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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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So I just beat Final Fantasy III on Steam, though you can save at the end and go back and do all the side quests and unlock the rest of the achievements which I'll probably do because I'm crazy.

The last boss / last dungeon was insane. There are about 7 boss fights, with no inns or save points anywhere in between. I finally ended up with a Ninja, Sage, Devout, and Black Belt, all characters at level 59. My clear time was just a hair over 23 hours.

Yeah, I played it on the DS a few years back and ended up grinding for several hours after my first attempt at that last dungeon. I couldn't believe the expectations the endgame had of your party.

As I recall, I beat the last boss on my second attempt, by the skin of my teeth -- with one party member left standing. It was intense.

I'd like to play it again someday, but that last dungeon sort of dampens my enthusiasm to do so :)
So I just spent way to long organizing my games into different categories and I think I have it just about perfect.
Is there a file (.ini?) where this is saved that I can backup?


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Yeah, I played it on the DS a few years back and ended up grinding for several hours after my first attempt at that last dungeon. I couldn't believe the expectations the endgame had of your party.

As I recall, I beat the last boss on my second attempt, by the skin of my teeth -- with one party member left standing. It was intense.

I'd like to play it again someday, but that last dungeon sort of dampens my enthusiasm to do so :)

To be fair, someone here clued me in to the fact that you can alt+F4 out of the game while you're in a battle (as long as at least one of your characters is still alive) and when you restart the game you'll be at the last doorway you went through before the fight. I died the first time on the last boss, used that trick, grinded about 3 levels, then went in again and finally beat the boss. I probably would have given up if I would have had to do that 3 hour dungeon all over again.

So it looks like, knowing that, the PC version is probably the easiest of the FF3 releases.


-Combat is Shallow
-Story is boring
-Controllers dont feel responsive as they could be.
-The game is like 60% cutscenes maybe even more and the story is weak (It has some interesting moments sure but the writing messes up what they wanted to do)

If I had to compare it to something just for comparison I think The First Templar. It suffers mostly the same issues the game has and if I had to use a decent game Viking Battle for Asgard.

The game has some interesting concepts with the gameplay and the story but the execution of the game simply isnt there.

Thanks for the impressions. Then again, I have the games you mentioned, but haven't played then yet. I'll probably watch a few videos before deciding, though, specially if it will hardly be bundled. I'm also easy to please, I guess.


After hearing Jshacks General impressions of TWAU and his desire to jump into the comics afterward has gotten me quite excited to jump in.


listen to the mad man
After hearing Jshacks General impressions of TWAU and his desire to jump into the comics afterward has gotten me quite excited to jump in.

FWIW (I haven't posted about the game in here), I played TWAU with my partner, who had read a bunch of the comics. I'm not a comic guy really at all. But playing TWAU really got me interested in the politics and culture of the world they created to the point that I'd consider reading the comics now. So I would definitely recommend the game on that level, it definitely shows that the Fables universe is an interesting one.


To be fair, someone here clued me in to the fact that you can alt+F4 out of the game while you're in a battle (as long as at least one of your characters is still alive) and when you restart the game you'll be at the last doorway you went through before the fight. I died the first time on the last boss, used that trick, grinded about 3 levels, then went in again and finally beat the boss. I probably would have given up if I would have had to do that 3 hour dungeon all over again.

So it looks like, knowing that, the PC version is probably the easiest of the FF3 releases.

Ah, that's good to know. That final stretch was really my only criticism of the game, I really enjoyed the rest of it. The Steam version is hanging out in my wishlist, so I'll make sure to grab it at some point.


FWIW (I haven't posted about the game in here), I played TWAU with my partner, who had read a bunch of the comics. I'm not a comic guy really at all. But playing TWAU really got me interested in the politics and culture of the world they created to the point that I'd consider reading the comics now. So I would definitely recommend the game on that level, it definitely shows that the Fables universe is an interesting one.

Have you play any of the Walking Dead one? What did you like more? Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us?
Whew, finally finished up Hitman: Absolution. Pretty much just dropped the difficulty (from Hard down to Normal) and powered through the remainder of it today.

It's not as bad as people say. There are some levels where the stealth is really satisfying, but they're largely few and far between. Generally you sneak your way through part of a level just to get to the end, get caught, and have to shoot your way out.

Biggest problem was that the AI were both completely braindead and full-out unfair Terminators at the same time.

"Hey, if I don't see your face, I won't know that you're disguised as that dude that's laid out in the corner in his underwear."

