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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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Finished Arkham City a couple days ago and decided to jump in to Arkham Origins. It's just a touch buggy:

I'm supposed to be holding Killer Croc's head. When he started disappearing, the audio completely died. It started up again after the next cutscene. I can say that I like the HUD better, though. So there's that.

Haha, yeah, I ran into that bug too. For a second there, I thought Croc gained chameleon powers. Didn't run into any other major bugs though, from what I remember, outside of maybe a crash. The only time a bug made me stuck was in the Cold Cold Heart DLC, when I tried to land on something but Bats was stuck in the air; since I was outside, I just quit and reset to the last autosave.


A lot of key reseller sites aren't really reliable, and you can sometimes risk having your key rescinded by a company, meaning you can't play the game, and the site you bought it from may or may not give you a refund. Plus a lot of those sites are banned on Gaf.

Basically, any site not in this thread's OP = probably not safe to buy from.

Are Bundle Bandits and Shiny Loot safe?

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Uncharted is an excellent series. If you can pick up a PS3 for it. I'd do it.

My fave games of last gen (I haven't played TLoU). Pity they set an unrealistic deadline for 3, but I loved some of the stuff that they did with the desert and drug scenes.
I think Rhaknar can attest that you put like more than 10 hours into Strider on Steam.
...and Strider 2014 was much better than Yaiba, and I bought Yaiba off Steam Day 1ish, got most of its cheevos then uninstalled it after I got my fill of it.
Where were you when Yaibd was released ;P
Strider's still installed, waiting for me to replay it on Hard.

I like to think Frosty talks outa his butt when he bitches about Strider.
Hell I bought Strider for PS3 last week before Tuesday when it went on sale. I chuckled, when it did but did not regret the $5 I could've saved.
I'ma rank it as my #1 GotY just to spite him.
Man if my CC gets cleared I might do another Strider giveaway
if it goes on sale

How am I talking out of my ass when it comes to Strider? I've played it more than you already, I have 100% of the achievements and I've beaten it twice. I'm pretty sure that qualifies me to make comments about the game and what I didn't like...

For the record, I spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 9-10 hours with Strider. It was just enough to get 100% and then delete it from my hard drive immediately. The extra time on Steam, like most game times for me, was fucked up by idling cards... so it has an extra 5-6 hours on it from that.

I can honestly say I will NEVER play that game again. EVER. And here's why:
(1) There is no variety, in anything. There's two main types of levels -- futuristic cityscape and sewer. Maybe you could count the temple area... maybe... but it reminds me a lot of a blend between the sewer and the city. This makes it feel like you're never going anywhere.
(2) Continuing the no variety, there's maybe about 6 enemy types throughout the whole game, not including bosses, and that MAY be including the stupid-ass color coded enemies.
(3) Speaking of, it has color coded enemies, enough said.
(4) There is no challenge. At all, except for the first boss on hard if you haven't played before, the expected cyber gorilla fight because he does ridiculous damage, and one random encounter in the elevator on the ride up to the boss which is a difficulty spike of epic proportions on hard (I had 100% of the upgrades and only was able to manage it once I started using the gravity/purple slingshot for the special ability).
(5) The game is short. Ridiculously short -- and there's nothing to make you really go back because the combat is just mashing x for the most part. My first run, collecting everything, on hard (first time playing) clocked in around 6.5 hours, give or take. My speed run to get the final achievement would've clocked in at under 2.25 hours easily, but I decided to go out of my way to get a few extra upgrades just to make sure I wouldn't have a problem with that poorly designed encounter in the final area.
(6) The gameplay, at it's core, is extremely simple and ultimately boring. There is a practically useless upward attack mapped to Y, which was only ever useful for some of the reflecting projectiles from the wall cannons, so for the most part, combat is a total snoozefest. I was bored of the combat (and traversal mechanics) within the first 45 minutes or so and the only ability/upgrade that gave me any sort of repreive was the slingshot catapult which you get kind of late.
(7) The "cutscenes" are some C-level voice acting. You would think this is some fan made Strider game that failed out of kickstarter and was made anyway judging by this stuff. Add in the ridiculous "portraits" that don't match and sprinkle in the non-existent story and that side of the game makes it so that gameplay (as usual) should be the reason to love the game if there was one. But based on the above points, there's nothing good about the gameplay, as far as I'm concerned. It's mediocre and boring, at it's best.
(8) The lack of attention to detail really bothered me... I had a bunch of examples, but the one that always gets me is that from the very moment you take control of Hiryu, he has a pouch/pack on his shoulder containing kunai -- you get a very good look at it during one of the first parts of gameplay. And yet you don't actually get the kunai ability til 50% of the game is over. There wer other examples, I'm sure, but this is the one that just stood out for me about all others.
(9) The lack of NG+ kills any potential hope of replay value. Did you miss collectibles? Did you want to get every single retro "collectible" they hid in places (which are kinda lame themselves)? Oh, you already went to take on the final boss? Tough, start over from scratch. And I don't think they ever patched it in.
(10) Beyond all this, the game had technical issues like crazy. While I never really encountered many, I have a pretty good graphics card and it's more than capable of handling the game as intended with DX11. But for those without such niceties? Good fuckin' luck.

