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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I really enjoyed Underworld. Mostly I think it is because I'm a sucker for nice looking water in games and the first few levels really delivered. From there? It is kind of just fair enough but it got me to the end.

I'd put it right on the edge of what I want from a Tomb Raider game in terms of action to platforming to puzzles. The new Tomb Raider of course completely destroyed that ratio.

I played through the PS3 version back in the day and rather enjoyed the game. I didn't have much to compare it to, though, as it was the first TR I'd played since 2 on the PSX, haha.


umm what's the trick to find out whether you have redeemed that specific steam key?
Groupees reset the status for my keys T_T so I have NO idea what's used and what's not now


hmm actually dying in this stand off against a million ganados in the house with Luiz, I keep miscalculating how much dmg those fucking blade whips do instead of just healing to full health thinking i can take another hit

Tip: One flashbang will oneshot all exposed parasites in range. Saves a lot bullets and can get you out of a tight spot real nice.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Tip: One flashbang will oneshot all exposed parasites in range. Saves a lot bullets and can get you out of a tight spot real nice.

the flashbangs insta kill the tentacle things? o_O

if so ive been wasting them or even selling them lol. ffs. and I also didnt realise you could knock down stairs in the first floor until after I passed it.

I might actually be fucked here, I used up all my health items, and I got just a sliver of health left, and now aparently I need to choose a path between a bunch of ganados, or another el gigante. Might have fucked myself over, and yes, I only have 1 save LOL

Dr Dogg

Well finished Tomb Raider Underworld last night, but was too drunk to post about it...

*and impressions on the CD trilogy*

After reading about and seeing you playing these I'm soooooo tempted to go reinstall them and go through the whole trilogy again. I'm skewed a little towards Underworld but only slightly over Anniversary but as I've said between all 5 Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider titles there is my perfect Tomb Raider game. I hope they have taken onboard a lot of the constructive criticism from their reboot for Rise of the Tomb Raider. Though I'm really looking forward to Temple of Osiris.

So what's up next? The Prince of Persia trilogy might be a tiny bit samey but certainly scratches that itch. Then again I like PoP '08 so...

Here is the lowdown on Trails in the Sky (I'm assuming the PC version will be pretty much identical)

From what I've attempted (twice) in my time with Trails on PSP and on Vita I really dig the battle system. It felt like it mixed up the normal paradigms of JRPG battle mechanics just enough. The cast and world were a draw too though getting over the hump at the start did take it's toll for me. Well third times a charm. Thanks for a bit more insight as to why I should press on.

hmm actually dying in this stand off against a million ganados in the house with Luiz, I keep miscalculating how much dmg those fucking blade whips do instead of just healing to full health thinking i can take another hit

Top tip for the Plagas always keep a
flash grenade


I might actually be fucked here, I used up all my health items, and I got just a sliver of health left, and now aparently I need to choose a path between a bunch of ganados, or another el gigante. Might have fucked myself over, and yes, I only have 1 save LOL

You can run through that El Gigante fight.

MGR Revengance is going well for me, had a glitch chasing a guy where he got stuck in the ground, and then while fighting a boss I died and when I hit reload it just sat there loading forever till I forced the game closed.

I'm not sure if I'm going to boot it back up right now...


I really enjoyed Underworld. Mostly I think it is because I'm a sucker for nice looking water in games and the first few levels really delivered. From there? It is kind of just fair enough but it got me to the end.

I'd put it right on the edge of what I want from a Tomb Raider game in terms of action to platforming to puzzles. The new Tomb Raider of course completely destroyed that ratio.

Yeah the game looks great.

I kind of look forward to what they are planning to do with the next Tomb Raider.


After reading about and seeing you playing these I'm soooooo tempted to go reinstall them and go through the whole trilogy again. I'm skewed a little towards Underworld but only slightly over Anniversary but as I've said between all 5 Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider titles there is my perfect Tomb Raider game. I hope they have taken onboard a lot of the constructive criticism from their reboot for Rise of the Tomb Raider. Though I'm really looking forward to Temple of Osiris.

So what's up next? The Prince of Persia trilogy might be a tiny bit samey but certainly scratches that itch. Then again I like PoP '08 so...

Yeah, I think underworld probably has the better balance between action and platforming/puzzles, it's why I liked it better than legend. TR2013 isn't actually a bad game but they focused a little too much with the non tomb stuff and narrative, so I'd like to see what they do with Rise of the Tomb Raider, I feel that the team is really capable of making a good game, but too distracted with "modernizing" them.

