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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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abbie oddie hotfix update to fix the leaderboards not working correctly

devs also say there will be another (bigger) patch later in the week with other fixes and things changed/added

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Does the Skyrim Legendary Edition just overwrite what was the original Skyrim and isn't 2 seperate title like Batman Arkham City and Arkham City GOTY? I still only have the one Skyrim, and if it's like this with only the one merged copy and that's amazing because having 2 copies of B:AC was a bit annoying.

Yeah, it's the same app

the preferred nomenclature is ecchi-enthusiast <3
Is this game "obejectively" fun or only fun if you like anime?
I like quirky japanese humor and culture but fan service doesn't hold me by the candle longer than a couple minutes.
Lets not pretend PC gamers are somehow above that destiny parity reaction. Remember that dead rising 60 fps thread?
No one's innocent, PC gamers are practically the pioneers of those reactions.

It's a valid concern. This isn't the first time this has happened, either. Watch Dogs was the previous example.

Personally, I'm not interested in seeing 5 years of multiplats gimped down to the lowest common denominator. Last generation was frustrating enough as a PC gamer.
The concerns are fine, I just don't care for the tone that generally pervades the discussions. The divide between the current two consoles is about the least significant it's ever been and I don't think Destiny is a strong case for anything with its development being rooted in last gen hardware for a handful of years.


Are any of the Wildlife park games as good as Zoo Tycoon? I'm been itching to play Zoo Tycoon again and I can't find it on any of the digital distribution services.

Wondering this myself. Seems weird that Wildlife Park 2 is the one with the interesting looking DLC.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I keep looking at the permaJaseC and thinking "how funny would it be if she somehow saw this and then went for that look?"


She did finish shooting a period drama a couple of months ago, but sadly it misses the perm craze period by about three decades. ;)
You seem so excited about this. But I don't understand what this means actually. Care to link, please?


Woah, that Aleph/Prospero overworld could actually be used to tie the Portal world with the Half-Life world into one setting.
Interesting how much Prospero reminded me of Portal. Didn't know that devs re-use not only assets but also themes for their other projects.
One disappointing thing though. Valve has these ideas and bigger, more complex lore on backburner but when I look at their output the last years, it's a shame they seemingly don't care about incorporating any of that but instead focus on MOBA/multiplayer so much.
That video was made very good, thanks for making me find this channel.

Yeah, they've been playing it very safe these last years. Focused more on building and engaging the community instead of ambitious, cutting edge games. But it's working out for them...


I wish you could add packs to your wishlist.

I wanted to add Skyrim Legendary Edition to my wishlist and i don't want to add vanilla Skyrim to it in case someone gifts me it. I'd rather have the whole thing...


I wish you could add packs to your wishlist.

I wanted to add Skyrim Legendary Edition to my wishlist and i don't want to add vanilla Skyrim to it in case someone gifts me it. I'd rather have the whole thing...

Would be nice if they just offered a stupid upgrade.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
There's more to it than framerate and resolution. Texture quality is another factor, as is complexity of level design.
Complexity of level design is a BS complaint as we have plenty of games that do have complex level design that still runs on the lowest common denominator.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I wish you could add packs to your wishlist.

I wanted to add Skyrim Legendary Edition to my wishlist and i don't want to add vanilla Skyrim to it in case someone gifts me it. I'd rather have the whole thing...

Yeah, sub support is something that is sorely lacking, especially these days with the prevalence of Special Editions and the like.


Playing some backlog, finally got around to Dust Eliysian Tail. It's been pretty fun!
Chapter 3 was a slog. Really got annoyed going through it repeatedly with the enemy types they have there. But enjoyable game.

Unrelated does Modbot NOLURKERS rulework in other threads? Or just Steam?

If we lowball the amount of hours it takes to beat each game and say that they average out to 3 hours each, it would take approximately 250 straight days of 24 hour gaming to clear out that backlog.

assuming you're a decent human being who sleeps 8 hours a day and works 8 hours a day, if you were to play only on during your free time of 8 hours (and really now, it's unrealistic to think you would play 8 hours a day given showers, eating, bathroom breaks, etc etc but let's go with that for now) it would take you about 750 days, or a bit over 2 years straight of playing during your free time, to finish up your backlog and that's assuming that you halt your purchases right now and get to it immediately.

so yeah, i think you've got this. I'll see ya around august of 2016, duder :p
Playing some backlog, finally got around to Dust Eliysian Tail. It's been pretty fun!
Chapter 3 was a slog. Really got annoyed going through it repeatedly with the enemy types they have there. But enjoyable game.