I could probably spout more reasons I did not like the game, but for me it was the most boring and disappointing way that Strider could have returned in his own game and I'd honestly rather have the PSX game via emulator or play the arcade rom in the Capcom collections on my Vita. My nostalgia hyped me up and the promo trailers they put together gave me hope for the game when I originally thought it would be bad since announce because I didn't like the 2.5D or the Metroidvania direction it was going in. I gave in, I got it for about $9 and made a bunch of that back via playfire rewards for 100%'ing the game. But I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone, ever, and I highly advise anyone interested make sure they check out one of the demos for the game on consoles if possible. If you own a PS4 and have PS+, get it that way, maybe you like it, maybe you have fun with it because your expectations were non-existant due to not knowing or caring about the Strider franchise. But as a die-hard Strider fan? This is not the game we deserved, not even close.

So to be fair, my hatred of Strider comes from the intense disappointment I felt for the game. If you're not like me, you could probably play the game, maybe enjoy it for what it is, and it would be like a 7/10 max, but probably more like a 5.5-6.5. But for me? It's the most disappointment I've felt in gaming since January of 2002 -- where after 15-20 hours invested into FFX, I found that I did not like the game and thought it was terrible. And I kept pushing forward hoping that the next few hours would change my opinion... but it never happened. This is the same thing that occurred for me with Strider 2014. I kept pushing forward hoping it would get better and I would like it... and I never did. In fact, if I'm talking Capcom reboots, I would put DmC leagues above Strider... but that's another story.

I know I talk like Strider came to my house, beat my dogs, and then shit in my microwave... and that's a bit of hyperbole... it happens because of the disappointment I had with it after letting my hopes and expectations rise the week before it's release.

For the record, here's the screencaps from when I finished it:


Is it really that good? Kenji Inafune is pretty much the kiss of death in making me interested in something, the panties and other numerous stuff that doesn't feel like Ninja Gaiden 1-2 from Itagaki also drove me from it. :/

I mean if I got it for free (doubt I hit the mega-giver status given mega-giver rollover now), I guess I'd give it a run through, but I'm not sure I'd pay Tecmo that much for something over Ninja Gaiden Black and Sigma 2 if they were ported.
Or preferably: DOA5U and DOAXBV

I think it's a lot of fun, but I compare it to a musou game more than a character action game. It's kind of like Dynasty Warriors and Ninja Gaiden had a kid and then the kid got fucked up on a drug called Borderlands (in terms of the edgy humour and visuals).

Pork, like Jon Snow, knows nothing

how long is Yaiba anyway? on normal, more or less

6-8 hours, maybe? Depends on how much trouble you have with some of the combat. Play on normal, for sure. Easy might be too easy to have fun, but hard will be a brick wall you drive into at 88mph when you hit chapter 5.

Yeah I really did not like Homecoming at all. Strider isn't super horrible, it's just a really disappointing game since they really didn't stick to what a Strider game was at all. I still have it on my PS4 and haven't played more than 2 hours just because every area looks the damn same.

Then again most of my Strider experience growing up was stuffing quarters into the arcade version. Never played the NES or genesis versions so I have no clue if they were any different.

Genesis was a port of the arcade game. PSX was a sequel inspired by the arcade game. NES was what this game could have been, if done right, and it's not. (Random: In a discussion I had with Fuzzi one night about Strider, he indicated he experienced it through his friend's hype and play, because his friend was a diehard fan of the NES version. His friend never even finished this new game.)

it really is THAT good ... and don't look at it like it's another Ninja Gaiden game ... because it isn't .... and it was never supposed to be ... it's a really good game in its own right

Don't oversell it, lash.
But yeah, it's not a character action game and was never meant to be. It's a game that plays like a musou but with a combat system pulled out of a character action game -- so you can dash, block, counter and mix the combination of your 3 weapons into like 30+ combos.

This is what I've been saying since the game was released/close to release.
No one listened.
In it's own right, yeah I guess it'd be good, but I personally didn't like it that much.
Some great colors though.

This is a fair assessment. It's not for everyone, but it's not the worst game ever made as the internet and some reviewers would have you believe.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
never play Halfway frost, or, well, unless its a bundle or 75% off or something

and this is coming from someone that likes Halfway as you know. but you could copy and paste every problem you had about Strider onto Halfway really
It's a bummer the next-gen improvements for Tomb Raider never came to the PC version. I'd finish the game if the trees moved!

But that face...

I will say this about Tomb Raider 2013:
Using the bow was awesome.

Yes it was.