Meanwhile, some guy from across the room sees the edge of your ear poking around the corner and decides to go full-auto before he even completely sees you. The scene near the end where the guys
decimate the sushi delivery guy
summed up their trigger-happy ways perfectly. There were definitely moment that I liked quite a bit, but the last half of the game was such a slog that I was practically rushing through areas shooting people in the face just to get to my objective. And the fact that the game called that a valid play-style says a lot.

Deeply flawed, but fun at times. Glad it's over though -- I don't see myself going back and playing it any time soon, so that's 25GB of hard drive space reclaimed.

Joe Molotov

I try to check the Indie Game Bundle Wiki's Keys Added page every day or two, but I still randomly will find keys from weeks ago that I missed. Today it was Aeon Command and SUGURI Collection.
FWIW (I haven't posted about the game in here), I played TWAU with my partner, who had read a bunch of the comics. I'm not a comic guy really at all. But playing TWAU really got me interested in the politics and culture of the world they created to the point that I'd consider reading the comics now. So I would definitely recommend the game on that level, it definitely shows that the Fables universe is an interesting one.

Yeah, the Wolf Among Us really sold me on the comics too, it is such an interesting world to explore, and the game left a lot of questions left answered about it such as
what actually happens in the farm
, that makes me want to read the comics to find out. I actually got the first ones a while ago during the lengthy period between episodes, but they were in black and white on my Kindle, which disappointed me, as when I browsed through the comic store in Glasgow, I saw they were in colour.



So it looks like ModBot's cache doesn't have Xcom Enforcer, and when it tried to guess that "Enforcer" was a subtitle and just searched for Xcom, it got Enemy Unknown. Not sure why enforcer wasn't in the cache.

Maybe because the old games are X-hyphen-Com but it was listed as XnohyphenCOM?


Despite my heavy criticisms of Telltale's modern formula, The Wolf Among Us is great stuff and worth playing. I was a little disappointed by the last episode, but it was better than almost everything they've done with The Walking Dead, except maybe the last episode of the first season.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh Ubi was responsible for that? Geez. I wish I could talk to these guys face to face and politely explain why people feel the need to tag their games. A Uplay issues post was on the very top page of Reddit when Watch_Dogs released haha.

The in-depth reviews are wonderful, I learn a lot from them usually.

I assume it was Ubi asking Valve to ban the use of the Uplay tag, though there was never an official answer to the whole thing. You can still get around it and make a warning appear under popular user-defined tags for this product by using the tag "you-play." Ex. at the bottom of the image:


There are other tags that do the same thing, too.

They really are. I can't check from work, but they still haven't been removed yet? Absolutely despicable.

Nope. The game has a lot of problems but there's no reason to shit on it like this:

Valve's yet to remove the tags. At least the "get off steam" tag was removed though.
Have you play any of the Walking Dead one? What did you like more? Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us?
I've played Walking Dead season one and about 75% of Wolf Among Us.

I wouldn't say one is better than the other, since they're so tonally different. Walking Dead is about bad stuff just piling onto people over and over again in a bleak world, where Wolf Among Us sort of feels to me like a noir detective type game, but without any piecing together of a mystery.

I'd say that IMO Walking Dead (season one) felt more cohesive story wise. I find Wolf Among Us a little disjointed for some reason.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I try to check the Indie Game Bundle Wiki's Keys Added page every day or two, but I still randomly will find keys from weeks ago that I missed. Today it was Aeon Command and SUGURI Collection.

I thought the scummy devs said only groupees bundle would get suguri keys?
Ah I get through normal simply enough. Just don't repair and don't run from fights, and if you don't run into too many empty sectors, the scrap will keep flowing in fine.

One time I got two 7-piece flak cannons. That fat mother didn't stand a chance. Flak cannons are amazing.

Also, Dark brothers.

Yea that makes sense. I don't run from fights typically because if things are that bad then I may as well restart (unless the rebel fleet caught up with me). I love flak cannons, can't imagine having two like that! That would be amazing haha. I'll have to give it a shot again. Dark brothers indeed :D!
Despite my heavy criticisms of Telltale's modern formula, The Wolf Among Us is great stuff and worth playing. I was a little disappointed by the last episode, but it was better than almost everything they've done with The Walking Dead, except maybe the last episode of the first season.

not sure what you were expecting as I thought it wrapped up kinda nicely. The very last scene felt kind of tacked on though just to make room for a season 2 or at least I thought so anyway


Anybody know a good free audio converter?

