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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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JaseC is no match for prime wavy-haired Taylor Swift. If it's incapable of consuming your entire face under a fit of rain, then it's too conservative.


Should, god forbid, I ever actually be perma'd, I hope it's by the hand of an admin and he/she changes my avatar of the time to this one.

I'm sure Stump's got your back...

dilemma time: you are given the chance to spend a weekend with Saoirse but must ask Valve to close your Steam account and swear to never purchase a game again in order to make it happen. What do you do?


Oh god, GAF is a scary place outside this thread today. Batten down the hatches.

(So IGN posted footage of X1 Destiny, and Bungie guy says that they are going for parity across the consoles, cue a thread of fanboys flipping the @*#& out because either "HOW DARE THEY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GLORIOUS EXTRA POWER OF THE PS4 THEY GIMPED THE PS4 VERSION ON PURPOSE MONEYHATS XBONE ARGLEBLARGLE" or it's "NOT REAL JOURNALISTS THEYRE ALL FANBOY APOLOGISTS ARGLEBLARGLE")

Jesus... games are supposed to be fun, right?

Don't know. I usually am in this thread and a couple more and I think this one is sometimes really fucked up, there are some serious fuckups here. The waifu shit has gone overboard a long time ago, yet people continue.

And the "hatred" towards console-gaf is really something as well.
To name some things that bug me here.
For instance just change your example to PC vs Console regarding games and how they been made on multiple platforms. And you have the exact situation that occurs in this thread regularly.

Yeah... just had to get that out of me...
I'm sure Stump's got your back...

dilemma time: you are given the chance to spend a weekend with Saoirse but must ask Valve to close your Steam account and swear to never purchase a game again in order to make it happen. What do you do?
Simple: He opens up a Steam account for Saoirse, gifts her the best games, and turns it into a longer than a weekend. ;)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Nice try, Afterfall: Reconquest, but Infinite Undiscovery is still the most eye-roll-inducing game title of all time.


How is Bridge Project? I'd really like to play a "Bridge Constructor" game right now and the Humble Bundle is tempting. Is Bridge Project on par with Bridge Constructor? Or is it a lame clone?



EDIT: at least not before someone on Nexus replace all those pics with fluffy bears or something.

I'm having a trip from hell I hate Buenos Aires I'm fighting with my gf all the time I think we broke up and I miss this thread

is that weird/sad
sucks yo :/

bs as can be pretty depressing if ur bummed already

Catch up with zkylon and throw a spider at her face. She'll love it and it'll make you feel better! :p
did i do somethign to you


Oh god, GAF is a scary place outside this thread today. Batten down the hatches.

(So IGN posted footage of X1 Destiny, and Bungie guy says that they are going for parity across the consoles, cue a thread of fanboys flipping the @*#& out because either "HOW DARE THEY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GLORIOUS EXTRA POWER OF THE PS4 THEY GIMPED THE PS4 VERSION ON PURPOSE MONEYHATS XBONE ARGLEBLARGLE" or it's "NOT REAL JOURNALISTS THEYRE ALL FANBOY APOLOGISTS ARGLEBLARGLE")

Jesus... games are supposed to be fun, right?

I can understand the disappointment however, after all this is a comparable issue with most PC ports. At least on the PC we can (with a few exceptions) choose how to use the additional processing power ourself (i.e. go for a higher framerate or resolution, better AA, ...) but on consoles that choice doesn't exist. So knowing that the additional power wont be utilized can be disappointing, but at the same time i believe that people expect the power gap to be much bigger than it truly is. Still, that such a gap exists is undeniable at this point and even if the games run at the same resolution and what not, the PS4 might still have a slight edge over the the xbox one version (more stable framerate, less tearing, ...), so they should simply wait with their final verdict. But people heavily interested in the console war obviously want more pronounced differences between the two versions and this is something i probably will never truly understand.

You are 100% awesome, thanks man !

the preferred nomenclature is ecchi-enthusiast <3


I got my Skyrim Legendary Edition! To celebrate I decided to get 100% Orange Juice for 50% off so you can enjoy 200% Moe with 300% Uguu.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Hugstable, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

100% Orange Juice -- MB-8BF96E048275AE1D - Taken by Toshin. 21 entrants total.

How is Bridge Project? I'd really like to play a "Bridge Constructor" game right now and the Humble Bundle is tempting. Is Bridge Project on par with Bridge Constructor? Or is it a lame clone?

Its ok. It feels like it should be a free flash game but there is nothing wrong with it beyond that.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
It's a valid concern. This isn't the first time this has happened, either. Watch Dogs was the previous example.

Personally, I'm not interested in seeing 5 years of multiplats gimped down to the lowest common denominator. Last generation was frustrating enough as a PC gamer.
Eh I think most gamers didn't care since they were playing the visually flawless editions of those games in terms of framerate and resolution on PC.


Just beat Legend of Grimrock. That last fight was tense and sort of bullshit with the infinite enemies, so I'm happy I managed to luck into luring the boss into a desolate corner where I could easily pick it apart. It took 11 hours and now I'm kind of sad that it's over. I could do hard(core) mode and go for all the achievements but I really don't think I want to. That no map oldschool map sounds like a pain; the map is vital since every wall sadly looks the same... Better just save myself for Grimrock 2 in what will hopefully be early 2015.