Heh I confess that I didn't like TR 2013 that much because it strayed from the traditional TR formula, BUT as an Uncharted-like game? Yeah I could recommend it if you were into that. Heck I wanted my brother to try out the game since he likes Uncharted, but the guy would rather replay Walking Dead Season 1 for the 90th time.

TR2013 sits at the top of my Uncharted list. In fact, I think I liked it better than every single Uncharted game ever made.

Idk I think Tomb Raider's a pretty fun Uncharted clone.

Yes. Yes it is.

never play Halfway frost, or, well, unless its a bundle or 75% off or something

Lack of variety, eh? I only spent $6 or so on it. As long as the core gameplay presents some semblance of challenge and I find it enjoyable, I can be willing to overlook things like "it's the same enemy with a palette swap" type stuff (so long as the enemy might have a few new quirks or something instead of just being a red version of the blue one with triple health and double damage).


hmm I don't know how I should build my character in divinity, hope i don't mess it up

also looks like Halo 2 got himself banned somewhere, RIP


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Lack of variety, eh? I only spent $6 or so on it. As long as the core gameplay presents some semblance of challenge and I find it enjoyable, I can be willing to overlook things like "it's the same enemy with a palette swap" type stuff (so long as the enemy might have a few new quirks or something instead of just being a red version of the blue one with triple health and double damage).

its exactly that :p

they've started using grenades recently, thats about it. Just color / health / dmg difference. The game is also really easy, only recently about 5 hours in did it start getting somewhat challenging (in fact I was stuck on a side mission for a bit until I changed my line-up)

In fact, youre one of those "plays on hard from the start" types anyway, so youll extra hate it

heres a little topic of discussion ive been meaning to ask to help me keep awake, what are the games known to be better to just play on easy to be enjoyable?

Red Fation Armaggedon is the popular one, but there was another one recently that im forgetting. Any more examples, before people start those games and end up hating them?


This is what I wanna know.

It was Halo 1. wasn't it?


I started Landmark for the first time. Game is running a bit choppy even on medium setting. But then again it's still early beta. it's a bit ridiculous that the moment you start up the game you're greeted by some guy in a ponytail talking about how awesome the game is for 5 minutes before you get to the character creation screen. You can't even skip it.


I plan on it. I finally got a PS3 about a year ago and have been slowly buying up the exclusives. Not sure when I will play them though... :)
You owe it to yourself to play the last of us.

Best game of last year on ANY platform, bar none in my opinion.


I plan on it. I finally got a PS3 about a year ago and have been slowly buying up the exclusives. Not sure when I will play them though... :)

If you ever need any help with buying cheap games let me know. I can use my employee discount to help you.

You owe it to yourself to play the last of us.

Best game of last year on ANY platform, bar none in my opinion.

Eanan know whats up. *high five*


Heard y'all were talking about the Tomb Raider reboot.

It was sort of okay? Maybe?

It felt like the Tomb Raiding was just thrown in there so they would have an excuse to call it Tomb Raider, but a bunch of single-puzzle tiny tombs are not what I wanted.

It also felt like they made the game around a bunch of survival elements and then took them out when the focus groups didn't like them. I feel like hunting and eating to keep your strength up was supposed to be a thing, and the skills still talk about getting "food" from animals and caches, but it's just XP. Also there's wildlife to hunt freaking everywhere, but there's no real reason to. That and the fact that you "craft" weapons by just pulling "parts" from random crates and then auto-building them at a campfire, makes me think the game was originally designed to have way more of a survival focus, to go along with the theme the plot establishes.

It's definitely my least favorite of the games I've played with Lara Croft in them.

Anniversary>Guardian of Light>>Legend>Underworld>>>Tomb Raider 2013


hmm I don't know how I should build my character in divinity, hope i don't mess it up

also looks like Halo 2 got himself banned somewhere, RIP

You get two companions: one a two-hand users, the other an air/water mage. (You can also later recruit generic companions of any build you like, but they never talk.) The air/water mage gets some crafting skill (but you can also just make a generic to specialize in crafting).

Just in case you wanted to build your characters to not overlap the companions.

I made a fire/earth mage/witch and a ranger. I took pet pal because it's awesome.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It's a bummer the next-gen improvements for Tomb Raider never came to the PC version. I'd finish the game if the trees moved!

I think Squeenix will release the DE on the PC in due time. When pressed on the matter it said that there are no plans "at this time" for a PC release, which is universal PR speak for "It's happening but we're not talking about it at this juncture".


Unconfirmed Member
Any idea who's alt. Also how did they find out

Probably by cross checking the IP addresses.

I hope we'll see wheelman in here one day

As far as I know, Vin Diesel owns the IP and the now shuttered studio behind the game; yet he has deemed it not worth it to re-license the game. Unless he becomes interested in being a developer again or sells the property outright (This of course assumes some third party believes there is profit to be made with the IP), chances are low to non-existent.


Not a mod, just a bot.
This is a scheduled automated repost on behalf of corrosivefrost, who is running this raffle.

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