Doing it on Hardcore?

Do chapter 3 on hardcore and hate yourself.

Then breeze through the next two chapters. It's really bizarre the difficulty curve.


Unconfirmed Member
Because Stallion Free couldn't be bothered to copy and paste the text he wanted everyone to read:

You're stepping into a world after the outbreak of war. A war in which nuclear warheads weren't the ultimate means of destruction, rather a stage in a self-made apocalypse. A new weapon was used. Nobody heard about the Entropy charges before the Day Zero and a few remained to tell the story after.

Only two groups of people managed to survive the apocalyptic conflict. The first consisted of the lucky ones who found shelter in one of the 'sanctuary cities' hidden deep in the mountains. Their luck, however, was the first resource to run out. Soon it became obvious that these havens weren't self-sufficient. After a few years the resources started to deplete and when they finally ran dry, worn out and embittered survivors once again were forced to find a new place to call home.

Today, former inhabitants of the sanctuary cities descended into the valleys in search of fertile soil, clean water and resources to process into fuel and tools. Thus begins the RECONQUEST - slow and ardous process of taking the land back from mutants and wildlife and rebuilding the lost cities and civilization.

As for the second group... their fate remains a mystery.


You're one of the surviving members of the Corvin family. Your task is to find out what caused the annihilation of your family and execute vengeance upon the guilty.

Every night you're haunted by nightmares. They're somehow connected to the childhood. The problem is that you're not really sure whether it is your childhood that you're dreaming about. The path you've taken is not an easy one. Along the way you'll come to realize that there are powers at work in this barren world that don't want you to know the truth.

Despite your neutrality, more than once you'll find yourself entangled in intrigues. You will reveal many mysteries of the post-apocalyptic world. Maybe you'll even discover the secrets of mythical 'Pearl of Wastelands', the image of which looms large in everyone's mind.


If we lowball the amount of hours it takes to beat each game and say that they average out to 3 hours each, it would take approximately 250 straight days of 24 hour gaming to clear out that backlog.

assuming you're a decent human being who sleeps 8 hours a day and works 8 hours a day, if you were to play only on during your free time of 8 hours (and really now, it's unrealistic to think you would play 8 hours a day given showers, eating, bathroom breaks, etc etc but let's go with that for now) it would take you about 750 days, or a bit over 2 years straight of playing during your free time, to finish up your backlog and that's assuming that you halt your purchases right now and get to it immediately.

so yeah, i think you've got this. I'll see ya around august of 2016, duder :p

Realistically I would say more like 8 years of play. Just a random guess.

But you can probably cut out all the crappy indie games from bundles and have much less.

Edit: I accidentally posted this lol. Was gonna delete it but ah well


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
If we lowball the amount of hours it takes to beat each game and say that they average out to 3 hours each, it would take approximately 250 straight days of 24 hour gaming to clear out that backlog.

assuming you're a decent human being who sleeps 8 hours a day and works 8 hours a day, if you were to play only on during your free time of 8 hours (and really now, it's unrealistic to think you would play 8 hours a day given showers, eating, bathroom breaks, etc etc but let's go with that for now) it would take you about 750 days, or a bit over 2 years straight of playing during your free time, to finish up your backlog and that's assuming that you halt your purchases right now and get to it immediately.

so yeah, i think you've got this. I'll see ya around august of 2016, duder :p

you are clearly missing the point :p

anyway cant think of anything special for the 2k, was going to make it Ultra SF4 but thats DLC >_>


Complexity of level design is a BS complaint as we have plenty of games that do have complex level design that still runs on the lowest common denominator.

You've started off on a confrontational step but I'll ignore it.

There was complex level design on SNES by NES standards. The question is how complex, how many polygons, how many moving objects, how much destructable geometry, how complex the physics running (e.g. water, wind, etc), and so on. The more processing power, the more the developer can do with it. Whether the complexity of the level design on Xbox 1 is sufficient for your standards is not the question.

The question is how much can be done on a top of the line PC compared to an Xbox One (or on a PS4 versus an Xbox One, if that's your concern), and will that occur in the next 5 years, or will it not because developers want to target the lowest hardware platform possible. Right now it might not look like a huge difference, even though the Xbox One GPU is very poor in comparison to top end PC GPUs. In 2 years, 3, it will be an even bigger difference, and an even bigger concern.
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