Freemake Audio Converter is good.
Just be careful with the installer. Does what a lot of freeware does now and has "additional" software prompts before the real installation.
Just make sure to deny them and you'll be set.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
After hearing Jshacks General impressions of TWAU and his desire to jump into the comics afterward has gotten me quite excited to jump in.


It really is a great game. I absolutely loved the story, the setting, the characters, pretty much everything. The detective / mystery story was intricately weaved with this sort of supernatural whimsy of childhood fairy tales gone bad.

I think my only complaint was that the second episode contained nudity, which I understand from the context of the story, but was a bit unexpected and (to me) seemed a bit out of place. But I think everyone I've seen review the game agrees that the second episode was the worst of the bunch.


I like the style and idea behind The Walking Dead game but I just can't get into zombie stuff. I guess I need to try out TWAU.


Has anyone played The Cursed Crusade? Impressions are welcome. I just saw it's on sale with 85% off, I don't know how I missed it monday. A very interesting price if the game is any good.

I played and beaten it in local co-op with a buddy some months ago (console version).

It's pretty mediocre but I had some decent fun in co-op. But I can definitely understand the people who call it a bad game.

You play as a Templar who gains some sort of devil power and tries to stop his former superior who also has devil powers and has some connections to your father. This chase takes you through Europe and Africa all the way to Jerusalem. The story was surprisingly enjoyable, at least nothing worse than some of the bigger games released nowadays.

Graphic and sound have low production value but that didn't bother me. It's a B- or even C-tier game after all.

The gameplay looks kinda interesting at first glance. You and your enemies have different armor parts that you can attack and do finishers on which even can result in instant-kills. But ultimately it's just block if you get attacked and spam your combos till everyone's dead. Nothing really impressive.
Speaking of combos there are a lot of different weapon combinations that you can unlock and level up (at least 15-20). Your weapons degrade rather quickly and every enemy beaten drops their weapon, so you are constantly cycling through different weapons and styles. I found that aspect pretty enjoyable.
Camera tends to be pretty terrible, so be warned on that one.
Aside from weapons you have some basic RPG elements to improve your character.

The game had some weird spikes in difficulty. I played on the highest setting for the most time but some chapters gave me problems even on the lowest settings. Checkpoints were either non-existent or badly placed. I can't remember which it was.
If you play in co-op beware that some parts of the game are badly balanced for it, resulting in either an infinite respawn for the second player or in sequences where he hasn't anything to do at all. But these are pretty rare.

As I said I had fun in co-op but definitely wouldn't have played the game solo. Don't expect anything great of the game and only buy it if you can stomache a lot of jank.
I'll have to give it a shot again.

While not effective at all against the flagship, something you should try, which is my favorite tactic in the game, is to use the fire beam. The desperation of the AI to both repair the systems and not have their crew killed, running back and forth from medbay to system while the fire spreads and oxygen depletes is just magical.

FTL: Captain's Edition adds a radiation special weapon which depletes oxygen supplies, which is also fun.

Now that I think about it, that's probably how I get so much scrap. You get a lot more by killing the crew rather than destroying the ship. Boarding parties or fire beams will make you rich.
Anyone spent time with Darkwood yet? Bought it earlier and I'll probably give it a go in a bit, need to recover from finishing chapter 3 of Gods Will Be Watching.

My impressions of the game are still very positive. First chapter is brilliant, intensive research management. Second chapter is interesting, but too long given the luck based moment towards the end, and the third chapter is similar to the first and has some real brain racking that I enjoyed quite a bit.

It's not the morality based adventure game people were expecting, but so far it's a brilliant morality based puzzle game.


not sure what you were expecting as I thought it wrapped up kinda nicely. The very last scene felt kind of tacked on though just to make room for a season 2 or at least I thought so anyway

I was expecting an episode that wasn't as boring as it was, and sort of trite to boot. The big fight was one of the weaker ones in the series, though Bigby's
transformation into the big bad wolf
was alright. Fighting and finishing off
Bloody Mary
was nowhere near as interesting as I thought it would be, not even on the level of finishing off
Dum or Dee
or whoever that was. It lacked any emotional punch, nothing more than some
glass toys
breaking. The confrontation and wrapup of the
Crooked Man
story was about as straight and generic as it gets as well, which was also necessary due to the
"round table" democratic vote
sequence at the end of the game, to heavy handedly lecture you about being the good wolf or the bad wolf.