I will have to pick up PoP in a sale, they seem to be what people have been suggesting, I have and played a bit of forgotten sands, while it seems decent, I feel like I should just start with the old games first. As for PoP2008 it's kind of too boring, lol, it's a bit like a platforming ass creed but even more simplified when it comes to combat, and it feels a bit too automated for my taste.

Another old series I really want to play is legacy of kain. I've missed out on so many western franchises during the psx/ps2 days.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
yup this isnt fun. Went with the ganado route, throwing a million mobs at you including 2 of the chainsaw guys in a tiny arena coupled with horrible tank controls, awful FOV and the worst animation priority since demons/dark souls...yeah.

This might have been great back when there werent actually good third person shooters, but this is rough now. Also, this might be the most overhyped game ive ever seen, im liking it, but good lord at best game ever and whatnot... especially when this is hailed as the GOAT and then RE5 is supposed to be shit. Like, what? This is as cheasy as any RE game, as much of a shooter as RE5 was, and about as scary (as in, not scary at all)

Im sure, like any old game, it doesnt help that I didnt play it at the time. Anyway, back to more dying I guess

edit: can of worms opened I guess :p
How does animation priority factor into Resident Evil 4? The melee system isn't as developed as 5 and obviously the mobility completely limited in comparison to 6. The enemies are all rather slow so managing them with the numerous crowd control options is very easy, game is built around the controls.

And no, it is not as action packed as RE5 where you have unlimited ammo and in the very opening fight against dozens of enemies while a helicopter backs you up with machine gun fire and missiles. The pacing is also second to none in the series, the build-up the the bosses and bigger locations is perfect. Even if you didn't play it at the time it still holds up as one of the best third person shooters.

Suppose like any popular game people go in hoping to find a reason to hate it.


And no, it is not as action packed as RE5 where you have unlimited ammo and in the very opening fight against dozens of enemies while a helicopter backs you up with machine gun fire and missiles.

Hey, that sounds exactly like RE4 minus the helicopter.


Sure, once you know how to stun enemies and use melee to finish people off. And to be fair to RE5 if you play on professional it has some rather nice ammo conversation required.

The 2 times I played through RE4 I very rarely used melee and I pretty much never used any sort of nades.

I was always drowning in ammo at all times, I was also drowning in healing items at all times.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Never have I been so happy with a videogame NPC as I am everytime the "what are you buying" guy shows up, thank god that shit section is over

edit: I am liking the game by the way even if I sound harsh in these last few areas, but even before, like everything up to el gigante where I never really had any troubles, I was liking but still trying to figure out where all the GOAT comments come from. To each its own I guess, and you probably had to play it at the time
I played the re-release of RE4 on the Wii and loved it. Probably one of my favorite games on that system. The controls do take some getting used to and I played it before I played RE5 so I had nothing to compare it to. Looking back I had a lot more fun with RE4 than 5. I think once you get used to the controls you'll start to enjoy it a lot more.
Thanks, won't bother then. Wonder if I should upgrade the Red9 or buy back the TMP and upgrade that.

The TMP is probably the best weapon in the game for taking care of the standard enemies. One shot to the head will open up melee possibilities once you've upgraded it.

And I have always used the Red9 as my main pistol and been happy with it, but I can't actually say whether it's the best.
The TMP is probably the best weapon in the game for taking care of the standard enemies. One shot to the head will open up melee possibilities once you've upgraded it.

And I have always used the Red9 as my main pistol and been happy with it, but I can't actually say whether it's the best.

Yeah, both are good for that, but I need to think of my inventory space now. Have the Striker with upgrades, the semi-rifle with upgrades, the infra scope and am thinking choosing between the two I mentioned. There's always lots of ammos for those two, so one will be handy. Mostly use the shotty though.
This is as cheasy as any RE game, as much of a shooter as RE5 was, and about as scary (as in, not scary at all)

The cheesiness is part of the appeal. If anything RE5 took itself too seriously. WIthout the cheese the story would be utterly boring.
Also I don't think any RE game is actually scary (except maybe REmake). RE4 still throws you into very tense encounters and situations.

Controls could be better and less sluggish but to be fair, most enemies are super slow and stupid to compensate for it.

Still GOAT

Dr Dogg

Yeah, I think underworld probably has the better balance between action and platforming/puzzles, it's why I liked it better than legend. TR2013 isn't actually a bad game but they focused a little too much with the non tomb stuff and narrative, so I'd like to see what they do with Rise of the Tomb Raider, I feel that the team is really capable of making a good game, but too distracted with "modernizing" them.

