the game, SPOILERS AHEAD
and I think a big reason for that is that events are being told in reverse, so I don't care about the game's characters in moments where I would if it was told chronologically. One secondary character ends up dying in the second chapter depending on luck and choices, but I didn't care about him too much because I didn't get to really know him.
SPOILERS END HERE While I don't care about the characters too much, the game's narrative is actually interesting, though I feel it could have been presented better.

I was lucky enough to make it through chapter two in only one try, but I completely get why people hate the random elements to the game. SPOILERS AHEAD
There's a sequence in which you go through Russian roulette that I assume will kill you if you're unlucky enough to get that 1 in 7 chance of the bullet actually firing. The whole chapter is one long tedious torture sequence where it seems like it would be pretty easy to die if you don't balance things out in the correct way, or get incredibly lucky with RNG elements. You can lie your way out of the questions, but it's a random chance process that you have the opportunity of building up by thinking, which means a turn is spent and your characters are damaged. Or you could beg, and that might stall them, or your characters could get damaged because luck. Or you could provoke the torturers and just have your characters damaged anyway because reasons.
SPOILERS END HERE So for those that didn't read the spoilers, the RNG elements really drag the game down because you can be screwed over really easily, and it's not even your fault. I also think people would be a lot more forgiving if the game had checkpoints here and there so they wouldn't have to redo the same processes over and over again all the way from the start.

I'll definitely come back to it at some point, but I'm just not enjoying it as much as I hoped I would.
That's an understatement haha ;). That fight is crazy. I've beat it maybe 4 times total. Even when I think I have a great setup stuff seems to go wrong. That's what makes it fun though! I have no clue how anyone plays on any difficulty harder than easy... I never seem to get enough scrap and it makes it near impossible for me.

I have still never beat it. I should boot it up again now that they added all the new stuff.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
This isn't regarding Gods in particular, but the amount of "steam user reviews are bad not interested anymore" comments I'm seeing about various games the last few weeks is really bumming be out, I sware to god soon we will have "but gamefaqs forum said it was bad" comments, or "ign gave it a 7 so it must be bad"

This is the same steam community that had all those amazing votes during every sale, they sure know quality.

Yes, I hold neogaf in a higher standard when it comes to people knowing about games and deciding for themselves and whatnot, or used to at least. You want to talk about SteamGaf changes lately, start with that one :/

Again, not about GWBWY in particular, I'll make my own judgement in that when I play it, I've seen this said about multiple games lately


Just finished up the first two levels in Jedi Outcast. There's some minor issues running on modern systems (white loading screen which is annoying, had to get some widescreen patches and such), but overall it runs amazing (90fps locked all day).

Playing through those two levels made me really miss old style shooters. I love the intricate, complex level design, the fast movement speed and combat, keycards, secret areas, health packs, and lite puzzles. It's such a good game that exemplifies that era of fps game design, and I miss that era so much...

If you haven't already played the Jedi Knight series, I highly recommend you buy them on Steam.


Jeez are wait times really that long? When I signed up like 6 years ago I think it only took a few months to be approved.

7 years is not normal. I'm pretty sure there was something wrong with Ozium's account for that to happen. In all likelihood it didn't like the email account used, though it's possible there was some bug on the GAF servers that caused the issue. It would have taken infinity years if Ozium didn't happen to have a chat with Stump who got everything cleared up.

It took me 6 months to get mine approved, but that's because it didn't like my email. I eventually went in to my account and switched the email listed there, and I got approved the next day.
That's an understatement haha ;). That fight is crazy. I've beat it maybe 4 times total. Even when I think I have a great setup stuff seems to go wrong. That's what makes it fun though! I have no clue how anyone plays on any difficulty harder than easy... I never seem to get enough scrap and it makes it near impossible for me.

Ah I get through normal simply enough. Just don't repair and don't run from fights, and if you don't run into too many empty sectors, the scrap will keep flowing in fine.

One time I got two 7-piece flak cannons. That fat mother didn't stand a chance. Flak cannons are amazing.

Also, Dark brothers.


I'd hold off getting too excited about that Tekken announcement. If you follow their source, the site they're quoting doesn't have that great of a rep if I understand correctly. Story is several hours old so I'd think more sites would be picking it up if it were true.

Not to say it won't get announced tomorrow in their stream, but I'd just not get too amped up yet.


I said that to myself when I tried to swap out the hard drive from a Unibody 27" iMac by myself. Taking the glass out is a right pain in the arse on your own, even with suction plungers. Waaaaay easier with 2 people to at least keep things steady and not have a disaster on your hands.



I mean as far as aerial combat
Well I did enjoy the first HAWX game (haven't played the second yet).

It plays well enough on a 360 controller (it natively supports it, including button prompts), but it also supports a full blown sim setup, including head tracking (TrackIR) and flightsticks. The game also has rudder control, something that was glaringly missing from Ace Combat AH (how does even an arcade flight sim not model rudder controls).

I'm honestly not really qualified to give much opinion on aerial flight sims since I gravitate more towards space sims.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So I made it to chapter 3 of Gods Will Be Watching and I'm just going to stop for now.