I was expecting the resolution of the mystery and the arc of Bigby's story to be as deftly handled, as mature, and as tense as the entire season. Sadly, none of it was anywhere near the effectiveness of
Lee's death
. It lacked tension, gravitas, complexity in its exploration of the character (instead expecting drama to unfold in your decision to kill or not to kill, though by that point the player will have already long ago made up their mind on the path they will take). For most of the season the mystery was interesting, far more so than the meandering nothingness and artificial drama of The Walking Dead. There was plenty of complexity in its characters, even characters as simple as the Flycatcher, to the point they easily outshine the punching bag dummies that pass as characters in The Walking Dead. I hoped the final episode would really deliver in that regard, rather than feature an amusing but meaningless visual spectacle (Bigby's
) and a very formulaic "good or bad" decision.

None of this touches on my continued disappointment in Telltale's near total lack of actual gameplay, aside from a mandatory 1-2 QTE sequences to avoid overly monotonous stretches of dialog choices, but that's a point I've gone over multiple times already and no one needs to hear here.


While not effective at all against the flagship, something you should try, which is my favorite tactic in the game, is to use the fire beam. The desperation of the AI to both repair the systems and not have their crew killed, running back and forth from medbay to system while the fire spreads and oxygen depletes is just magical.

FTL: Captain's Edition adds a radiation special weapon which depletes oxygen supplies, which is also fun.

Now that I think about it, that's probably how I get so much scrap. You get a lot more by killing the crew rather than destroying the ship. Boarding parties or fire beams will make you rich.

captain's edition? should i dl even if i haven't beat it? or even touched Advanced edition content?


I played and beaten it in local co-op with a buddy some months ago (console version).

It's pretty mediocre but I had some decent fun in co-op. But I can definitely understand the people who call it a bad game.

You play as a Templar who gains some sort of devil power and tries to stop his former superior who also has devil powers and has some connections to your father. This chase takes you through Europe and Africa all the way to Jerusalem. The story was surprisingly enjoyable, at least nothing worse than some of the bigger games released nowadays.

Graphic and sound have low production value but that didn't bother me. It's a B- or even C-tier game after all.

The gameplay looks kinda interesting at first glance. You and your enemies have different armor parts that you can attack and do finishers on which even can result instant-kills. But ultimately it's just block if you get attacked and spam your combos till everyone's dead. Nothing really impressive.
Speaking of combos there are a lot of different weapon combinations that you can unlock and level up (at least 15-20). Your weapons degrade rather quickly and every enemy beaten drops their weapon, so you are constantly cycling through different weapons and styles. I found that aspect pretty enjoyable.
Camera tends to be pretty terrible, so be warned on that one.
Aside from weapons you have some basic RPG elements to improve your character.

The game had some weird spikes in difficulty. I played on the highest setting for the most time but some chapters gave me problems even on the lowest settings. Checkpoints were either non-existent or badly placed. I can't remember which it was. If you play in co-op beware that some parts of the game are badly balanced for it, resulting in either an infinite respawn for the second player or in sequences where he hasn't anything to do at all. But these are pretty rare.

As I said I had fun in co-op but definitely wouldn't have played the game solo. Don't expect anything great of the game and only buy it if you can stomache a lot of jank.

I was watching some videos, and it does look a little clumsy, and slow paced (which is not necessarily a bad thing). I don't have anyone to play it in co-op for now, though, so I might leave it for later. It doesn't go often on sale, but I doubt this will be the last time it is going for this price.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Anyone spent time with Darkwood yet? Bought it earlier and I'll probably give it a go in a bit, need to recover from finishing chapter 3 of Gods Will Be Watching.

My impressions of the game are still very positive. First chapter is brilliant, intensive research management. Second chapter is interesting, but too long given the luck based moment towards the end, and the third chapter is similar to the first and has some real brain racking that I enjoyed quite a bit.

It's not the morality based adventure game people were expecting, but so far it's a brilliant morality based puzzle game.

I have :) mind you - I haven't really played TOO much of it ... but from what I did play - seems like a pretty cool and atmospheric horror game

a word of warning though - currently it's labelled as "Alpha 1.0" so it's probably gonna take some time for it to reach beta (let alone final version)

also - there's no windowed mode right now ... unless you use alt + enter and even then - they messed up mouse-locking for it ... the locking region always stays in the upper-left corner of the monitor - no matter where you move the window
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