I will have to pick up PoP in a sale, they seem to be what people have been suggesting, I have and played a bit of forgotten sands, while it seems decent, I feel like I should just start with the old games first. As for PoP2008 it's kind of too boring, lol, it's a bit like a platforming ass creed but even more simplified when it comes to combat, and it feels a bit too automated for my taste.

Another old series I really want to play is legacy of kain. I've missed out on so many western franchises during the psx/ps2 days.

Hahaha that's probably why I like 08 so much. It's AC by the traversal at times and the combat is a bit rubbish it's not like the series has been famed for it. Then again the Sands of Time trilogy is a another series I could pluck certain elements from each and come up with a more ideal game.

Speaking of Legacy of Kain outside of the very first game, you know the one not on Steam I've only played a demo for Soul Reaver. Every time I see one of Mama Robbitnik's threads I get the urge to play them but still haven't got round to that yet. Bloody backlog!

yup this isnt fun...

Hahaha 'oh boy! I can hear many a keyboard clacking away in anger now. I think criticism is fair with regards to many of RE4's mechanics and so on but it's hard to take them out one by one because they each focus to serve each other. Slow enemies that duck and weave as well as ones that stay back and pelt you with dynamite and pick axes are balanced against the movement and aiming systems. When they game got rereleased on Steam the forums were awash with masses of complaints, some valid others not so. 5 and 6 both improve upon things from 4 as well as shitting things up that 4 still does to perfection in my eyes. Each to their own :p
Yeah, both are good for that, but I need to think of my inventory space now. Have the Striker with upgrades, the semi-rifle with upgrades, the infra scope and am thinking choosing between the two I mentioned. There's always lots of ammos for those two, so one will be handy. Mostly use the shotty though.

You could probably get rid of the pistol, really not needed with the TMP and shotgun. The only thing is the Red9 will one shot enemies after you upgrade it which is pretty useful as like you said there is a lot of ammo for it. Becomes a mini-revolver.

Just depends on how you play, if you use melee keep the TMP. Although realistically you should be able ot have all of that at once, I always did by that point. Are you getting the case upgrades?


Nice, DPAD now works to control your character in Vertical Drop Heroes HD. It still won't work to navigate the menus but it's still a step in the right direction.
My progress so far has been in unlocking stuff and trying to finish some levels as pacifist (only managed it once) while saving money to buy the unlocks/upgrades.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Halfway warns you if you use higher resolutions it might have problems because the game insnt intended for them

First time I use 1080p the game bugs out and I have to restart a mission >_> I guess it did warn me afterall :/


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
There's deal on GMG right now for A Story About My Uncle, which looks very cool in the trailer I've just watched (first person platforming). Anyone here play it, worth it?


Halfway warns you if you use higher resolutions it might have problems because the game insnt intended for them

First time I use 1080p the game bugs out and I have to restart a mission >_> I guess it did warn me afterall :/
Y u no listen to da warnings
Ace Combat Assault Horizon is really cool, I just played it for an hour and it's really nice.
It works with 360 pad and has option for japanese voices ;)


There's deal on GMG right now for A Story About My Uncle, which looks very cool in the trailer I've just watched. Anyone here play it, worth it? It looks like fast paced first person platforming

It looks pretty cool, buddy of mine who played it really liked it.
I'm tempted to use my Playfire mulah on this but my backlog of games I'm interested in playing has grown so big... I guess I'll hold on for a later sale.


There's deal on GMG right now for A Story About My Uncle, which looks very cool in the trailer I've just watched (first person platforming). Anyone here play it, worth it?
I've played it, it's a good game. It's probably only a few hours long, and it has some terrible voice acting, but the grappling hook mechanic is a hell of a lot of fun. I don't regret paying full price for it so whatever deal you're getting should be well worth it.


Unconfirmed Member
Ace Combat has mainly negative reviews on the Steam homepage but as a newcomer to the series, will i still enjoy it?

I've enjoyed the little I've played of it. I think the negative reviews come from hardcore AC fans who see it as the worst iteration.

The low price point goes along way to assuage the problems that the game has both as a sequel in the Ace Combat series and alone as its own game.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
It looks pretty cool, buddy of mine who played it really liked it.
I'm tempted to use my Playfire mulah on this but my backlog of games I'm interested in playing has grown so big... I guess I'll hold on for a later sale.

That's me right now. €6 worth of Playfire money and a lazy sunday afternoon are telling me I should bite. I will, because it's apparently very short (~2 hours) and pretty great. I'll report back.

I've played it, it's a good game. It's probably only a few hours long, and it has some terrible voice acting, but the grappling hook mechanic is a hell of a lot of fun. I don't regret paying full price for it so whatever deal you're getting should be well worth it.

I'm paying €0.80 for this. No brainer then :)
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