Also, my review is the top-voted one for Pixel Hunter. There's someone who's going wild with downvoting all negative reviews, heh. Someone should study the psychology of weirdos who latch onto terrible games and defend them at all costs...

Whoever he is, he's ruining my fucking panty party...

I'd say spoilers, but none of y'all are going to buy or play this game anyway. :3
Hey! Not everyone in this thread is some kind of waifu non-game fanatic. I'm going to play it eventually.


I really liked Afterfall:Insanity. Yes it was a bad game in every way - ugly graphics, boring gameplay (especially the melee), terrible voice acting, plus a story going mad bonkers 2-3 hours in.

But I still enjoyed it for what it tried to do - be a AAA horror TPS but without the budget to do AAA. Many indie games then focus only on one aspect, like going 2D to cut costs or have no voice overs. Afterfall still tried to do it all and failed spectacularly which I respect. It was a the equivalent of a B movie in game form.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm sure Stump's got your back...

dilemma time: you are given the chance to spend a weekend with Saoirse but must ask Valve to close your Steam account and swear to never purchase a game again in order to make it happen. What do you do?

I defer this question to Waterfox:


Sorry, Steam. :p

I hope they change it to happy saorise dicarpio

But I would be so sad. :(

did i do somethign to you

Not yet but there's no harm in being proactive. :p

Coincidental, but "Infinite Undiscovery" will be what GAF labels your and Saiorse's sex tape once it leaks.

I'd keep that stuff under lock and key. And lions and tigers and cerberuses.

Hrmmm...What about:

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

Infinite Undiscovery still wins because it makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. Whenever I'm sad, I just think of the name and laugh at how utterly ridiculous it is.


Does the Skyrim Legendary Edition just overwrite what was the original Skyrim and isn't 2 seperate title like Batman Arkham City and Arkham City GOTY? I still only have the one Skyrim, and if it's like this with only the one merged copy and that's amazing because having 2 copies of B:AC was a bit annoying.
Inu X Boku
Muh settings:
Apparently hosting a tutorial on pomf about how to get avast to whitelist pomf is a bad idea
This is so helpful. Thanks. Always thought in MIME tab I had to type file type. This clears it up.
Unless something has changed, there's a confirmation screen prior to activation that shows which version of the game your key is tied to.
What would I do without your patience JaseC?
Never thought it to be possible but Saoirse looks even more Irish now :p
Hey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
Welcome meow, Steam-Gaf is a very nice place I have to say. Lurked mainly news threads before but man now I rarely get out. So much fighting in many threads.
About 5 minutes until the championship games begin for The International.
The production values for TI4 are insanely high.
You seem so excited about this. But I don't understand what this means actually. Care to link, please?
I see gifs from this anime very often. Is it good and what is actually?
Better safe than sorry.
Eh, you are right actually.
Speaking of which, you can get part 2 for the price of a tweet/facebook post, apparently.
I did, and it was very fast and easy. For those interested, it's actually non-DRM in .zip format. So not a steam key.
Would like to make a giveaway for my code-link but since it's non-DRM I shouldn't ?
Cautiously optimistic about Civ:Beyond Earth.
Recommend watching the ~10min gameplay video on Gamersyde if you're interested.
Looks very promising but not like a similar jump from Civ IV to Civ V but more like an expansion for Civ V which turned standalone at some point.
Prospero looked interesting, shame Valve canned it. It was incredibly ambitious for the time, though.
Woah, that Aleph/Prospero overworld could actually be used to tie the Portal world with the Half-Life world into one setting.
Interesting how much Prospero reminded me of Portal. Didn't know that devs re-use not only assets but also themes for their other projects.
One disappointing thing though. Valve has these ideas and bigger, more complex lore on backburner but when I look at their output the last years, it's a shame they seemingly don't care about incorporating any of that but instead focus on MOBA/multiplayer so much.
That video was made very good, thanks for making me find this channel.
Indie Gala Every Monday Bundle
Price: 1.49$
  • The Tower
  • Block Story
  • Dark Scavenger
  • Pardigm Shift
  • Sequence
  • Instant Dungeon
TOWER ! Damn, very enticing. I really want to thank you turfy for posting all these different deals and coupon codes all the time. Before I didn't even know steam keys could be bought outside of steam. Just know that your efforts are appreciated.
this may have convinced me to get deus ex goty edition in the next sale
(yes i've never played it)
i never asked for this mashup
No biggie. You just missed on one of my personal Best Game Of All Time. No biggie.
Have fun playing. Your world view will hopefully change :)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Does the Skyrim Legendary Edition just overwrite what was the original Skyrim and isn't 2 seperate title like Batman Arkham City and Arkham City GOTY? I still only have the one Skyrim, and if it's like this with only the one merged copy and that's amazing because having 2 copies of B:AC was a bit annoying.

It's just a Steam bundle containing the individual Skyrim and DLC apps.
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