I definitely get a sense of thrill while playing it, and I think a lot of that comes from the background music and not wanting to restart from the beginning of a chapter. Because if you fuck up once and die, you've got to restart the entire laborious process of getting back to that point. There are games like Dark Souls and some of the SMT games where the difficulty feels just right. You know, it's hard but it's your fault for screwing up and you know it. They can get frustrating, but you figure out how to deal with the problems, overcome them, and continue on with the game. I'm not getting that feeling with Gods Will Be Watching. After a few losses in the first chapter, I opted to go for easy mode because I don't care. I just don't care about playing this game on a higher difficulty like I would in a game where things feel challenging yet fair, and a game in which the characters matter to me. I honestly didn't particularly care for any of the characters at the start of the game, SPOILERS AHEAD
and I think a big reason for that is that events are being told in reverse, so I don't care about the game's characters in moments where I would if it was told chronologically. One secondary character ends up dying in the second chapter depending on luck and choices, but I didn't care about him too much because I didn't get to really know him.
SPOILERS END HERE While I don't care about the characters too much, the game's narrative is actually interesting, though I feel it could have been presented better.

I was lucky enough to make it through chapter two in only one try, but I completely get why people hate the random elements to the game. SPOILERS AHEAD
There's a sequence in which you go through Russian roulette that I assume will kill you if you're unlucky enough to get that 1 in 7 chance of the bullet actually firing. The whole chapter is one long tedious torture sequence where it seems like it would be pretty easy to die if you don't balance things out in the correct way, or get incredibly lucky with RNG elements. You can lie your way out of the questions, but it's a random chance process that you have the opportunity of building up by thinking, which means a turn is spent and your characters are damaged. Or you could beg, and that might stall them, or your characters could get damaged because luck. Or you could provoke the torturers and just have your characters damaged anyway because reasons.
SPOILERS END HERE So for those that didn't read the spoilers, the RNG elements really drag the game down because you can be screwed over really easily, and it's not even your fault. I also think people would be a lot more forgiving if the game had checkpoints here and there so they wouldn't have to redo the same processes over and over again all the way from the start.

I'll definitely come back to it at some point, but I'm just not enjoying it as much as I hoped I would.

Nice impressions Pork, great explanation on why it might be terrible for some people. I'm definitely going in with low expectations now, but I can't help but think that everything you described, removed from rng, sounds amazing lol. The
Russian roulette
for example, that sounds terribly frustrating, but at the same one, dude it's
Russian roulette you SHOULD have a 1/6 chance to get fucked, and no game does that.
It definitely sounds different at least

Would you suggest going in on easy from the start then?

I'd hold off getting too excited about that Tekken announcement. If you follow their source, the site they're quoting doesn't have that great of a rep if I understand correctly. Story is several hours old so I'd think more sites would be picking it up if it were true.

Not to say it won't get announced tomorrow in their stream, but I'd just not get too amped up yet.

Same, never heard of that site. But, if true, I'll be there day 1
and get bodied


Wait a minute...

Meanwhile, Taka Kawasaki, head of Epic Studios Japan, confirmed to Korean site kdramastars that not only was a PC version happening, it would be the "leading one" thanks to the Unreal Engine 4.

It mentions kdramastars... is this news even real? >_>

also weren't we getting Tekken 7 news tomorrow at Comic Con? I've never even heard of gamenguide...


This isn't regarding Gods in particular, but the amount of "steam user reviews are bad not interested anymore" comments I'm seeing about various games the last few weeks is really bumming be out, I sware to god soon we will have "but gamefaqs forum said it was bad" comments, or "ign gave it a 7 so it must be bad"

This is the same steam community that had all those amazing votes during every sale, they sure know quality.

Yes, I hold neogaf in a higher standard when it comes to people knowing about games and deciding for themselves and whatnot, or used to at least. You want to talk about SteamGaf changes lately, start with that one :/

Again, not about GWBWY in particular, I'll make my own judgement in that when I play it, I've seen this said about multiple games lately

GAFs impressions are all I need. I never really listen to the steam community. But I understand where you are coming from. For example if I just listened to the majority word on RE6, I would never have come to play it and love it. I think the biggest issue is always something that has a good bit of hype then is different from what was expected. Watch dogs was a recent example.


Not a mod, just a bot.
This is a scheduled automated repost on behalf of Dusk Golem, who is running this raffle.

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Dusk Golem, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- MEGA GIVERS ONLY! You must have given away at least 25 games through ModBot to become eligible for this giveaway.
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Evil Within -- MB-677AAF14A772A4E2 - Taken by EzioCroft. 88 entrants total.



Unconfirmed Member
Nice impressions Pork, great explanation on why it might be terrible for some people. I'm definitely going in with low expectations now, but I can't help but think that everything you described, removed from rng, sounds amazing lol. The
Russian roulette
for example, that sounds terribly frustrating, but at the same one, dude it's
Russian roulette you SHOULD have a 1/6 chance to get fucked, and no game does that.
It definitely sounds different at least

Would you suggest going in on easy from the start then?

Unless you don't mind messing up and having to restart from the very beginning of the chapters very frequently, I'd definitely recommend playing on easy mode from the start. Granted, you'll still restart a lot, but it's not nearly as frustrating as it was on normal mode.

The Russian roulette idea is cool in concept, but I can imagine how frustrating it would be to die there after having survived everything else.


Bundle stuff.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Deus Ex The Fall -- MB-FE97D927389B83DB - Taken by bronson. 5 entrants total.
Hitman Absolution -- MB-6C55D677F9D0504B - Taken by Boom Boom Pow. 3 entrants total.
Mini Ninjas -- MB-191B78316C1D685A - Taken by Sarcasm. 3 entrants total.
Montas -- MB-BB1E9C0AD089DD3A - Taken by HalfwayOrb. 3 entrants total.

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